SSO with Kerberos

SSO(Single Sign On)是在多个应用系统中,用户只需要登录一次就可以访问所有相互信任(authenticated to each other)的业务子系统。
Kerberos 协议主要用于计算机网络的身份鉴别(Authentication),其特点是用户只需输入一次身份验证信息就可以凭借此验证获得的票据(Ticket-Granting Ticket)访问多个服务(seamlessly sign on at each system),即实现了 SSO。
本篇节选自《Authentication and Identification In Depth》的 Common Types of Authentication|Kerberos,做了部分阅读笔记,翻译注解了认证流程细节,补充了交叉参考配图。

SSO shares centralized authentication servers that all other applications and systems use for authentication purposes and combines this with techniques to ensure that users do not have to actively enter their credentials more than once. ——WiKi

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol that works on the basis of ‘tickets’ to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. ——WiKi


SSO with Kerberos_第1张图片

Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes


In Greek mythology, Kerberos was the three-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades. In computer security, Kerberos is an industry-standard protocol created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to provide authentication over a network.

Kerberos is a symmetric-key, server-based protocol that is widely used in Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX networks. Kerberos has been integrated into OS X since OS X v10.1. Kerberos is highly secure, and unlike some other shared secret, private-key methods, it can be used for one-to-many and many-to-many communications as well as one-to-one. Kerberos achieves this ability by storing all users’ passwords in a central location, the directory server. Kerberos can be used for any number of users and servers on a network.

OS X works with all common directory servers, including LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) servers and Microsoft Windows Active Directory servers. OS X Server includes an open source LDAP server.

Kerberos works by passing around Kerberos tickets—blocks of data used to identify a user who has been previously authenticated. These tickets are issued for a specific user, service, and period of time. Because the initial Kerberos ticket is a form of identification, a kerberized application can use that ticket to request access to additional kerberized services without requiring the user to reauthenticate (by reentering the user’s password). (A kerberized service or application is one that has been configured to support Kerberos tickets.) This ability to access additional services without reauthentication is called single sign-on(SSO).

OS X can host Kerberos authentication services (called a Key Distribution Center (KDC)). Any OS X Server installation that is configured to include a shared LDAP server automatically includes a Kerberos v5 KDC. The Kerberos server software is also included in the client version of OS X.

Although users’ passwords cannot be intercepted during authentication (because they are never sent over the network), it is very important to keep the machine containing the directory server in a secure location. All passwords and private encryption keys are stored in the directory server and are therefore vulnerable to attack if a malicious person gains access to the server.

Any user with an iCloud account can use Kerberos over the Internet to access and control a computer remotely—a service known as Back To My Mac. This service uses public key cryptography to authenticate the two computers, which then follow standard Kerberos protocols, with one computer acting as the KDC and the other as the Kerberos client. The protocol that defines the use of public key cryptography for initial authentication in Kerberos is known as PKINIT. You use the open-source Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) to adapt your application to use Kerberos.


Kerberos should be considered if an organization is looking for a mature means of authenticating users to multiple applications across a variety of technologies.

It is also worth considering if a company has a Web presence that directs end users to a portal with several different applications providing underlying functionality. A bank is a great example of this: users could have a combination of a checking account, a savings account, an IRA or a mortgage from the same bank. It would be a much better user experience to have a single set of credentials for conducting business than to log in to each of these accounts separately.

Kerberos is intended to help enable centralized authentication to simplify the user experience and the system administrators’ account management process. It can be a useful technology and is worth examining by any organization exploring single sign-on systems.

Kerberos Authentication Process

There are several phases to Kerberos authentication.

In the first phase, the client obtains credentials (blocks of data that identify and authenticate an entity) to be used to request access to kerberized services.
In the second phase, the client requests authentication for a specific service.
In the final phase, the client presents those credentials to the service.

