由于网络中的病毒virus/malware等存在随时变异或者对应多种感染方式等情况,本文所针对的处理方法仅针对本次样本负责,个人如有误操作,后果自负。如需帮助,可以关注我的公众号(我在全球村)然后回复关键词:”加微信“ 获取我的微信号,或通过文末二维码添加messager联系我!
Because the virus/malware in the network is mutated at any time or corresponds to multiple infection methods, the processing method targeted in this paper is only responsible for this sample. If the individual has misoperation, the consequences are at your own risk. If you need help, you can follow my public account (MyGlobalVillage) and then reply to the keyword: "Add WeChat" to get my WeChat ID, or contact me via the messager QR code at the end of the post!
最近协助移除恶意插件时,遇到一些网友反馈移除清理不干净的情况,并说右键菜单或者Chrome浏览器出现了“由贵单位管理(Managed by your organization)“的选项,感觉是莫名其妙,而且清理后,主页没有被自动恢复,哎,看来生产恶意软件的人又开始利用浏览器的漏洞了!经过一天的折腾捣鼓,终于搞清楚了来由和解决方法,现写出来留给需要的人尝试!
When assisting in the removal of malicious plug-ins recently, I encountered some netizens' feedback that the removal and cleaning was not clean, and said that the "Managed by your organization" option appeared in the right-click menu or Chrome browser. And after cleaning, the homepage was not automatically restored. Hey, it seems that the people who produced the malware started to use the browser's loopholes again! After a day of tossing, I finally figured out the reason and solution, and now write it down for those who need it!
Many Google Chrome users find that the setting option has an additional reminder managed by your organization, and many people on the forum have feedback and seek ways to remove it.
How can I determine if something similar has happened to my computer?
其实很简单,一个是看Chrome 右上角菜单选项中是否有该选项.
It ’s actually very simple, one is to see if it is available in the menu option in the upper right corner of Chrome.
Or enter in your browser: chrome: // management /
When it taken over:
When not taken over:
如果是企业用户遇到这个通知可能还能理解但不少个人用户也遇到这种情况,使用的并非谷歌浏览器企业版。同时遇到这个问题的不仅仅是国内网友而是全球网友都遇到了,谷歌官方已经发布声明解释(见下文 “Managed by your organization” messages)。
If this notice is encountered by business users, it may be understood, but many individual users also encounter this situation, not using Google Chrome Enterprise Edition. At the same time, not only domestic netizens but global netizens who encountered this problem encountered Google ’s official statement statement (see “Managed by your organization” messages below).
Let's take a look at Google's official definition of this feature:
For corporate computers, if your company has a strategy in place, such as adding some important intranet sites to bookmarks. Then don't try to cancel it. It should be clearly public and private.
For home or personal computers, third-party software uses this function arbitrarily, setting corporate policies to personal computers, causing the browser to display: "The browser is managed by its organization."
In most cases, these policies are secure. For example, a third-party software does not need to use enterprise policies, but some third-party software may have special purposes and therefore add enterprise policies. For example, password managers such as LastPass may trigger this type of policy, causing users to see related words managed by your organization in the browser.
At the same time, some third-party software does not have a clear purpose but also uses corporate policies, and this happens to be seen by malicious hijacking software. It is really powerful, making it impossible to remove, not to remove, including many expensive The anti-virus software has not been cleaned up. Students who have tried it should know it.
Open Chrome: // policy in Google Chrome and you will see which policies are enabled in Chrome. Such as your password management extension or other policies enabled by trusted programs.
