package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @desc * @para * @author * @version 2018年6月8日 下午3:13:51 */ public class TagMonitorsDataJob implements BaseJob{ @Autowired private IRawRegionDao iRawRegionDao; @Autowired private AdminResourceDao adminResourceDao; @Autowired private MonitorDataSourceDao monitorDataSourceDao; @Autowired private MonitorCountDao monitorCountDao; private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagMonitorsDataJob.class); private static ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("application", Locale.getDefault()); @Override public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {"定时执行监控统计条数==========================="); try { Map map0 = this.findHiveCount(); Map map1 = this.getDBCounts(DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_ORIGINAL); Map map2 = this.getDBCounts(DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_HANDLE); Map map3 = this.getDBCounts(DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_ANALYSIS); //保存 getMonitorCount(map1,DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_ORIGINAL,map0); getMonitorCount(map2,DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_HANDLE,map0); getMonitorCount(map3,DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_ANALYSIS,map0); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("定时统计监控总条数报错"+e); } } private void getMonitorCount(Map map,String partition,Map map0) { long count = map0.containsKey(partition) == true ?map0.get(partition) : 0; MonitorCount monitorCount = new MonitorCount(); int createDate = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000); monitorCount.setCreateDate(createDate); monitorCount.setPartition(partition); monitorCount.setDbTotalCount(map.get("dbTotalCount")+count); monitorCount.setFileTotalCount(map.get("fileTotalCount")); monitorCount.setFileTotalSize(map.get("fileTotalSize"));; } //统计hive private Map findHiveCount() throws Exception{ Map rel = new HashMap(); Map mapTab = new HashMap(); Map mapPartitionTab = new HashMap(); List admins = adminResourceDao.findByTypeIsType(DicTools.RS_STYLE_HIVEMETADATA); if(admins != null && admins.size() > 0 ) { for (AdminResource admin : admins) { String driverName = rb.getString("mysql.driver"); String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + admin.getIp().trim() + ":" + admin.getPort().trim() + "/"+ admin.getInstance() + "?characterEncoding=utf-8"; //查询不含分区的表单总条数 //String sql1 = "select FORMAT(sum(tb.PARAM_VALUE),0) " + String sql1 = "select d.NAME, sum(tb.PARAM_VALUE) " + "from TBLS t " + "left join DBS d " + "on t.DB_ID = d.DB_ID " + "left join TABLE_PARAMS tb " + "on t.TBL_ID = tb.TBL_ID " + "where tb.PARAM_KEY='numRows' " + "group by d.NAME"; //弊端假如key项目会替换 mapTab.putAll(getHiveCounts(driverName, url, admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(), sql1)); //String sql2 = "select FORMAT(sum(a.PARAM_VALUE),0) " + String sql2 = "select d.NAME, sum(a.PARAM_VALUE) " + "from TBLS t " + "left join DBS d " + "on t.DB_ID = d.DB_ID " + "left join PARTITIONS p " + "on t.TBL_ID = p.TBL_ID " + "left join PARTITION_PARAMS a " + "on p.PART_ID=a.PART_ID " + "where a.PARAM_KEY='numRows' " + "group by d.NAME"; mapPartitionTab.putAll(getHiveCounts(driverName, url, admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(),sql2)); } //用map去数据库匹配然后进行累加操作 mapTab = this.combiner(mapTab, mapPartitionTab); List list = monitorDataSourceDao.getDBPartition(mapTab.keySet(),DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_HIVE); Map mapPartition = new HashMap(); if(list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { for (Object[] obj : list) { mapPartition.put(obj[0]==null?"":obj[0].toString(), obj[1]==null?"":obj[1].toString()); } } for (String key : mapPartition.keySet()) { if(mapTab.containsKey(key)) { if(rel.containsKey(mapPartition.get(key))) { rel.put(mapPartition.get(key),rel.get(key) + mapTab.get(key)); }else { rel.put(mapPartition.get(key), mapTab.get(key)); } } } } return rel; } public Map combiner(Map map1,Map map2) { for(String key : map1.keySet()) { if(map2.containsKey(key)) { map1.put(key, map1.get(key)+map2.get(key)); } } return map1; } public Map getDBCounts(String partition) throws Exception { Map map = new HashMap(); long dbTotalCount = 0; long fileTotalCount = 0; long fileTotalSize = 0;//以kb为单位 List list = iRawRegionDao.getJobMonitorCounts(partition); List monitorDataSources = monitorDataSourceDao.getBySoftTypeAndSourceFlag (DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_POSTGRESQL,Integer.parseInt(partition)); //postgresql统计 if(monitorDataSources != null && monitorDataSources.size() > 0) { for (MonitorDataSource monitorDataSource : monitorDataSources) { String driverName = rb.getString("postgresql.driver"); // "jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=test1", String url = "jdbc:postgresql://"+monitorDataSource.getIp()+":"+monitorDataSource.getPort()+"/"+monitorDataSource.getDataInstance(); String sql = "SELECT sum(r.reltuples) "+ "FROM pg_class r JOIN pg_namespace n ON (r.relnamespace = n.oid) "+ "WHERE r.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname = 'public'"; dbTotalCount += getCounts(driverName, url, monitorDataSource.getDbUsername(), monitorDataSource.getDbPassword(), sql); } } //kingbase统计 List kingbaseDB = monitorDataSourceDao.getBySoftTypeAndSourceFlag (DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_KINGBASE,Integer.parseInt(partition)); if(kingbaseDB != null && kingbaseDB.size() > 0) { for (MonitorDataSource monitorDataSource : kingbaseDB) { String driverName = rb.getString("kingbase.driver"); // "jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=test1", String url = "jdbc:kingbase://"+monitorDataSource.getIp()+":"+monitorDataSource.getPort()+"/"+monitorDataSource.getDataInstance(); String sql = "SELECT sum(r.reltuples) "+ "FROM sys_class r JOIN sys_namespace n ON (r.relnamespace = n.oid) "+ "WHERE r.