经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)

经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)

原创: 秦陇纪 数据简化DataSimp 今天

数据简化DataSimp导读:A.2016年英文IT文章列表;B.640篇英文IT文章列表;C.数据简化DataSimp公众号。(文章列表里的标题文字带链接,按“ctrl+点击标题”可跳转浏览器,微信限制外链,请下载PDF使用链接)。如有错误或疏漏(包括原文错误)等,请联系[email protected]沟通、指正,文末有作者微信、实名制群联系方式,欢迎留言、转发。


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文|秦陇纪,数据精简DataSimp2016-04-05首发,数据简化DataSimp 2018-08-01Wed重发

经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)_第1张图片

1. 技术架构

1.Everyday Algorithms:Elevator Allocation电梯算法调度

2.Le Cloud Blog系统设计系列scalability入门

3.Airbnb Shares The Keys To Its Infrastructure Airbnb基础架构 进行中

4.Backendinfrastructure at SpotifySpotify架构

5.Jepsen: On theperils of network partitions网络分割技术系列

6.AComprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services在AWS上构建大型Web APP指南

7.How InstacartBuilt Its On-Demand Grocery Delivery Service Instacart背后的技术

8.Pinnability:Machine learning in the home feed Pinterest主页的机器学习 进行中

9.The Rise ofthe API-based SaaS API作为Saas兴起

10.5 AWS mistakesyou should avoid 5个该避免的AWS错误

11.The Art of theCommit提交的艺术进行中

12.StackOverflow: The ArchitectureStack Overflow2016最新架构探秘

13.ScalingKnowledge at Airbnb Airbnb的知识管理已翻

14.How UberThinks About Site Reliability Engineering Uber SRE怎么做

15.How BuzzFeedThinks About Data ScienceBuzzfeed数据科学的思考,进行中

16.basicinfrastructure patterns基础架构模式

17.DesigningSchemaless, Uber EngineeringUber无模式数据存储

18.DataArchitecture in an Anti-Fraud Architecture反欺诈系统的数据架构 进行中

19.The Epic Storyof Dropbox’s Exodus From the Amazon Cloud Empire长夜读|Dropbox 出走亚马逊云服务帝国的壮丽史诗

20.How Badoosaved one million dollars switching to PHP7升级PHP7省了百万美金

21.EngineersShouldn't Write ETL: A Guide to Building a High Functioning Data ScienceDepartment不要写ETL

22.Jeff Dean onLarge-Scale Deep Learning at Google已翻

23.Putting theSqueeze on Trip Data Uber技术

24.3 simplereasons why you need to learn Scala学习Scala的原因

25.P-values notquite considered harmful P值的作用

26.4 reasons whymicroservices resonate微模式

27.Object-orientedvs. functional programming面向对象还是面向函数

28.Why a patternlanguage for microservices?微模式的设计语言

2. 大数据之系列,KafkaSamza[个人偏好]

1.Streamprocessing, Event sourcing, Reactive and making sense of it all流处理,事件源,响应式

2.Usinglogs to build a solid data infrastructure (or: why dual writes are a bad idea)使用日志作为可靠数据架构

3.BottledWater: Real-time integration of PostgreSQL and Kafka跟PostgreSQL,Kafka做实时集成

4.Real-timefull-text search with Luwak and Samza Luwak和Samza做实时全文检索

5.Turningthe database inside-out with Apache Samza Samza调优数据库

6.ApacheKafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data Kafka,Samza和Unix的分布式数据设计哲学

7.Thevalue of Apache Kafka in Big Data ecosystem Kafka在大数据生态系统中的价值 已翻

8.DistributedConsensus Reloaded: Apache ZooKeeper and Replication in Apache Kafka分布式重载:kafka中的zookeeper和复制

9.PuttingApache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part1)使用Apache Kafka构建流式数据平台(1)

10.PuttingApache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part2)

11.AnnouncingKafka Connect: Building large-scale low-latency data pipelines Kafka连接:搭建大规模低延迟的数据管道

12.IntroducingKafka Streams: Stream Processing Made Simple Kafka数据流:让流处理更轻松

13.Buildinga high-throughput data science machine搭建高吞吐的数据科学机器

14.TheHadoop tipping point hadoop转折点

15.Democratizingbusiness analytics民主化商业分析

16.Whyyour next analytics project should be in procurement分析项目采购

17.Bestpractices for data lakes数据湖的最佳实践

18.Embeddabledata transformation for real-time streams实时流的数据处理

19.Data,technology, and the future of play数据,技术和未来游戏

20.Learningin higher dimensions在更高维度学习

21.Hadoopin the cloud云端的Hadoop

22.Approachingbig data from a business perspective

3. 招聘&面试

1.What ILearned from Blowing An Interview从一次失败的面试学到的东西

2.TheTrick Max Levchin Used to Hire the Best Engineers at PayPal Paypal CTO如何招聘最好工程师,完成