The strategy of one of the netizens is as follows:
The exported json file is similar to the following:
"chromeMetadata": {
"OS": "macOS 版本 10.13.6(版号 17G11023)",
"application": "Google Chrome",
"revision": "fcea73228632975e052eb90fcf6cd1752d3b42b4-refs/branch-heads/3987@{#974}",
"version": "80.0.3987.132 (正式版本) (64 位)"
"chromePolicies": {
"DefaultSearchProviderEnabled": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": true
"DefaultSearchProviderName": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": "SearchMine"
"DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": "https://www.searchmine.net/search/?asset=hp&wtguid=59730897629213944&wtmacid=692cb6d70138b337cc4092a0d10777eb&wtsrc=8291&wtdt=031420&wtbr=1&wtpl="
"DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": "https://www.searchmine.net/search/?asset=ds&wtguid=59730897629213944&wtmacid=692cb6d70138b337cc4092a0d10777eb&wtsrc=8291&wtdt=031420&wtbr=1&wtpl={searchTerms}"
"HomepageIsNewTabPage": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": true
"HomepageLocation": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": "https://www.searchmine.net/search/?asset=hp&wtguid=59730897629213944&wtmacid=692cb6d70138b337cc4092a0d10777eb&wtsrc=8291&wtdt=031420&wtbr=1&wtpl="
"NewTabPageLocation": {
"level": "recommended",
"scope": "machine",
"source": "platform",
"value": "https://www.searchmine.net/search/?asset=hp&wtguid=59730897629213944&wtmacid=692cb6d70138b337cc4092a0d10777eb&wtsrc=8291&wtdt=031420&wtbr=1&wtpl="
"extensionPolicies": {
"kbfnbcaeplbcioakkpcpgfkobkghlhen": {
好了,下面来讨论移除方法(针对Mac OS):
We can see that some of these fields have obviously been modified by the plug-ins that have been installed, but users cannot modify and delete the pages and options displayed by them. The result is that even if you remove the local and browser plug-ins , But this configuration will still take effect, the default search engine for your homepage and subsequent new windows is still not released!
Well, let's discuss the removal method (for Mac OS):
First of all, you have to turn off Chrome ’s cloud sync and log out of the current login account to prevent the modified and removed data from being automatically synced back;
Exit method:
*如果您在Chrome中打开了同步功能,则关闭此设置也会关闭同步功能。You can sign out of your Google Account from Chrome.
On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right, click Profile Sign out.
If you have sync turned on, you can turn it off. This will also sign you out of your Google Account services, like Gmail.
On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right, click Profile Syncing to [email].
Under "People," click Turn off Turn off.
Note: If you turned sync on in Chrome and sign out of a Google service, like Gmail, you'll also be signed out of Chrome. This will pause sync until you sign back in with the same account.
Turn off Chrome sign-in
When you sign in to your Google Account, through a service like Gmail, you’ll be automatically signed in to Chrome. If you don’t want to ever sign in to Chrome or turn sync on, you can change your settings.
On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right, click More Settings.
Under "Privacy and security," turn off Allow Chrome sign-in. If you turned sync on in Chrome, turning off this setting will also turn off sync.
Close the browser and remove the related profile configuration through the interface provided by the system
/usr/bin/profiles -D -f
Close the browser and remove the related configuration through the interface of Chrome:
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome HomepageIsNewTabPage
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome NewTabPageLocation
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome HomepageLocation
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome DefaultSearchProviderEnabled
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL
sudo defaults delete com.google.Chrome DefaultSearchProviderName
4,这样之后,再重启电脑,重置浏览器,一般都能解决上述问题了啦!解决后的chrome://policy/ 显示的干干干净,如下:
After that, restarting the computer and resetting the browser can usually solve the above problems! The resolved chrome: // policy / is displayed as follows:
The above method can generally solve the problem that the Chrome home page cannot be reset after removing the malware. Those who are interested can try it!
By the way Windows solutions:
Run with administrator rights after download
Or remove it by deleting the registry;
1. Visit this in your browser: Chrome: // policy, you will see the policy named EnabledPlugins
2. Press win + R: Enter:% systemroot% \ syswow64 \ regedit, jump to the registry editor
3. Press Ctrl + F, find the directory named EnabledPlugins, and right-click to delete
4.Restart Chrome, disappeared by your organization management
1,苹果电脑要更新和下载软件尽量去App Store,其他浏览器突然弹出的说电脑有问题或者软件需要更新,都尽量不要点!!!!
1, Apple computer to update and download software as far as possible to the App Store, other browsers suddenly pop up saying that the computer has a problem or the software needs to be updated, try not to point! ! ! !
2, the security settings in the computer settings, the option to choose only installed certified software! ! !
3. To use the cracked version of software, you must be mentally prepared to install advertisements and malicious plug-ins!
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