JavaScript Puzzlers javascript解惑


Javascript环境: 浏览器标准 ECMA 262 (5.1) 
运行结果可能跟node 或者jsc REPL中有所不同。 比如 this 和 global 在 firefox console, node repl 和jsc shell 是不一样的。


  1. 1.下面表达式的结果是? ["1", "2", "3"].map(parseInt)
    ["1", "2", "3"][1, 2, 3][0, 1, 2]other

    what you actually get is [1, NaN, NaN] because parseInt takes two parameters (val, radix) and map passes 3(element, index, array)

  2. 2.下面表达式的结果是[typeof null, null instanceof Object]
    ["object", false][null, false]["object", true]other

    typeof will always return "object" for native non callable objects.

  3. 3.下面表达式的结果是[ [3,2,1].reduce(Math.pow), [].reduce(Math.pow) ]
    an error[9, 0][9, NaN][9, undefined]

    Per spec: reduce on an empty array without an initial value throws TypeError

  4. 4.下面表达式的结果是? (运算符优先级) var val = 'smtg';console.log('Value is ' + (val === 'smtg') ? 'Something' : 'Nothing');
    Value is SomethingValue is NothingNaNother

    it actually prints 'Something' the + operator has higher precedence than the ternary one.

  5. 5.下面表达式的结果是var name = 'World!';(function () { if (typeof name === 'undefined') { var name = 'Jack'; console.log('Goodbye ' + name); } else { console.log('Hello ' + name); }})();
    Goodbye JackHello JackHello undefinedHello World

    The var declaration is hoisted to the function scope, but the initialization is not.

  6. 6.下面表达式的结果是? var END = Math.pow(2, 53);var START = END - 100;var count = 0;for (var i = START; i <= END; i++) { count++;}console.log(count);

    it goes into an infinite loop, 2^53 is the highest possible number in javascript, and 2^53+1 gives 2^53, so i can never become larger than that.

  7. 7.下面表达式的结果是? var ary = [0,1,2];ary[10] = 10;ary.filter(function(x) { return x === undefined;});
    [undefined × 7][0, 1, 2, 10][][undefined]

    Array.prototype.filter is not invoked for the missing elements.

  8. 8.下面表达式的结果是? var two = 0.2 var one = 0.1 var eight = 0.8 var six = 0.6[two - one == one, eight - six == two]
    [true, true][false, false][true, false]other

    JavaScript does not have precision math, even though sometimes it works correctly.

  9. 9.下面表达式的结果是? function showCase(value) { switch(value) { case 'A': console.log('Case A'); break; case 'B': console.log('Case B'); break; case undefined: console.log('undefined'); break; default: console.log('Do not know!'); }}showCase(new String('A'));
    Case ACase BDo not know!undefined

    switch uses === internally and new String(x) !== x

  10. 10.下面表达式的结果是? function showCase2(value) { switch(value) { case 'A': console.log('Case A'); break; case 'B': console.log('Case B'); break; case undefined: console.log('undefined'); break; default: console.log('Do not know!'); }}showCase2(String('A'));
    Case ACase BDo not know!undefined

    String(x) does not create an object but does return a string, i.e. typeof String(1) === "string"

  11. 11.下面表达式的结果是? function isOdd(num) { return num % 2 == 1;}function isEven(num) { return num % 2 == 0;}function isSane(num) { return isEven(num) || isOdd(num);}var values = [7, 4, '13', -9, Infinity];;
    [true, true, true, true, true][true, true, true, true, false][true, true, true, false, false][true, true, false, false, false]

    Infinity % 2 gives NaN-9 % 2 gives -1 (modulo operator keeps sign so it's result is only reliable compared to 0)

  12. 12.下面表达式的结果是? parseInt(3, 8)parseInt(3, 2)parseInt(3, 0)
    3, 3, 33, 3, NaN3, NaN, NaNother

    3 doesn't exist in base 2, so obviously that's a NaN, but what about 0parseInt will consider a bogus radix and assume you meant 10, so it returns 3.

  13. 13.下面表达式的结果是? Array.isArray( Array.prototype )

    Array.prototype is an Array. Go figure.

  14. 14.下面表达式的结果是? var a = [0];if ([0]) { console.log(a == true);} else { console.log("wut");}

    [0] as a boolean is considered true. Alas, when using it in the comparisons it gets converted in a different way and all goes to hell.

  15. 15.下面表达式的结果是? []==[]

    == is the spawn of satan.

  16. 16.下面表达式的结果是? '5' + 3 '5' - 3
    "53", 28, 2errorother

    Strings know about + and will use it, but they are ignorant of - so in that case the strings get converted to numbers.

  17. 17.下面表达式的结果是? 1 + - + + + - + 1

    Great fun.

