Hurry Sickness 匆忙症

Eating lunch at your desk while also checking emails and talking on the phone? When microwaving something for 30 seconds, do you feel the urge to find something else to do while you wait? If one or more of these sounds all too familiar, you probably have a bad case of a malady that psychologists have dubbed "hurry sickness". "Many executives see it as a badge of honor, " a London Business School professor says, "but in fact, hurry sickness can slao damage your career even before it wrecks your health, because being in an incessant hurry has a way of making people miss the forest for the trees."

urge      迫切欲望

malady     病症

psychologist    心理学家

dub       把…称作

executive   高管,主管

badge of honor 奖章,优点

wreck     损害,破坏

incessant   持续不断的

miss the forest for the trees  见树木不见森林

你可能感兴趣的:(Hurry Sickness 匆忙症)