ICCV 历年 Best paper(1987-2019)汇总,持续更新~

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ICCV 历年 Best paper(1987-2019)汇总,持续更新中~~

  1. 2019:SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image
  2. 2017:Mask R-CNN
  3. 2015:Deep Neural Decision Forests
  4. 2013:From Large Scale Image Categorization to Entry- Level Categories
  5. 2011:Relative Attributes
  6. 2009:Discriminative Models for Multi-class Object Layout
  7. 2007:Population Shape Regression From Random Design Data
  8. 2005:Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems
  9. 2003:Image-based Rendering using Image-based Priors
    2003:Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection and Recognition
    2003:Detecting Pedestrians using Patterns of Motion and Appearance
  10. 2001:Probabilistic Tracking in a Metric Space
    2001:The Space of All Stereo Images
  11. 1999:A Theory of Shape by Space Carving
    1999:Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection up to Subgroups
  12. 1998:Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction in spite of Varying and Unknown Internal Camera Parameters
    1998:Maintaining multiple motion model hypotheses over many views to recover matching and structure
  13. 1995:Shape from Shading with Interreflections under a Proximal Light Source: Distortion-Free Copying of an Unfolded Book
    1995:A Theory of Specular Surface Geometry
  14. 1993:Extracting Projective Structure from Single Perspective Views
    of 3D Point Sets
  15. 1990:Shape from Interreflections
  16. 1988:Color from Black and White
  17. 1987:Optical Flow using Spatiotemporal Filters
