【SQL server】查询练习题



☀ 52道关于查询的典型练习题


☀ 包括完整的建库、建表代码以及数据


-- 创建数据库
create database teachingInfo
	name = teaching,
	filename = 'D:\DataBase\teaching.mdf',
	size = 8MB,
	maxsize = 100MB,
	filegrowth = 64MB
log on 
	name = teaching_log,
	filename = 'D:\DataBase\teaching_log.log',
	size = 8MB,
	maxsize = 100MB,
	filegrowth = 64MB

-- 建表

create table student
	sno		int primary key identity(1, 1),
	sname	nvarchar(10) not null,
	ssex	nchar(1) not null,
	birthday date not null,
	en_time  date not null,
	specialty nvarchar(10) not null,
	grade tinyint check(grade>=1 and grade<=4)
-- 创建course表
create table course
	cno		int primary key identity(1, 1),
	cname	nvarchar(10) not null,
	classhour int not null,
	credit tinyint not null
-- 创建scoreinfo表
create table scoreinfo
	sno		int,
	cno		int,
	score	decimal(4, 1) not null,
	constraint pk_sc primary key(sno, cno),
	constraint lo_li foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
	constraint li_lo foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

-- 插入数据

-- 给student表插入数据
insert into student(sname, ssex, birthday, en_time, specialty, grade)
('loli1', '女', '2010-06-21'	, '2018-09-01', '网络工程', 2),
('loli2', '男', '2011-02-01'	, '2019-06-01', '网络工程', 1),
('loli3', '女', '2010-03-21'	, '2018-09-01', '网络工程', 2),
('loli4', '男', '2012-06-23'	, '2016-04-01', '网络工程', 4),
('loli5', '女', '2009-04-17'	, '2018-05-01', '网络工程', 2)

-- 给course表插入数据
insert into course(cname, classhour, credit)
('C++', 3, 4), ('English', 4, 5), ('操作系统', 5, 6)

-- 给scoreinfo表插入数据
insert into scoreinfo
(3, 1, 90), (3, 2, 88), (3, 3, 99),
(4, 1, 56), (4, 2, 78), (4, 3, 49),
(5, 1, 80), (5, 2, 88), (5, 3, 89),
(6, 1, 30), (6, 2, 45), (6, 3, 45),
(7, 1, 76), (7, 2, 81), (7, 3, 78)

-- 查询

select sname, ssex, specialty
from student

select * from course

select distinct specialty from student

select top 3 * from course

select top 50 percent * from course		
--☀分析:前面几个题注意关键字的顺序: select distinct top n(percent) * form Table1

select sno as 学号, sname as 姓名		--(加不加'单引号'都行)
from student
select sno 学号, sname 姓名
from student
select 学号 = sno, 姓名 = sname
from student

select sno, cno, score * 1.5			--☀分析:可以对查询结果进行计算处理
from scoreinfo	

select sno, cno, score
from scoreinfo
where score > 60

select * from student
where specialty = '网络工程' and ssex = '男'

select * from student 
where specialty = '网络工程' or ssex = '男'

select sno, cno, score
from scoreinfo
where score between 80 and 90

select sno, cno, score
from scoreinfo
where score not between 80 and 90		--☀分析:不仅存在not in, 也存在not between

select sname, sno, specialty
from student 
where specialty in ('网络工程', '通信工程')

-- % 零或多个任意字符;_ 一个任意字符;[ace] 一个范围内的任意字符;[^mvp] 一个不再范围内的任意字符

select * from student
where sname like '张%'

select sno, cno, score
from scoreinfo
where score is not null					--☀分析:不存在 = null 这种写法,正确写法是 is null

select * from student
where (specialty in ('网络工程','通信工程')) and ssex = '女'

select AVG(score) as '平均成绩'
from scoreinfo

select count(distinct specialty)		--☀分析:聚合函数中使用distinct是允许的
from student

select AVG(score), MAX(score)
from scoreinfo where sno = 201810223016

select ssex, count(*)					--☀分析:ssex是分组依据,所以可以select
from student							-- 另外,count是每组一个的,注意理解
group by ssex

select sno, count(*)
from scoreinfo
group by sno having count(*)>=2			--☀分析:having是根据分组查询后的结果进行再筛选,一般跟聚合函数

select cno, AVG(score), COUNT(*)
from scoreinfo 
group by cno with cube

select specialty, ssex, grade, count(*)
from student
group by specialty, ssex,grade with cube
-- cube用在group by之后,作用为:不仅根据分组依据进行分组统计,再根据分组依据的所有子集(包括空集)进行分组统计
-- demo: 分组依据为 a, b, c,则结果集多了很多行统计结果分组依据分别为(a, b, c)(a, b)(a, c)(a, c)(a)(b)(c)(空)

select specialty, ssex, count(*)
from student
group by specialty, ssex with rollup
-- rollup用在group by之后,作用为:和cube类似,但不是所有子集,而是从最低级别的分组依据开头的子集和空集
-- demo: 分组依据为 a, b, c,则结果集多了很多行统计结果分组依据分别为(a, b, c)(a, b)(a)(空)

select sname, cno, score
from scoreinfo												
inner join student on student.sno = scoreinfo.sno	--☀分析:简单的内连接

select cno, AVG(score)
from scoreinfo
inner join student on student.sno = scoreinfo.sno	
where specialty = '网络工程'
group by cno								--☀技巧:需要select的是cno,那么分组依据就是cno

select *
from student a
inner join student b on a.sname = b.sname and a.sno != b.sno
--★ 分析:先弄清楚题意的关键,同名学生就是"姓名相同,而学号不同"
-- 另外,此题是内连接时,注意给表取别名,使其在逻辑上成为两个表

select student.*, cno, score
from scoreinfo 
right join student on student.sno = scoreinfo.sno	
--☀分析:左/右外连接 left/right join

select student.*, course.*
from scoreinfo
full join student on student.sno = scoreinfo.sno
full join course on course.cno = scoreinfo.cno		
--☀分析:全外连接 full join 

