Chapter 1. 特征值和图的拉普拉斯算子
1.1 介绍
1.2 拉普拉斯算子和特征值
1.3 Basic facts about the spectrum of Graph
1.4 Eigenvalues of weighted graphs
1.5 Eigenvalues and random walks
谱图理论有着悠久的历史。在早期,矩阵理论和线性代数被用来分析图的矩阵。代数方法在处理规则和对称图时特别有效。有时,某些特征值被称为图的“代数连通性”[126]。谱图理论在代数方面有大量的文献,如Biggs[25]、Cvetkovic、Doob and Sachs[90,91]和Seidel[222]等几项调查和书籍中都有详细的记录。
对于 ,约定 。我们说 是一个孤立的顶点。如果一个图至少包含一条边,那么它就被称为非零图(平凡图:仅有一个结点的图的称平凡图;边的集合为空的图叫做零图,1阶零图叫做平凡图。所谓n阶图是指有n个顶点的图)。
可以视为函数空间的一个算子 满足:
当 是 -正则图, 很容易得到:
其中 是 的邻接矩阵 , ( i. e., if is adjacent to , and 0 otherwise,) , 是一个单位矩阵. 这里所有矩阵的大小都是 ,其中 图 的定点数 .
其中 是一个矩阵,其行由的顶点索引,其列由的边索引 such that each column corresponding to an edge has an entry , in the row corresponding to , an entry in the row corresponding to , and has zero entries elsewhere. (As it turns out, the choice of signs can be arbitrary as long as one is positive and the other is negative.) Also, denotes the transpose of .
For readers who are familiar with terminology in homology theory, we remark that can be viewed as a “boundary operator” mapping “1-chains” defined on edges (denoted by ) of a graph to “0-chains” defined on vertices (denoted by ). Then, is the corresponding “coboundary operator” and we have
Since is symmetric, its eigenvalues are all real and non-negative. We can use the variational characterizations of those eigenvalues in terms of the Rayleigh quotient of (see, e.g. [162]). Let denote an arbitrary function which assigns to each vertex u of a real value . We can view as a column vector. Then
where f and denotes the sum over all unordered pairs for which and are adjacent. Here denotes the standard inner product in . The sum is sometimes called the Dirichlet (狄利克雷) sum of and the ratio on the left-hand side of (1.1) is often called the Rayleigh quotient(瑞利商). (We note that we can also use the inner product for complex-valued functions.
From equation (1.1) we see that all eigenvalues are non-negative. In fact, we can easily deduce from equation (1.1) that 0 is an eigenvalue of . We denote the eigenvalues of by . The set of the ‘s is usually called the spectrum of (or the spectrum of the associated graph G .) Let 1 denote the constant function which assumes the value 1 on each vertex. Then is an eigenfunction of with eigenvalue 0. Furthermore,
The corresponding eigenfunction is as in (1.1). It is sometimes convenient to consider the nontrivial function achieving (1.2), in which case we call a harmonic eigenfunction of .
The above formulation for corresponds in a natural way to the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for Riemannian manifolds:
where ranges over functions satisfying
We remark that the corresponding measure here for each edge is 1 although in the general case for weighted graphs the measure for an edge is associated with the edge weight (see Section 1.4.) The measure for each vertex is the degree of the vertex. A more general notion of vertex weights will be considered in Section 2.5.
We note that (1.2) has several different formulations:
and vol G denotes the volume of the graph , given by
By substituting for and using the fact that 2, for we have the following expression (which generalizes the one in [126]):
Where denotes the sum over all unordered pairs of vertices in . We can characterize the other eigenvalues of in terms of the Rayleigh quotient. The largest eigenvalue satisfies:
For a general , we have
where is the subspace generated by the harmonic eigenfunctions corresponding to , for .
The different formulations for eigenvalues given above are useful in different settings and they will be used in later chapters. Here are some examples of special graphs and their eigenvalues.
For the complete graph on vertices, the eigenvalues are 0 and (with multiplicity ).
For the complete bipartite graph on vertices, the eigenvalues are 0, 1 (with multiplicity ), and 2.
For the star on vertices, the eigenvalues are 0,1 (with multiplicity n - 2), and 2.
For the path on vertices, the eigenvalues are for .
For the cycle on vertices, the eigenvalues are for .
