【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171107 #2 Insurance

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) UK Funds Driverless Car Testing Infrastructure

Ward's Auto
The projects are the first to be funded from the government's £100m Connected and Autonomous Vehicles testing infrastructure program. Industry will ...

) Insurance industry calls on Government to clearly define autonomous cars

The insurance industry has laid out a set of criteria for the Government to follow when defining autonomous cars. Worried about drivers potentially ...

) Insurance industry outlines framework for driverless car insurance

A distinction in definition between highly assisted and fully autonomous cars has been established by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), ...

) Government urged to plug insurance black hole over self-driving cars

The Guardian
Insurance laws will be overhauled to ensure all parties are covered in any accident involving autonomous vehicles, the government has said, in a ...

) Rules for self-driving cars are stuck in park

That lack of mandatory rules for self-driving cars has given automakers and technology companies the green light to police themselves, said Jackie ...

) 6 Reasons Why China Will Lead In AI

Kai-Fu Lee is very bullish about the future of AI in China. He started his lunch keynote at MIT's AI and the Future of Work event by predicting that ...

) Stephen Hawking: “I Fear That AI May Replace Humans Altogether”

Stephen Hawking fears it may only be a matter of time before humanity is forced to flee Earth in search of a new home. The famed theoretical physicist ...

) China's AI ambitions revealed by most cited research papers

Financial Times
One factor behind the country's rapid rise in the AI field is its ability to lure back talented Chinese researchers who have studied and worked in the US, ...

17/11/07 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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