罗德里格斯公式 理解、推导

  罗德里格斯公式(Rodriguez formula)是计算机视觉中的一大经典公式,在描述相机位姿的过程中很常用。公式:

R = I + s i n ( θ ) K + ( 1 − c o s ( θ ) ) K 2 R = I + sin(\theta)K + (1 - cos(\theta))K^{2} R=I+sin(θ)K+(1cos(θ))K2

  在三维空间中,旋转矩阵 R R R可以对坐标系(基向量组)进行刚性的旋转变换。

R = [ r x x r x y r x z r y x r y y r y z r z x r z y r z z ] R = \begin{bmatrix} r_{xx} & r_{xy} & r_{xz}\\ r_{yx} & r_{yy} & r_{yz}\\ r_{zx} & r_{zy} & r_{zz} \end{bmatrix} R=rxxryxrzxrxyryyrzyrxzryzrzz

  通常为了方便计算,基向量组中的向量是相互正交的且都为单位向量,那么 R R R就是一个标准正交矩阵。两个重要性质:

  • R T R = R − 1 R = E R^{T}R = R^{-1}R = E RTR=R1R=E
  • ∣ R ∣ = 1 |R| = 1 R=1

  假设原坐标系基向量矩阵为 B B B,旋转后的坐标系基向量矩阵为 C C C

B = [ b x b y b z ] = [ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ] B = \begin{bmatrix} b_{x} & b_{y} & b_{z} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} B=[bxbybz]=100010001

C = R B C = R B C=RB


罗德里格斯公式 理解、推导_第1张图片
C = [ r x x r x y r x z r y x r y y r y z r z x r z y r z z ] [ b x b y b z ] C = \begin{bmatrix} r_{xx} & r_{xy} & r_{xz}\\ r_{yx} & r_{yy} & r_{yz}\\ r_{zx} & r_{zy} & r_{zz} \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} b_{x} & b_{y} & b_{z} \end{bmatrix} C=rxxryxrzxrxyryyrzyrxzryzrzz[bxbybz]
  根据线性代数的定义,旋转矩阵 R R R就是从基向量矩阵 B B B到基向量矩阵 C C C的过渡矩阵。由于旋转矩阵 R R R是标准3阶正交矩阵,故旋转矩阵 R R R的自由度为3,这说明最少可以用三个变量来表示旋转矩阵 R R R,这就是**罗德里格斯公式(Rodriguez formula)**存在的基础。

  **罗德里格斯公式(Rodriguez formula)**首先要确定一个三维的单位向量 k = [ k x k y k z ] T k = \begin{bmatrix} k_{x} & k_{y} & k_{z} \end{bmatrix}^T k=[kxkykz]T(两个自由度)和一个标量 θ \theta θ (一个自由度)。


罗德里格斯公式 理解、推导_第2张图片


  先考虑对一个向量作旋转,其中 v v v 是原向量,三维的单位向量 k = [ k x k y k z ] T k = \begin{bmatrix} k_{x} & k_{y} & k_{z} \end{bmatrix}^T k=[kxkykz]T是旋转轴, θ \theta θ 是旋转角度, v r o t v_{rot} vrot是旋转后的向量。

  先通过点积得到 v v v k k k 方向的平行分量 v ∥ v_{\parallel } v
v ∥ = ( v ⋅ k ) k v_{\parallel } = (v \cdot k)k v=(vk)k

  再通过叉乘得到与 k k k 正交的两个向量 v ⊥ v_{\perp} v w w w
v ⊥ = v − v ∥ = v − ( v ⋅ k ) k = − k × ( k × v ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ( 1 ) v_{\perp} = v - v_{\parallel } = v - (v \cdot k)k = -k \times (k \times v) \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot \cdot (1) v=vv=v(vk)k=k×(k×v)(1) w = k × v w = k \times v w=k×v

v r o t = v ∥ + c o s ( θ ) v ⊥ + s i n ( θ ) w v_{rot} = v_{\parallel } + cos(\theta)v_{\perp} + sin(\theta)w vrot=v+cos(θ)v+sin(θ)w

  再引入叉积矩阵的概念:记 K K K k = [ k x k y k z ] T k = \begin{bmatrix} k_{x} & k_{y} & k_{z} \end{bmatrix}^T k=[kxkykz]T 的叉积矩阵。显然 K K K 是一个反对称矩阵。
K = [ 0 − k z k y k z 0 − k x − k y k x 0 ] K = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -k_{z} & k_{y}\\ k_{z} & 0 & -k_{x}\\ -k_{y} & k_{x} &0 \end{bmatrix} K=0kzkykz0kxkykx0

k × v = K v k \times v = K v k×v=Kv

  为了利用该性质,需要将 $v_{rot} $ 代换为 $v $ 与 $k $ 的叉积关系,先根据(1)式做代换:
v ∥ = v + k × ( k × v ) v_{\parallel } = v+ k \times (k \times v) v=v+k×(k×v)
v r o t = v + k × ( k × v ) − c o s ( θ ) k × ( k × v ) + s i n ( θ ) k × v v_{rot} =v+ k \times (k \times v) - cos(\theta) k \times (k \times v) + sin(\theta)k \times v vrot=v+k×(k×v)cos(θ)k×(k×v)+sin(θ)k×v

v r o t = v + ( 1 − c o s ( θ ) ) K 2 v + s i n ( θ ) K v v_{rot} =v+ (1 - cos(\theta) )K^{2}v + sin(\theta)K v vrot=v+(1cos(θ))K2v+sin(θ)Kv v r o t = ( I + ( 1 − c o s ( θ ) ) K 2 + s i n ( θ ) K ) v v_{rot} =(I+ (1 - cos(\theta) )K^{2} + sin(\theta)K )v vrot=(I+(1cos(θ))K2+sin(θ)K)v