SSO with Kerberos_第2张图片

Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3 illustrate this process.

requests credentials from the Kerberos KDC

Figure 1-2 shows the first phase, in which the client, labeled Alice in the figure, requests credentials from the Kerberos KDC.

SSO with Kerberos_第3张图片

The steps are as follows:

  1. Alice looks up the user ID for her username using a directory server.
    Alice then sends a request to the KDC asking for credentials, providing that user ID (in cleartext).

    Alice 发送携带明文 ID 向 KDC 请求 TGT 凭据。

    首次登录时,Alice 需输入账户密码(不会在网络上传输明文密码),由 KDC(authentication server)认证通过后,才能 revisit 发送 TGTGT 报文执行 Request for TGT

    The KDC gets Alice’s password from the directory server, and applies a hashing function to it, thus turning it into a temporary encryption key. This temporary key is known as Alice’s secret key.

    KDC 根据 user ID 查找密码;对密码进行哈希加盐(Hashing with Salt)作为 Alice’s Secret Key(GTKey)。

    两次 MD5 加密用户密码,适当提高安全性。
    how to crack md5(md5(pwd)+string) hashes

  2. The KDC creates an encryption key called a session key for use by Alice the next time she wants to request service from a kerberized server, and encrypts that key with the Alice’s secret key.

    KDC 为 Alice 创建 Session Key,用于后续 Alice 向 KDC 请求服务通信加密。
    KDC 使用 Alice’s Secret Key 加密 Session Key(GTKey_TGT)。

    只有客户 Alice 自己和 KDC(根据 ID 向 directory server 查询) 知道 Alice 的密码,一般客户不会泄露密码,安全性主要由 KDC(directory server)保障。

    It also creates an identification credential called a ticket-granting ticket (TGT), which contains a copy of the session key encrypted with the KDC’s secret symmetric key (plus other information).

    同时,KDC 使用 Secret Key 加密 Session Key 生成等效凭据——TGT(authentication token)。

    TGT 只有颁发者 KDC 才能解开,安全性由 KDC(ticket-granting server)保障。
    TGT(大票)是后续申请授权业务服务 ST(小票)的凭证。

    Both the session key and the TGT include timestamps and expiration times to limit the chances of their being intercepted and used by unauthorized persons.

    KDC 颁发的 Session Key 和生成的 TGT 均带有时间戳和有效期。

    The KDC sends both credentials to Alice, along with information about how to transform Alice’s password into her secret key.

    KDC 将 TGT、GTKey_TGT 以及哈希加盐算法信息一并发给 Alice。

    Because Alice knows her password, Alice uses it, along with that hash information, to compute her secret key. Alice then uses her secret key to decrypt the session key and stores it for later. She can’t decrypt the TGT or modify it, but saves it for later use as well.

    Alice 根据哈希加盐算法基于密码计算出 Secret Key,然后从 GTKey_TGT 解密出 Session Key。

    (1)Session Key 用于后续 Alice 向 KDC 请求服务(如下文中 Alice 请求与 Bob 建立会话)时的通信加密。
    (2)TGT 是 Alice 首次登录成功后,换回的认证凭据。Alice 无法解密 KDC 加密的 TGT,也无法篡改 TGT。后续 Alice 在向 KDC 请求连线业务服务(kerberized service)时,无需再键入账户密码(reauthenticate),只需携带 TGT 给 KDC 即可识别是否已认证过的客户(的合法请求)。

Authenticating the client and server with a Kerberos ticket

In the second phase, Alice uses the TGT to request identification credentials from the KDC in order to use a kerberized service, labeled Bob in the figure. Because Alice has a TGT, the KDC does not have to reauthenticate her, so Alice is not asked again for her password.

In the third phase, Alice sends the credentials to Bob, and Bob sends authentication information to Alice. The second and third phases are illustrated in Figure 1-3.

