CREATE TABLE `slabdatahistory` (
`time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '生产的实时时间',
`longTime` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`FixedSideWater` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '固定侧冷却水流量',
`LiberalSideWater` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '自由测冷却水流量',
`NarrowLeftWater` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '窄面左侧冷却水流量',
`NarrowRightWater` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '窄面右侧冷却水流量',
`FixedSideWTemp` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '固定侧冷却水温度',
`LiberaSideWTemp` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '自由侧冷却水温度',
`NarrowLeftWTemp` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '窄面左侧冷却水温度',
`NarrowRightWTemp` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '窄面右侧冷却水温度',
`UCurrent` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '变频器U相电流',
`VCurrent` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '变频器V相电流',
`WCurrent` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '变频器W相电流',
`ActualCurrent` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '电流实际值',
`ActualFrequency` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '频率实际值 1=0.01HZ',
`BusVoltage` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '变频器直流母线电压',
`VibrationL1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动L1表号',
`VibrationC1` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C1',
`VibrationC2` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C2',
`VibrationC3` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C3',
`VibrationC4` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C4',
`VibrationC5` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C5',
`VibrationC6` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C6',
`VibrationC7` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C7',
`VibrationC8` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器振动参数C8',
`FluidSetValue` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器液位设定值',
`FluidActualValue` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结晶器液位实际值',
`CastingSpeed` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '拉速实际值',
`SlabWidth` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '板坯宽度',
`TundishTemperature` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '中间包温度',
`NozzleFlow` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '水口中包车实际流量',
`GrooveFlow` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '氩封中包车实际流量',
`StopperFlow` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '塞棒中包车实际流量',
`ImersionDepthTwo` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '四流水口侵入深度',
`CastingSetSpeed` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '拉速设定值',
`FluidFlucValue` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '液位波动差值,等于结晶器液位实际值减去结晶器液位实际值',
`result` tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '板坯的质量结果,0表示封锁,1表示不封锁',
KEY `FluidFlucValue` (`longTime`,`FluidFlucValue`,`result`) USING BTREE,
KEY `SlabWidth` (`longTime`,`SlabWidth`,`result`) USING BTREE,
KEY `TundishTemperature` (`result`,`TundishTemperature`,`longTime`) USING BTREE
select s.result, COUNT(s.longTime) as number from slabdatahistory s where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1530 and 1540 GROUP BY s.result
union all
select s.result, COUNT(s.longTime) as number from slabdatahistory s where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1540 and 1550 GROUP BY s.result
union all
select s.result, COUNT(s.longTime) as number from slabdatahistory s where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1550 and 1560 GROUP BY s.result
union all
select s.result, COUNT(s.longTime) as number from slabdatahistory s where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1560 and 1570 GROUP BY s.result
union all
select s.result, COUNT(s.longTime) as number from slabdatahistory s where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1570 and 1580 GROUP BY s.result
result number
0 1
1 1374
0 1710
1 9533
0 31141
1 194377
0 63795
1 547649
0 15562
1 98605
上面的查询还是稍微优化之后的,我没有使用time比较时间大小,而是添加一个字段longTime来比较大小,因为整数的大小比较比字符串的比较要快。但是这个查询有个问题,就是如果某个区间没有数据,比如(1530, 1540)区间数据不存在,在结果上面就会少返回两行,而根据结果没办法判断到底是那个区间缺失数据,所以这种写法不行。
select 0 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1530 and 1540 and s.result = 0
select 1 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1530 and 1540 and s.result = 1
union ALL
select 0 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1540 and 1550 and s.result = 0
select 1 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1540 and 1550 and s.result = 1
union ALL
select 0 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1550 and 1560 and s.result = 0
select 1 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1550 and 1560 and s.result = 1
union ALL
select 0 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1560 and 1570 and s.result = 0
select 1 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1560 and 1570 and s.result = 1