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname = 'public'"; dbTotalCount += getCounts(driverName, url, monitorDataSource.getDbUsername(), monitorDataSource.getDbPassword(), sql); } } //oracle mysql nfs 统计 if(list != null && list.size() > 0) { //0 admin_id 1:软件类型 2:实例 for (Object[] obj : list) { String admin_id = obj[0] == null? "" : obj[0].toString(); String softType = obj[1] == null? "" : obj[1].toString(); String instance = obj[2] == null? "" : obj[2].toString(); if(DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_HIVE.equals(softType) || DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_POSTGRESQL.equals(softType) || (DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_NFS.equals(softType) && (DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_HANDLE.equals(partition) || DicTools.SOURCE_FLAG_HANDLE.equals(partition)))) { continue; } //查询adminResource AdminResource admin = adminResourceDao.findOne(admin_id); if(admin == null) { continue; } //每一个case中进行 数据库/文件系统 连接并返回各个数据库/文件系统的条数/大小 switch (softType) { case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_ORACLE: String driverName = rb.getString("oracle.driver"); // jdbc:oracle:thin:@ String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + admin.getIp().trim() + ":" + admin.getPort().trim() + "/"+ admin.getInstance(); String sql = "SELECT NVL(SUM(num_rows),0) FROM SYS.ALL_TABLES T WHERE T.OWNER in ("+instance.toUpperCase()+")"; dbTotalCount += getCounts(driverName, url, admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(), sql); break; case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_MYSQL: driverName = rb.getString("mysql.driver"); // jdbc:mysql:// //url = "jdbc:mysql://" + admin.getIp().trim() + ":" + admin.getPort().trim() + "/"+ admin.getInstance() + "?characterEncoding=utf-8"; url = "jdbc:mysql://" + admin.getIp().trim() + ":" + admin.getPort().trim() + "/information_schema"+ "?characterEncoding=utf-8"; sql = "select sum(table_rows) from tables where TABLE_SCHEMA in ("+instance+")"; dbTotalCount += getCounts(driverName, url, admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(), sql); break; /*case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_SQLSERVER: driverName = rb.getString("sqlserver.driver"); // "jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=test1", url = "jdbc:sqlserver://" + admin.getIp().trim() + ":" + admin.getPort().trim()+ ":DatabaseName=" + admin.getInstance(); sql = ""; incNum += getCounts(driverName, url, admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(), sql); break; case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_POSTGRESQL: driverName = rb.getString("postgresql.driver"); // "jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=test1", url = "jdbc:postgresql://"+admin.getIp()+":"+admin.getPort()+"/"+admin.getInstance(); sql = ""; dbTotalCount += getCounts(driverName, url, admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(), sql); break; case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_HIVE: // "jdbc:hive2://", //url = "jdbc:hive2://" + admin.getIp().trim() + ":" + admin.getPort().trim() + "/"+ admin.getInstance(); break;*/ case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_NFS: int port = StringUtils.isNotBlank(admin.getPort())?Integer.parseInt(admin.getPort()):22; String commond = "ls -lR "+admin.getInstance()+"| grep \"^-\" | wc -l"; String ls = SSHUtils.execCommandByJSch(admin.getIp(), port,admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(),commond); fileTotalCount += Long.valueOf(ls.replaceAll("\n", "")); String fileSize = SSHUtils.execCommandByJSch(admin.getIp(), port,admin.getUserName(), admin.getPwd(), "du -sm "+admin.getInstance()+" |awk '{print $1}'"); fileTotalSize += Long.valueOf(fileSize.replaceAll("\n", "")); break; /*case DicTools.SOFT_STYLE_HDFS: break;*/ default: log.error("该数据库类型或者文件类型("+softType+")不支持!"); break; //throw new Exception("该数据库类型或者文件类型不支持!"); } } } map.put("dbTotalCount", dbTotalCount); map.put("fileTotalCount", fileTotalCount); map.put("fileTotalSize", fileTotalSize); return map; } //返回条数信息 private long getCounts(String driverName,String url,String user,String pwd,String sql) throws Exception{ Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; long rel = 0; try { //注册驱动 JdbcTools.registerDriver(driverName); //获取连接 conn = JdbcTools.getConnection(url,user,pwd); //创建包边 st = conn.createStatement(); //执行查询 rs = st.executeQuery(sql); while( { rel = Long.valueOf(rs.getString(1).replaceAll("\\D", "")); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("统计数据库条数报错"+e); throw new Exception("统计数据库条数报错!"); }finally { JdbcTools.release(conn, st, rs); } return rel; } //返回条数信息 private Map getHiveCounts(String driverName,String url,String user,String pwd,String sql) throws Exception{ Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Map map = new HashMap(); try { //注册驱动 JdbcTools.registerDriver(driverName); //获取连接 conn = JdbcTools.getConnection(url,user,pwd); //创建包边 st = conn.createStatement(); //执行查询 rs = st.executeQuery(sql); while( { String key = rs.getString(1); long value = Long.valueOf(rs.getString(2).replaceAll(",", "")); map.put(key, value); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("统计数据库条数报错"+e); throw new Exception("统计数据库条数报错!"); }finally { JdbcTools.release(conn, st, rs); } return map; } }