Failed to apply PSU patch to grid home with traditional way: "opatch apply"
/grid/app/ apply -oh /grid/app/ -local /oracle/software/PSU/21523375
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
The error message:
ZOP-51: The patch location is not valid for apply, because it doesn't have correct metadata, or it points to a patch directory.
Argument(s) Error... Patch location is not valid for apply
Please check the arguments and try again.
OPatch failed with error code 135
The issue is due to the wrong directory name given in the "opatch apply"
/grid/app/ apply -oh /grid/app/ -local /oracle/software/PSU/21523375 <<< 21523375 is the main directory of PSU patch
** /oracle/software/PSU/21523375 is the main directory for PSU after uncompressed.
If apply PSU patch with traditional "opatch apply", the sub-directory for database/OCW patch should be given. for an example, if want to apply OCW patch with "opatch apply", need to change the command to :