union all
select 0 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1570 and 1580 and s.result = 0
union ALL
select 1 as result, count(s.result) as number from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59") and s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1570 and 1580 and s.result = 1
result number
0 1
1 1374
0 1710
1 9533
0 31141
1 194377
0 63795
1 547649
0 15562
1 98605
使用case when
上面的统计使用了union all ,导致代码很长,并且直观上感觉查询应该会很耗时,使用case when 查询
select s.result,sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1530 AND 1540 then 1 else 0 end) as num0,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1540 AND 1550 then 1 else 0 end) as num2,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1550 AND 1560 then 1 else 0 end) as num4,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1560 AND 1570 then 1 else 0 end) as num6,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1570 AND 1580 then 1 else 0 end) as num8
from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
GROUP BY s.result
result num0 num2 num4 num6 num8
0 1 1710 31141 63795 15562
1 1374 9533 194377 547649 98605
还有另外一种方式,不使用group by
select sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1530 AND 1540 and s.result = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as num0,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1530 AND 1540 and s.result = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as num1,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1540 AND 1550 and s.result = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as num2,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1540 AND 1550 and s.result = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as num3,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1550 AND 1560 and s.result = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as num4,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1550 AND 1560 and s.result = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as num5,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1560 AND 1570 and s.result = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as num6,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1560 AND 1570 and s.result = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as num7,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1570 AND 1580 and s.result = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as num8,
sum(case when s.TundishTemperature BETWEEN 1570 AND 1580 and s.result = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as num9
from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00") and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
num0 num1 num2 num3 num4 num5 num6 num7 num8 num9
1 1374 1710 9533 31141 194377 63795 547649 15562 98605
耗时 7.402s
使用 elt interval
关于elt interval具体用法百度一下,很简单,只是不容易想到这个方法
select elt(interval(s.TundishTemperature,0,1530,1540,1550,1560,1570,1580),
'1zero/less1530', '2zero/1530-1540','3zero/1540-1550','4zero/1550-1560','5zero/1560-1570','6zero/1570-1580','7zero/>1580') as "区间",
count(s.id) as "数量"
from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime
BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00")
and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.result = 0
group by elt(interval(s.TundishTemperature,0,1530,1540,1550,1560,1570,1580),
'1zero/less1530', '2zero/1530-1540','3zero/1540-1550','4zero/1550-1560','5zero/1560-1570','6zero/1570-1580','7zero/>1580')
union all
select elt(interval(s.TundishTemperature,0,1530,1540,1550,1560,1570,1580),
'1one/less1530', '2one/1530-1540','3one/1540-1550','4one/1550-1560','5one/1560-1570','6one/1570-1580','7one/>1580') as "区间",
count(s.id) as "数量"
from slabdatahistory s
where s.longTime
BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-01 00:00:00")
and UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2018-03-12 23:59:59")
and s.result = 1
group by elt(interval(s.TundishTemperature,0,1530,1540,1550,1560,1570,1580),
'1/less1530', '2/1530-1540','3/1540-1550','4/1550-1560','5/1560-1570','6/1570-1580','7/>1580')
区间 数量
1zero/less1530 2
2zero/1530-1540 1
3zero/1540-1550 1710
4zero/1550-1560 22929
5zero/1560-1570 58871
6zero/1570-1580 15562
7zero/>1580 170
2one/1530-1540 1373
3one/1540-1550 6049
4one/1550-1560 142715
5one/1560-1570 519690
6one/1570-1580 98605
7one/>1580 1910
耗时 13.230s
mysql2耗时71.073s mysql3耗时7.746s mysql4耗时7.402s mysql5耗时13.230s
KEY `TundishTemperature` (`result`,`TundishTemperature`,`longTime`)
KEY `TundishTemperature` (`longTime`,`TundishTemperature`, `result`)
mysql2耗时1.131s mysql3耗时1.804s mysql4耗时2.261s mysql5耗时1.723s
mysql2 提升很明显,但是还没有达到1秒的目标
默认的MySQL引擎是InnoDB,修改成MyISAM 。两个引擎的区别百度一下,因为我这个任务只是查询,对插入、更新没有要求,所有可以用MyISAM。
alter table slabdatahistory ENGINE=MyISAM
mysql2耗时0.520s mysql3耗时0.855s mysql4耗时1.566s mysql5耗时1.393s
- MySQL查询语句优化
- 表添加字段,比如把时间大小比较,变成时间戳的比较
- 添加覆盖索引,注意覆盖索引中列的顺序,可以多试几遍不同的顺序
- 修改MySQL引擎,如果对插入、更新没有要求的话。