  18. 18.下面表达式的结果是? var ary = Array(3);ary[0] { return '1'; });
    [2, 1, 1]["1", "1", "1"][2, "1", "1"]other

    The result is ["1", undefined × 2], as map is only invoked for elements of the Array which have been initialized.

  19. 19.下面表达式的结果是? function sidEffecting(ary) { ary[0] = ary[2];}function bar(a,b,c) { c = 10 sidEffecting(arguments); return a + b + c;}bar(1,1,1)

    The result is 21, in javascript variables are tied to the arguments object so changing the variables changesarguments and changing arguments changes the local variables even when they are not in the same scope.

  20. 20.下面表达式的结果是??? var a = 111111111111111110000, b = 1111;a + b;

    Lack of precision for numbers in JavaScript affects both small and big numbers.

  21. 21.下面表达式的结果是? var x = [].reverse;x();

    [].reverse will return this and when invoked without an explicit receiver object it will default to the defaultthis AKA window

  22. 22.下面表达式的结果是? Number.MIN_VALUE > 0

    Number.MIN_VALUE is the smallest value bigger than zero, -Number.MAX_VALUE gets you a reference to something like the most negative number.

  23. 23.下面表达式的结果是??? [1 < 2 < 3, 3 < 2 < 1]
    [true, true][true, false]errorother

    Implicit conversions at work. both true and false are greater than any number.

  24. 24.下面表达式的结果是? 2 == [[[2]]]

    both objects get converted to strings and in both cases the resulting string is "2"

  25. 25.下面表达式的结果是? 3.toString() 3..toString() 3...toString()
    "3", error, error"3", "3.0", errorerror, "3", errorother

    3.x is a valid syntax to define "3" with a mantissa of xtoString is not a valid number, but the empty string is.

  26. 26.下面表达式的结果是? (function(){ var x = y = 1;})();console.log(y);console.log(x);
    1, 1error, error1, errorother

    y is an automatic global, not a function local one.

  27. 27.下面表达式的结果是? var a = /123/, b = /123/;a == ba === b
    true, truetrue, falsefalse, falseother

    Per spec Two regular expression literals in a program evaluate to regular expression objects that never compare as === to each other even if the two literals' contents are identical.

  28. 28.下面表达式的结果是? var a = [1, 2, 3], b = [1, 2, 3], c = [1, 2, 4]a == ba === ba > ca < c
    false, false, false, truefalse, false, false, falsetrue, true, false, trueother

    Arrays are compared lexicographically with > and <, but not with == and ===

  29. 29.下面表达式的结果是? var a = {}, b = Object.prototype;[a.prototype === b, Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === b]
    [false, true][true, true][false, false]other

    Functions have a prototype property but other objects don't so a.prototype is undefined
    Every Object instead has an internal property accessible via Object.getPrototypeOf

  30. 30.下面表达式的结果是? function f() {}var a = f.prototype, b = Object.getPrototypeOf(f);a === b

    f.prototype is the object that will become the parent of any objects created with new f whileObject.getPrototypeOf returns the parent in the inheritance hierarchy.

  31. 31.下面表达式的结果是? function foo() { }var oldName =; = "bar";[oldName,]
    error["", ""]["foo", "foo"]["foo", "bar"]

    name is a read only property. Why it doesn't throw an error when assigned, I do not know.

  32. 32.下面表达式的结果是? "1 2 3".replace(/\d/g, parseInt)
    "1 2 3""0 1 2""NaN 2 3""1 NaN 3"

    String.prototype.replace invokes the callback function with multiple arguments where the first is the match, then there is one argument for each capturing group, then there is the offset of the matched substring and finally the original string itself. so parseInt will be invoked with arguments 1, 02, 23, 4.

  33. 33.下面表达式的结果是? function f() {}var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(f); // ? // ?typeof eval( // ?typeof eval( // ?
    "f", "Empty", "function", "function""f", undefined, "function", error"f", "Empty", "function", errorother

    The function prototype object is defined somewhere, has a name, can be invoked, but it's not in the current scope.

  34. 34.下面表达式的结果是? var lowerCaseOnly = /^[a-z]+$/;[lowerCaseOnly.test(null), lowerCaseOnly.test()]
    [true, false]error[true, true][false, true]

    the argument is converted to a string with the abstract ToString operation, so it is "null" and "undefined".

  35. 35.下面表达式的结果是? [,,,].join(", ")
    ", , , ""undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined"", , """

    JavaScript allows a trailing comma when defining arrays, so that turns out to be an array of three undefined.

  36. 36.下面表达式的结果是? var a = {class: "Animal", name: 'Fido'};a.class
    "Animal"Objectan errorother

    The answer is: it depends on the browser. class is a reserved word, but it is accepted as a property name by Chrome, Firefox and Opera. It will fail in IE. On the other hand, everybody will accept most other reserved words (intprivatethrows etc) as variable names too, while class is verboten.