  最后将 v 、 v r o t v、v_{rot} vvrot 换为 B 、 C B、C BC,就是罗德里格斯公式的标准形式。

B = ( I + ( 1 − c o s ( θ ) ) K 2 + s i n ( θ ) K ) C ⇔ R = I + ( 1 − c o s ( θ ) ) K 2 + s i n ( θ ) K B =(I+ (1 - cos(\theta) )K^{2} + sin(\theta)K )C \Leftrightarrow R = I+ (1 - cos(\theta) )K^{2} + sin(\theta)K B=(I+(1cos(θ))K2+sin(θ)K)CR=I+(1cos(θ))K2+sin(θ)K

  这里我取 k = [ 3 − 0.5 3 − 0.5 3 − 0.5 ] T k = \begin{bmatrix} 3^{-0.5} & 3^{-0.5} & 3^{-0.5} \end{bmatrix}^T k=[30.530.530.5]T ,可以看到通过罗德里格斯公式作基变换 C = R B C = R B C=RB的过程。



% Rodriguez formula 
% 作者:龚冰剑
% 时间:2017年12月29日 16:39:14

clear all
close all

W_vec = [3^(-0.5)   3^(-0.5)    3^(-0.5)];
W_mat = [0          -W_vec(3)   W_vec(2);
        W_vec(3)    0           -W_vec(1);
        -W_vec(2)   W_vec(1)    0       ];
zeta = 0 : pi / 180 : pi / 3;

origin_point = [0   0   0];
vector_x = [1   0   0];
vector_y = [0   1   0];
vector_z = [0   0   1];

% color
color_table = linspecer(length(zeta));

for i = 1 : length(zeta)
    %hold off
    plot3([origin_point(1) W_vec(1)],[origin_point(2) W_vec(2)],[origin_point(3) W_vec(3)], 'r--o', 'linewidth',2)
    hold on

    % 绘制原基向量
    plot3([origin_point(1) vector_x(1)],[origin_point(2) vector_x(2)],[origin_point(3) vector_x(3)], 'r')
    plot3([origin_point(1) vector_y(1)],[origin_point(2) vector_y(2)],[origin_point(3) vector_y(3)], 'r')
    plot3([origin_point(1) vector_z(1)],[origin_point(2) vector_z(2)],[origin_point(3) vector_z(3)], 'r')
    Rot_mat = diag([1 1 1]) + sin(zeta(i)) * W_mat + (1 - cos(zeta(i))) * W_mat * W_mat;
    vector_x_Rot = vector_x * Rot_mat;
    vector_y_Rot = vector_y * Rot_mat;
    vector_z_Rot = vector_z * Rot_mat;
    % 绘制变换后的基向量
    plot3([origin_point(1) vector_x_Rot(1)],[origin_point(2) vector_x_Rot(2)],[origin_point(3) vector_x_Rot(3)], '-*','color', color_table(i, :))
    plot3([origin_point(1) vector_y_Rot(1)],[origin_point(2) vector_y_Rot(2)],[origin_point(3) vector_y_Rot(3)], '-*','color', color_table(i, :))
    plot3([origin_point(1) vector_z_Rot(1)],[origin_point(2) vector_z_Rot(2)],[origin_point(3) vector_z_Rot(3)], '-*','color', color_table(i, :))
    axis([-0.5 1 -0.5 1 -0.5 1])
    view(100, 30);
    title(sprintf('θ = %.3f 度', zeta(i) * 180 / pi))
    grid on


% function lineStyles = linspecer(N)
% This function creates an Nx3 array of N [R B G] colors
% These can be used to plot lots of lines with distinguishable and nice
% looking colors.
% lineStyles = linspecer(N);  makes N colors for you to use: lineStyles(ii,:)
% colormap(linspecer); set your colormap to have easily distinguishable 
%                      colors and a pleasing aesthetic
% lineStyles = linspecer(N,'qualitative'); forces the colors to all be distinguishable (up to 12)
% lineStyles = linspecer(N,'sequential'); forces the colors to vary along a spectrum 
% % Examples demonstrating the colors.
% N=6;
% X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000); 
% Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N); 
% C = linspecer(N);
% axes('NextPlot','replacechildren', 'ColorOrder',C);
% plot(X,Y,'linewidth',5)
% ylim([-1.1 1.1]);
% N = 6; X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
% C = linspecer(N)
% hold off;
% for ii=1:N
%     Y = sin(X+2*ii*pi/N);
%     plot(X,Y,'color',C(ii,:),'linewidth',3);
%     hold on;
% end
% A = rand(15);
% figure; imagesc(A); % default colormap
% figure; imagesc(A); colormap(linspecer); % linspecer colormap
% by Jonathan Lansey, March 2009-2013 �Lansey at gmail.com               %
%% credits and where the function came from
% The colors are largely taken from:
% http://colorbrewer2.org and Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University
% She studied this from a phsychometric perspective and crafted the colors
% beautifully.
% I made choices from the many there to decide the nicest once for plotting
% lines in Matlab. I also made a small change to one of the colors I
% thought was a bit too bright. In addition some interpolation is going on
% for the sequential line styles.