-- 31.查询成绩在75分以上的学生的学号、姓名,选修课的课程号、成绩
select student.sno, sname, course.cno, score
from scoreinfo
inner join student on student.sno = scoreinfo.sno
inner join course on course.cno = scoreinfo.cno
where score > 75									--☀分析:最经典的三表内连接

-- 32.查询所有学生可能的选课情况
select sname, cname
from student 
cross join course									--☀分析:笛卡尔积 cross join,也称为交叉连接

select sno, sname									--☀分析:典型的子查询:需要先查出loli1的专业
from student
where specialty = (select specialty from student where sname = 'loli1')

select student.sno, sname 
from student
inner join scoreinfo on student.sno = scoreinfo.sno
where cno = 3 
and score > (select score from scoreinfo where cno = 3 and sno = (select sno from student where sname = 'loli2'))

select sname, sno
from student
where specialty = '网络工程'
and birthday <= all(select birthday from student where specialty = '网络工程')

select *
from student
where birthday = any(select birthday from student where specialty = '网络工程')
--★上面的两道题使用看新的知识:使用all, any(some)的子查询
-- 顾名思义,all是指“所有值”,any(some)是指“只要有一个值”;弄清其使用的场景,真的可以省很多事

select sname, specialty
from student										
where sno in (select sno from scoreinfo where cno = 1)	--☀分析:内联表当然也可以做,但使用in是精妙的思路

select specialty, grade 
from student
where sno in (select sno from scoreinfo group by sno having avg(score) > 80)
group by specialty, grade having count(*) > 2
--1.先select出平均成绩大于80的所有学生的学号:select sno from scoreinfo group by sno having avg(score) > 80
--★ 关于group by...having结构,明白一点问题就变得简单了:分组依据就是select后紧跟的要查询的列名

-- 上面讲的都是【无关子查询】———— 子查询只用一次,也只执行一次
-- 下面讲的是【相关子查询】———— 子查询重复执行,外部查询每遍历一行,子查询就执行一次
-- 【相关子查询】有个极为显著的特点:就是因为子查询需要用到外部查询的表(“相关”),因此【外部查询用的表和内部查询用的表有联系且都有别名!!!】

select sno, cno, score
from scoreinfo as a
where score < (select avg(score) from scoreinfo as b where a.cno = b.cno)

select sno, sname, grade, specialty
from student
where sno in (select sno from scoreinfo where score >= 80 group by sno having count(*) >= 2)
-- 使用【相关子查询】的方法:
select sno, sname, grade, specialty
from student s
where (select count(*) from scoreinfo sc where s.sno = sc.sno and score >= 80) >= 2

select s.sname
from student s
where exists (select * from scoreinfo sc where s.sno = sc.sno and cno = 1)
--★ 带有exists的子查询也是一种特殊的【相关子查询】,也称为“存在性测试”

select cno = 1, sname
from student
where sno in (select sno from scoreinfo where cno = 1)
select cno = 3, sname
from student
where sno in (select sno from scoreinfo where cno = 3)	--☀分析:典型的union联合查询
--★ 我们还有一个发现!内联表的功能,使用无关子查询也可以实现!!!

select sno, sname
from student
where sno not in (select sno from scoreinfo where cno = (select cno from course where cname = 'C++'))
and specialty = '网络工程'
--★ 这再一次印证了:这题可以用三表内联的方法,就同样可以使用子查询的多层嵌套,且思路都是正向的,非常清晰
-- 画蛇添足,使用except差集(也属于联合查询)
select sno, sname from student where specialty = '网络工程'
select sno, sname
from student
where sno in (select sno from scoreinfo where cno = (select cno from course where cname = 'C++')) and specialty = '网络工程'

select sno from scoreinfo where cno = 1
select sno from scoreinfo where cno = 3			--☀分析:交集(intersect)的使用——这也是一种【联合查询】

select sname, specialty
from student
where ssex = '女'
order by sname asc

select score, sno 
from scoreinfo
order by score desc

select score, sno
from scoreinfo
order by score desc, sno asc

select top 3 sno
from scoreinfo
group by sno
order by AVG(score) desc	--☀分析:这里有一个重点:当我们想用top取前三名时,表应该是asc还是desc呢?是降序desc

select sname, student.sno, cname, score into 成绩单						-- 注意此处的新表名(成绩单)不能加单引号
from student, course, scoreinfo
where student.sno = scoreinfo.sno and course.cno = scoreinfo.cno
--★ 这题无疑考察的是快速备份

insert into 成绩表
select * from scoreinfo
where score > 80			--☀分析:固定写法,记住就行

update scoreinfo
set score = 90
where sno = '201810223016'
and cno = (select cno from course where cname = '操作系统')

update scoreinfo
set score = 99
where cno = 2
and sno = (select sno from student where sname = 'loli1' and grade = 2 and specialty = '网络工程')

--★ 最后的两道题应该比较明了:就是select语句在update语句中的使用
-- 思路:想要修改成绩需要精准定位到那一行,这需要两个主键sno和cno(只是主键值没有直接给出,需要用select查询一下而已)



本文的练习题目均改编自《 数据库原理与应用教程 》北京:清华大学出版社
