


tinker dispersion 100
tinker step 1800
tinker stepout 3600


sed -i 's/tinker/#tinker/g' /etc/ntp.conf


sudo service ntpd restart



  1. tinker [ allan allan | dispersion dispersion | freq freq | huffpuff huffpuff | panic panic | step step | stepout stepout ]

      This command alters certain system variables used by the clock discipline algorithm. The default values of these variables have been carefully optimized for a wide range of network speeds and reliability expectations. Very rarely is it necessary to change the default values; but, some folks can't resist twisting the knobs. The options are as follows:


      allan allan

      Spedifies the Allan intercept, which is a parameter of the PLL/FLL clock discipline algorithm, in seconds with default 1500 s.


      dispersion dispersion

      Specifies the dispersion increase rate in parts-per-million (PPM) with default 15 PPM.


      freq freq

      Spedifies the frequency offset in parts-per-million (PPM) with default the value in the frequency file.


      huffpuff huffpuff

      Spedifies the huff-n'-puff filter span, which determines the most recent interval the algorithm will search for a minimum delay. The lower limit is 900 s (15 m), but a more reasonable value is 7200 (2 hours).


      panic panic

      Spedifies the panic threshold in seconds with default 1000 s. If set to zero, the panic sanity check is disabled and a clock offset of any value will be accepted.


      step step

      Spedifies the step threshold in seconds. The default without this command is 0.128 s. If set to zero, step adjustments will never occur. Note: The kernel time discipline is disabled if the step threshold is set to zero or greater than 0.5 s.


      stepout stepout

      Specifies the stepout threshold in seconds. The default without this command is 900 s. If set to zero, popcorn spikes will not be suppressed.


  1. 为什么在时钟没有问题的情况下,执行ntptime会报ERROR错呢?

    经过验证"maximum error"的值达到16000000 us时候执行ntptime就会报错。

  2. “maximum error”这个值是干什么用的呢?

  3. 临时解决方式
    Centos6.x 重启ntpd服务,"maximum error"会重新计算。
    Centos7.x 本地测试了下,重启ntpd服务,不会重新计算这个值,返而会变高。
  4. 验证参数问题
    在生产环境注释掉#tinker step 3600,观察两个小时后发现“maximum error” 这个值会上升,但是上升到一定程度后(不超过16s)会恢复到一个比较小的值。“estimated error”值也比较小。

    由此可以证实“tinker step 3600”会影响内核计算此值,参数中也有说明“ Note: The kernel time discipline is disabled if the step threshold is set to zero or greater than 0.5 s.”