For the n-cube on vertices, the eigenvalues are (with multiplicity for .
More examples can be found in Chapter 6 on explicit constructions.
Roughly speaking, half of the main problems of spectral theory lie in deriving bounds on the distributions of eigenvalues. The other half concern the impact and consequences of the eigenvalue bounds as well as their applications. In this section, we start with a few basic facts about eigenvalues. Some simple upper bounds and lower bounds are stated. For example, we will see that the eigenvalues of any graph lie between 0 and 2. The problem of narrowing the range of the eigenvalues for special classes of graphs offers an open-ended challenge. Numerous questions can be asked either in terms of other graph invariants or under further assumptions imposed on the graphs. Some of these will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
For a graph on vertices, we have
with equality holding if and only if has no isolated vertices.( 当且仅当没有孤立顶点时,上式取等号。)
with equality holding if and only if is the complete graph on vertices.
Also, for a graph without isolated vertices, we have
(ⅲ): For a graph which is not a complete graph, we have .
(ⅳ): If is connected, then . If and , then has exactly connected components.
(ⅴ): For all ,we have
With λn-1=2 if and only if a connected component of G is bipartite and nontrivial.
(ⅵ): The spectrum of a graph is the union of the spectra of its connected components.
For bipartite graphs, the following slightly stronger result holds:
The following statements are equivalent:
(i): is bipartite.
(ii): has connected components and for .
(iii): For each the value is also an eigenvalue of .
For a connected graph with diameter , we have
Let denote a harmonic eigenfunction achieving in (1.2). Then, for any vertex , we have
One can also prove the statement in Lemma 1.10 by recalling that , where Then
and examining the entries gives the desired result.
With a little linear algebra, we can improve the bounds on eigenvalues in terms of the degrees of the vertices.
We consider the trace of . We have
On the other hand,
where is the adjacency matrix. From this, we immediately deduce
For a -regular graph on n vertices, we have
This follows from the fact that
Let denote the harmonic mean of the ’s, i.e.,
It is tempting to consider generalizing (1.12) with replaced by This, however, is not true as shown by the following example due to Elizabeth Wilmer.
Consider the -petal graph on vertices, with edges and for , This graph has eigenvalues 0,1/2 (with multiplicity ), and 2 (with multiplicity ). So we have . However,
Still, for a general graph, we can use the fact that
Combining (1.10), (1.11) and (1.13), we obtain the following:
For a graph on n vertices, satisfies
where denotes the average degree of .
There are relatively easy ways to improve the upper bound for .From the characterization in the preceding section, we can choose any function , and its Rayleigh quotient will serve as an upper bound for . Here we describe an upper bound for (see [202]).
Let be a graph with diameter , and let denote the maximum degree of . Then
One way to bound eigenvalues from above is to consider "contracting" the graph into a weighted graph H (which will be defined in the next section). Then the eigenvalues of can be upper-bounded by the eigenvalues of H or by various upper bounds on them, which might be easier to obtain.
Before defining weighted graphs, we will say a few words about two different approaches for giving definitions. We could have started from the very beginning with weighted graphs, from which simple graphs arise as a special case in which the weights are 0 or 1. However, the unique characteristics and special strength of graph theory is its ability to deal with the -problems arising in many natural situations. The clean formulation of a simple graph has conceptual advantages. Furthermore, as we shall see, all definitions and subsequent theorems for simple graphs can usually be easily carried out for weighted graphs. A weighted undirected graph (possibly with loops) has associated with it a weight function . Satisfying
We note that if , then . Unweighted graphs are just the special case where all the weights are 0 or 1.
In the present context, the degree of a vertex is defined to be:
We generalize the definitions of previous sections, so that
if u and v are adjacent, otherwise.
In particular, for a function we have
Let denote the diagonal matrix with the -th entry having value . The Laplacian of is defined to be
In other words, we have
We can still use the same characterizations for the eigenvalues of the generalized versions of L. For example,
A contraction of a graph is formed by identifying two distinct vertices, say and , into a single vertex . The weights of edges incident to are defined as follows:
If is formed by contractions from a graph , then
In a graph , a walk is just a sequence of vertices with for all . A random walk is determined by the transition probabilities , which are independent of . Clearly, for each vertex ,
For any initial distribution with , the distribution after k steps is just (i.e., a matrix multiplication with f viewed as a row vector where is the matrix of transition probabilities). The random walk is said to be ergodic if there is a unique stationary distribution satisfying
It is easy to see that necessary conditions for the ergodicity of are (i) irreducibility,i.e., for any , there exists some such that , (ii) aperiodicity i.e., g.c.d. . As it turns out, these are also sufficient conditions. A major problem of interest is to determine the number of steps s required for Ps to be close to its stationary distribution, given an arbitrary initial distribution.
