Designing a Controller-Designing Sub-controllers


Designing a Controller-Designing Sub-controllers_第1张图片

当控制器在控制器选项卡中被创建后,下一个步骤是定义所有将成为控制器组成部分的子控制器。要做到这一点,请在工作区树状图中选择Sub Controller Scope Definition(子控制器范围定义)文件夹。

Designing a Controller-Designing Sub-controllers_第2张图片


Designing a Controller-Designing Sub-controllers_第3张图片

6.SMOCPro会自动提醒将哪个变量分配给指定的子控制器。为此,SMOCPro将把推荐变量标成蓝色。你可以使用拖放功能单独分配它们,也可以通过单击Get All Advised(获取所有建议)按钮一次性分配。

Renaming a Controller
The user can rename a controller. To achieve this, select the controller to be renamed and click the Rename button. The following dialog box opens

  1. The current name of the controller is displayed.
  2. Enter a new name for the controller and click the OK button. The controller name is modified. You may now edit/modify the controller setting and/or build it as is.
    Designing Sub-controllers
    After a controller has been created in the controller tab, the next step is to define all the sub-controllers that will be part of the controller. To do this, select the Sub Controller Scope Definition folder in the workspace tree.
    The next step is to add or remove sub-controllers from the controller. To do this, click on either the New or Delete buttons in the Sub Controller window. The software will prompt you for a name for the new sub-controller with the following entry box:
    After the name has been entered and the user has clicked OK, the following step is to assign the relevant process variables (MVs, DVs, POVs) to each dynamic sub-controller.
    The rules for assigning variables are:
  3. Create the necessary sub-controllers.
  4. Order the sub-controllers using the up and down button. The ordering of the sub-controllers dictates the execution sequence of the respective dynamic control problems: sub-controllers higher in the list are executed before sub-controllers lower in the list.
  5. Click on a sub-controller name to select it.
  6. Start the assignment with MVs and DVs. Drag and drop them from the Unassigned to the Sub-controller list.
  7. A POV assignment is accepted only if the POV has a relationship with at least one of the already assigned variables.
  8. SMOCPro will automatically advise which variables to assign to a specific sub-controller. To do this, SMOCPro colors the advised variables in blue. You can assign them individually using the drag and drop functionality or assign them all at once by clicking on the Get All Advised button.
  9. Assigned variables without a relationship to any of the other assigned variables are automatically unassigned when switching to another sub-controller or when leaving the assignment process.
  10. Repeat the assignment process for each sub-controller until the unassigned list is empty.
  11. Delete sub-controllers without assigned variables.


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