SSO with Kerberos_第4张图片

The steps are as follows:

  1. Alice sends two messages to the KDC:

    • An authenticator—a request to open a session with Bob that includes the client ID and a timestamp—encrypted using the session key

      Alice 请求建立与 Bob(业务 server)的会话,发送一个使用 Session Key 加密的包含 ID 和 时间戳 的 authenticator 请求。

      疑问:Request for Bob 中的 Bob’s ID 不包含在 authenticator 报文中,应该是明文部分?

    • A message that contains the TGT that the KDC issued earlier

      Alice 发送 KDC 早先颁发的 TGT。

  2. The KDC decrypts the TGT and extracts the session key it issued earlier to Alice. (Recall that when the KDC sent the session key to Alice earlier, it was encrypted with Alice’s secret key, so only the KDC and Alice can know this session key.) Because the TGT is encrypted with the KDC’s secret key, it cannot have been altered, and thus the KDC trusts that session key.

    KDC 使用私钥解密出 TGT 中 Alice 的 Session Key。
    由于 TGT 是 KDC 使用私钥加密的,因此只有 KDC 能解开。

    The KDC obtains Alice’s client ID by using the main session key to decrypt the authenticator.

    KDC 使用 Session Key 解密出 authenticator 中 Alice’s ID,得知 Alice 想与 Bob 通信。

    The KDC then generates a new client-server session key for Alice to use when communicating with Bob, encrypts it with the main session key, and sends it to Alice.

    KDC 生成一个 Alice-Bob 会话 C-S Session Key,使用 Main Session Key 加密(GTKey_ST)后发回给 Alice。

    Alice 使用 Main Session Key 即可从 GTKey_ST 解密出 C-S Session Key。

    The KDC also creates a ticket for Alice to send to Bob. This ticket contains a new session key, and Alice’s client ID. This key is encrypted with Bob’s secret key, so Alice (or an intruder) cannot read or modify it. The KDC sends this ticket to Alice.

    同时,KDC 将创建一个 Alice 向 Bob 请求服务的票据(ST,Service Ticket,小票)返回给 Alice,再由 Alice 发给 Bob。
    ST 票据包含 Alice’s ID 和与 Bob 会话的 C-S Session Key,使用 Bob 的私钥进行加密。

  3. Alice sends the ticket to Bob. Alice also sends a new authenticator (client ID and timestamp) encrypted using the client-server session key.

    Alice 将 KDC 颁发的 ST 票据发给 Bob;同时发送一个新的 authenticator,其中包含 ID 和时间戳,使用 C-S Session Key 加密。

    这里的时间戳应该和第1步中的时间戳不是同一个,根据第4步这个时间戳可能是 KDC 某个报文的回复时间(received earlier from the KDC)?

    Bob decrypts it with his secret key. Because only the KDC and Bob know his secret key, Bob knows the ticket was issued by the KDC. Bob extracts the client-server session key.

    Bob 使用私钥解密出 ST 票据中的会话 C-S Session Key。

    至此,通过 KDC 的认证勾兑,Alice 和 Bob 获取到了属于他们之间业务会话的 C-S Session Key。

    Bob uses the client-server session to decrypt the authenticator. It then sends back a message containing the timestamp from the authenticator plus one, encrypted using the session key.

    Bob 使用 C-S Session Key 解密出 authenticator(其中包含 Alice’s ID 和 时间戳),对时间戳+1后再使用 C-S Session Key 发回给 Alice。

  4. Because Alice knows that only she and Bob have this session key, she knows that the credential must have come from Bob. She checks the value and compares it with the one she received earlier from the KDC. If they are off by one (as expected), she knows that the Bob has been authenticated by the KDC.