function lineStyles=linspecer(N,varargin)

if nargin==0 % return a colormap
    lineStyles = linspecer(64);
%     temp = [temp{:}];
%     lineStyles = reshape(temp,3,255)';

if N<=0 % its empty, nothing else to do here

% interperet varagin
qualFlag = 0;

if ~isempty(varargin)>0 % you set a parameter?
    switch lower(varargin{1})
        case {'qualitative','qua'}
            if N>12 % go home, you just can't get this.
                warning('qualitiative is not possible for greater than 12 items, please reconsider');
                if N>9
                    warning(['Default may be nicer for ' num2str(N) ' for clearer colors use: whitebg(''black''); ']);
            qualFlag = 1;
        case {'sequential','seq'}
            lineStyles = colorm(N);
            warning(['parameter ''' varargin{1} ''' not recognized']);
% predefine some colormaps
  set3 = colorBrew2mat({[141, 211, 199];[ 255, 237, 111];[ 190, 186, 218];[ 251, 128, 114];[ 128, 177, 211];[ 253, 180, 98];[ 179, 222, 105];[ 188, 128, 189];[ 217, 217, 217];[ 204, 235, 197];[ 252, 205, 229];[ 255, 255, 179]}');
set1JL = brighten(colorBrew2mat({[228, 26, 28];[ 55, 126, 184];[ 77, 175, 74];[ 255, 127, 0];[ 255, 237, 111]*.95;[ 166, 86, 40];[ 247, 129, 191];[ 153, 153, 153];[ 152, 78, 163]}'));
set1 = brighten(colorBrew2mat({[ 55, 126, 184]*.95;[228, 26, 28];[ 77, 175, 74];[ 255, 127, 0];[ 152, 78, 163]}),.8);

set3 = dim(set3,.93);

switch N
    case 1
        lineStyles = { [  55, 126, 184]/255};
    case {2, 3, 4, 5 }
        lineStyles = set1(1:N);
    case {6 , 7, 8, 9}
        lineStyles = set1JL(1:N)';
    case {10, 11, 12}
        if qualFlag % force qualitative graphs
            lineStyles = set3(1:N)';
        else % 10 is a good number to start with the sequential ones.
            lineStyles = cmap2linspecer(colorm(N));
otherwise % any old case where I need a quick job done.
    lineStyles = cmap2linspecer(colorm(N));
lineStyles = cell2mat(lineStyles);

% extra functions
function varIn = colorBrew2mat(varIn)
for ii=1:length(varIn) % just divide by 255

function varIn = brighten(varIn,varargin) % increase the brightness

if isempty(varargin),
    frac = .9; 
    frac = varargin{1}; 

for ii=1:length(varIn)

function varIn = dim(varIn,f)
    for ii=1:length(varIn)
        varIn{ii} = f*varIn{ii};

function vOut = cmap2linspecer(vIn) % changes the format from a double array to a cell array with the right format
vOut = cell(size(vIn,1),1);
for ii=1:size(vIn,1)
    vOut{ii} = vIn(ii,:);
% colorm returns a colormap which is really good for creating informative
% heatmap style figures.
% No particular color stands out and it doesn't do too badly for colorblind people either.
% It works by interpolating the data from the
% 'spectral' setting on http://colorbrewer2.org/ set to 11 colors
% It is modified a little to make the brightest yellow a little less bright.
function cmap = colorm(varargin)
n = 100;
if ~isempty(varargin)
    n = varargin{1};

if n==1
    cmap =  [0.2005    0.5593    0.7380];
if n==2
     cmap =  [0.2005    0.5593    0.7380;
              0.9684    0.4799    0.2723];

frac=.95; % Slight modification from colorbrewer here to make the yellows in the center just a bit darker
cmapp = [158, 1, 66; 213, 62, 79; 244, 109, 67; 253, 174, 97; 254, 224, 139; 255*frac, 255*frac, 191*frac; 230, 245, 152; 171, 221, 164; 102, 194, 165; 50, 136, 189; 94, 79, 162];
x = linspace(1,n,size(cmapp,1));
xi = 1:n;
cmap = zeros(n,3);
for ii=1:3
    cmap(:,ii) = pchip(x,cmapp(:,ii),xi);
cmap = flipud(cmap/255);


1.Rodrigues’ rotation formula - Wiki


3.关于罗德里格斯公式的简单推导 新浪博客