We say a random walk is reversible if
An alternative description for a reversible random walk can be given by considering a weighted connected graph with edge weights satisfying
where can be any constant chosen for the purpose of simplifying the values. (For example, we can take to be the average of over all with , so that the values for are either 0 or 1 for a simple graph.) The random walk on a weighted graph has as its transition probabilities
where is the (weighted) degree of . The two conditions for ergodicity are equivalent to the conditions that the graph be (i) connected and (ii) non-bipartite. From Lemma 1.7, we see that (i) is equivalent to and (ii) implies . As we will see later in (1.15), together (i) and (ii) deduce ergodicity.
We remind the reader that an unweighted graph has equal to either 0 or 1. The usual random walk on an unweighted graph has transition probability of moving from a vertex to any one of its neighbors. The transition matrix then satisfies
In other words,
For any
It is easy to check that
where is the adjacency matrix.
In a random walk with an associated weighted connected graph , the transition matrix satisfies
where 1 is the vector with all coordinates 1. Therefore the stationary distribution is exactly , We want to show that when k is large enough, for any initial distribution , converges to the stationary distribution.
First we consider convergence in the (or Euclidean) norm. Suppose we write
where denotes the orthonormal eigenfunction associated with .
Recall that and denotes the - norm, so
since . We then have
So, after steps, the distance between and its stationary distribution is at most .
Although occurs in the above upper bound for the distance between the stationary distribution and the -step distribution, in fact, only is crucial in the following sense. Note that is either or . Suppose the latter holds, i.e., . We can consider a modified random walk, called the lazy walk, on the graph formed by adding a loop of weight dv to each vertex . The new graph has Laplacian eigenvalues , which follows from equation (1.14). Therefore,
and the convergence bound in distance in (1.15) for the modified random walk becomes
In general, suppose a weighted graph with edge weights has eigenvalues , with . We can then modify the weights by choosing, for some constant ,
The resulting weighted graph has eigenvalues
Then we have
Since , and we have for . In particular we set
Therefore the modified random walk corresponding to the weight function has an improved bound for the convergence rate in distance:
We remark that for many applications in sampling, the convergence in distance seems to be too weak since it does not require convergence at each vertex. There are several stronger notions of distance several of which we will mention.
A strong notion of convergence that is often used is measured by the relative pointwise distance (see [225]): After s steps, the relative pointwise distance (r.p.d.) of P to the stationary distribution is given by
Let denote the characteristic function of x defined by:
where ’s denote the eigenfunction of the Laplacian of the weighted graph associated with the random walk. In particular,
Let A* denote the transpose of A. We have
where . So if we choose t such that
then, after t steps, we have
When we can improve the above bound by using a lazy walk as described in (1.16). The proof is almost identical to the above calculation except for using the Laplacian of the modified weighted graph associated with the lazy walk. This can. be summarized by the following theorem:
For a weighted graph , we can choose a modified random walk P so that the relative pairwise distance is bounded above by:
where and otherwise.
For a weight graphG, we can choose a modified random walk P so that have
where and otherwise.
We remark that for any initial distribution with and
, we have, for any ,
Another notion of distance for measuring convergence is the so-called total variation distance, which is just half of the distance:
The total variation distance is bounded above by the relative pointwise distance, since
Therefore, any convergence bound using relative pointwise distance implies the same convergence bound using total variation distance. There is yet another notion of distance, sometimes called -squared distance, denoted by and defined by:
using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. is also dominated by the relative pointwise distance (which we will mainly use in this book).
We note that
where denotes the projection onto the eigenfunction denotes the -th orthonormal eigenfunction of L and denotes the characteristic function of . Since
We have
Equality in (1.16) holds if, for example, is vertex-transitive, i.e., there is an automorphism mapping u to for any two vertices in , (for more discussions, see Chapter 7 on symmetrical graphs). Therefore, we conclude