司机大战普朗克|Planck V.S. Chauffeur

司机大战普朗克|Planck V.S. Chauffeur_第1张图片
▴From left to right: W. Nernst, A. Einstein, M. Planck, R.A. Millikan and von Laue at a dinner given by von Laue in Berlin on 11 November 1931

▸Told the story of Max Planck and his chauffeur. After winning the Nobel Prize, Planck toured around giving a speech. The chauffeur memorized the speech and asked if he could give it for him, pretending to be Planck, in Munich and Planck would pretend to be the chauffeur.

▸Planck let him do it and after the speech someone asked a tough question. The real chauffeur said that he couldn’t believe someone in such an advanced city like Munich would ask suchan elementary question and as such, he was going to ask his chauffeur (Planck) to reply.

▸In this world we have two kinds of knowledge. One is Planck knowledge, the people who really know. They’ve paid the dues, they have the aptitude. And then we’ve got chauffeur knowledge. They have learned the talk. They may have a big head of hair, they may have fine temper in the voice, they’ll make a hell of an impression. But in the end, all they have is chauffeur knowledge.




(Via Charles Munger)


(Via 别再培养高学历的野蛮人,鲍鹏山)


▸没有人能够随意地生活;凡是一个需要完成伟大事业而这伟大事业又需要他全部精力的人,在这一方面,是没有多少选择余地的。 内脏上稍稍有一点麻痹,一旦正常化以后,就足以把一个天才变成平庸人物。




Via 《尼采自传》

Roger's Comment:

▸There are always two kinds of people, who are smart and who are pretending to be smart, who are rich and who are pretending to be rich, who are kind and who are pretending to be kind. Being or staying with the later ones are both dangerous.

司机大战普朗克|Planck V.S. Chauffeur_第2张图片

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