    由于发起者 Alice 知道只有她和 Bob 拥有属于他们的 C-S Session Key,因此若 Alice 使用 C-S Session Key 能解密出报文中的时间戳,并且与自己创建 authenticator 中的时间戳比较,如果相差1,说明 Bob 是通过 KDC 授权认证的(业务 server)。

    接下来,Alice 和 Bob 之间即可通过使用 C-S Session Key (对称)加密的安全信令通道进行通信。

Note that this procedure does not involve sending either Alice’s or Bob’s secret key over the network. Because both Alice and Bob are authenticated to each other, Bob knows that Alice is a valid user and Alice knows that Bob is the server with which she intended to do business. All credentials are further protected with timestamps and expiration times. Kerberos has other security features as well; for details, see the MIT Kerberos website at MIT’s kerberos page.

Kerberos and Authorization

Kerberos is an authentication protocol, not an authorization protocol. That is, it verifies the identities of both the client and the server, but it does not include any information about whether the client has a right to use the services provided by the server. In terms of the preceding discussion, after Bob is satisfied that the request for services really came from Alice, it is up to Bob to determine whether to grant Alice access to those services. The ticket(ST) that Bob receives from Alice contains enough information about Alice to enable Bob to make that determination.

Starting with Kerberos version 5, Kerberos tickets provide a mechanism for the tamperproof transmission of authorization information. When the client requests a ticket, it includes information about itself in the request and can request that the KDC include additional authorization in the ticket. The KDC inserts this information into the authorization data field of the ticket and forwards it to the server. Kerberos does not define how this authorization information should be encoded; it provides only a secure mechanism for its transmission. It is up to the client and server to implement the authorization protocol.

Single Sign-on

OS X uses Kerberos for single sign-on authentication, which relieves users from entering a name and password separately for every kerberized service. With single sign-on, after a user enters a name and password in the login window, the user does not have to enter a name and password for Apple file service, mail service, or other services that use Kerberos authentication. In other words, Kerberos authenticates the user once, and thereafter uses tickets to identify the user.

To take advantage of the single sign-on feature, services must be configured for Kerberos authentication and users and services must use the same Kerberos KDC. In OS X, user accounts in an LDAP directory that have a password type of Open Directory use the server’s built-in KDC. These user accounts are automatically configured for Kerberos and single sign-on. The server’s kerberized services also use the server’s built-in KDC and are automatically configured for single sign-on.

Large Networks

At a high level, you can usually think of the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) as a single entity. However, a KDC consists of two separate software processes: the authentication server and the ticket-granting server. The authentication server verifies a user’s identity by prompting the user for a name and password and asking the directory server for the user’s password. The authentication server then looks up the user’s secret key, generates a session key, and creates the ticket-granting ticket (TGT), as shown in Figure 1-4(revisited same as Figure 1-2).

SSO with Kerberos_第5张图片

Thereafter, the user sends the TGT to the ticket-granting server whenever the services of a kerberized server are required, and the ticket-granting server issues the ticket, as shown in Figure 1-5(revisited same as Figure 1-3).

后续(subsequent)在有效期内访问 Network Resource 业务,只需携带业务服务小票(ST)即可。

Many networks are too large to efficiently store all the information about users and computers in a single directory server. Instead, a distributed model(domain model) is used, where there are a number of directory servers, each serving a subset of the network. In Kerberos parlance, this subset is referred to as a realm(domain,域). Each realm has its own ticket-granting server and authentication server. If a user needs a ticket for a service in a different realm(cross-realm,跨域), the authentication server issues a TGT and the user sends the TGT to the authentication server, as before. The authentication server then issues a ticket, not for the desired service but for the remote ticket-granting server for the realm that the service is in. The user then sends the ticket to the remote ticket-granting server to get the ticket for the actual service.

SSO with Kerberos_第6张图片

Trust relationships between domains in effect introduce the domain controllers, the Kerberos KDCs, in the two domains(Realm1 & Ream2).

As shown above, when a user in one domain needs access to a resource in a trusting domain, he should presents his TGT(TGT1) to his domain controller(KDC1). Then the user’s domain controller(KDC1) services his request for a ticket(TGT2) by making a cross-realm referral to the domain controller(KDC2) that owns the resource(Network Resource).This domain controller(KDC2) trusts the referral(TGT2), and issues a ticket(ST) to the user.

Both the user and the network resource can verify that they are not talking to an imposter. Parts of the ticket are encrypted using a key that only the user and the domain controller share, and other parts(ST) are encrypted using a key that only the network resource and the domain controller share. The fact that each can read its part of the ticket proves that each is who they say they are.

By default, all domains within a Windows 2000 domain tree trust each other and accept referrals from each other. Forests in Windows 2000 do not trust each other by default, but trust relationships can easily be established between them.

In fact, in a large network, the user might have to contact the remote ticket-granting server in a sequence of realms before finally getting the ticket for the desired service. When a ticket for the application service is finally issued, it contains an enumeration of all the realms consulted in the process of requesting the ticket. An application server that applies strict authorization rules is permitted to reject authentication that passes through realms that it does not trust.


一种可能的 SSO 关联后端业务系统部署如下图所示。

The user places a request with the user interface layer and provides a ticket(ST) as authentication. The user interface layer uses the ticket(ST) to represent itself as the user to the middle layer, which in turn uses the ticket(ST) to represent itself as the user when requesting service from the database.
This process, known as impersonation, allows each layer to know exactly who is requesting a service and to perform access control as needed; it also allows the system audit records to show exactly who each action was performed for.

上图将业务服务系统 Network Resource 抽离出三个子系统逻辑实体。
我们姑且将 Network Resource 投影为文件业务后台服务器系统来阐述,在通过登录换票以及跨域认证获取到文件服务的业务小票 ST 后,客户端可以手持 ST 请求文件服务。
文件业务后台面向客户端初始可见的只有 User Interface Layer,客户端可以通过 C-S Session Key 加密的安全信道向 User Interface Layer 发送文件服务请求信令,包括上传(POST)、下载(GET)、拉取列表(FETCH LIST)、删除文件(DELETE FILE)等。

  • 对于拉取列表、删除文件请求,User Interface Layer 一般会透传转交 Business Logic Layer 处理,最后向客户透传返回操作结果。
  • 对于上传/下载请求,User Interface Layer 一般会做预处理
    • 与 Business Logic Layer 勾兑,根据 SHA 查询索引是否秒传;如未秒传,则向客户返回上传文件的 IP、PORT、URI、UUID、COOKIE 等信息;
    • 检查下载请求的文件 UUID 是否有效,与 Business Logic Layer 勾兑查询索引位置,向客户返回文件下载的 IP、PORT、URI、UUID、COOKIE 等信息;
    • 客户端组装好 URL 后向具体的 IP:PORT(Business Logic Layer) 发起上传请求(HTTP POST)/下载请求(HTTP GET)。

User Interface Layer:文件业务接入层(GlobalManager),面向客户,负责校验 ST 票据合法性及有效期(用户合法)、解析校验 URL 合法性(cookie能解开,防盗链)及有效期(cookie未过期)(请求有效)、与 Business Logic Layer 勾兑文件传输信息(IP、PORT、URI、UUID、COOKIE)并回应客户端。
Business Logic Layer(FileManager+HttpServer):文件业务逻辑层,面向 GlobalManager,勾兑 Warehouse,负责文件管理或传输调度。对于上传请求,有秒中逻辑(基于全局 SHA 索引查询命中)。上传完成时,转储临时文件到物理仓库,更新索引数据库和用户文件目录树。如果上传中断,则要记录管理上传状态以支持全局断点续传。
Database Layer(Warehouse/Storage):文件存储仓库,面向逻辑层,包括物理存储、索引数据库、上传状态记录、基于用户ID的文件目录树等。

User Interface Layer 有点类似统一接入网关(Portal/Addressing Gateway),而 Business Logic Layer+Database Layer 则可能会作为逻辑单元分布在全国各 IDC。