3.How toHire a Rock Star Engineer如何招聘顶级工程师

4.Myfavorite interview question我最喜欢的面试题


6.OnInterviewing Software Engineers怎么面试工程师

7.Acethe coding interview, every time攻克代码面试

8.HowStack Overflow Does Technical Interviews Stack Overflow怎么做技术面试

9.ThisIs How You Identify A-Players (In About 10 Minutes) During An Interview在面试10分钟内找到最好的人

10.StartupInterviewing is Fucked创业公司面试

11.How toHire怎么招聘

12.3 Tipsfor Onboarding New Hires Using Quip新人报道指南


4. 管理&成长

1.How toget rich in tech, guaranteed.怎么通过技术变富

2.Failat Scale快速变化中的可靠性

3.When ILearned That Computers Have Soul 计算机有没有灵魂


5.Do theRight Thing做正确的事情

6.TheSurprising Secret to Being a Good Boss成为好老板的秘诀

7.TheHighest-Leverage Activities Aren't Always Deep Work影响力大的工作不一定有多深

8.TheSecret to Growing Your Engineering Career If You Don't Want to Manage不走管理路线你还能职业发展的秘密

9.Calculatingthe Value of Time: How Much is Your Time Really Worth?过去的时间管理都弱爆了!看硅谷人如何为自己的一小时定价

10.Thesoftware engineer’s guide to asserting dominance in the workplace工程师一周应该怎么过

11.Sleepdeprivation is not a badge of honor不要熬夜

12.Whatis Craftsmanship and Why is it Important?技术精益重要性

13.Beingdata-driven: It‘s all about the culture数据驱动

14.Fiveprinciples for applying data science for social good

15.Whatto look for in a data scientist数据科学家需要的

16.Beyondthe Venn diagram超越Venn类型

17.What Ilearned about software architecture from running a marathon从马拉松想到软件架构

18.Defininga reactive microservice定义微服务


5. 创业分享


2.Howto Design a Better Pitch Deck如何设计更好融资ppt 翻译完

3.Howto build a good onboarding process for new hires at a startup在创业公司,新员工如何上手,翻译完

4.HowI validated my startup idea如何验证创业想法

5.Afterthe Layoffs裁员之后

6.156Startup Failure Post-Mortems 156家创业失败启示,1/3完成

7.10tips for moving from programmer to entrepreneur从程序员进化到企业家进行中

8.TomBlomfield: When to join a startup什么时候加入创业公司译完

9.LetterTo A Young Programmer Considering A Startup给想创业的年轻程序员的信

10.Howto Time TravelAirbnbCEO告诉你如何写一篇优秀的品牌(软)文

11.Tenclassic books that define tech十本书推荐

12.Howdo you validate your startup idea before quitting your current job在你辞职前如何验证创业想法

13.6questions every founder should ask before they raise capital融资前要问的6个问题

6. 行业公司和人物采访

1.Headof Amazon Web Services on Finding the Next Great Opportunity AWS主管寻找下一个伟大计划

2.10-lessons-from-10-years-of-awsAWS运营10 周年学到的10 条经验教训

3.MarkZuckerberg tackles question on what he would do as Twitter CEO如果扎克伯格是Twitter的CEO,他会怎么做?

4.HowZenefits Crashed Back Down To Earth谎言、酒宴:融资5.8亿美元的硅谷独角兽,疯狂失控中

5.WhyI left the best job in the world The Startup为何我离开世界上最好的工作

6.ADecade at Google在Google工作十年的感悟

7.Hadoopcreator Doug Cutting on evolving and succeeding in open source Doug 谈Hadoop进化和开源

8.Googleand Facebook Team Up to Open Source the Gear Behind Their Empires Google 和FB谈数据中心的较量进行中

9.FacebookDoesn’tMake as Much Money as It Could Facebook钱还没赚够

10.WhatMy PhD Was Like读博是怎么过的

11.WhatTechnology Will Look Like In Five Years 5年后技术什么样翻译完

12.EtsyCTO Q&A: We Need Software Engineers, Not Developers我们要的是工程师,不是开发者

13.Curationand Algorithms人工挑选和算法

14.10XDurability 10倍可靠

15.We’re in a brave, newpost open source world在开源世界中生存

16.Fromfleeing Vietnam in a refugee boat to becoming Uber’s CTO从难民到Uber首席技术官:一个幸存者的故事

17.WhatWill You Do After White-Collar Work?白领工作后能做啥?

18.LyftTo Uber: The Race Is On Lyft和Uber的战争

19.HowJeff Bezos Became a Power Beyond Amazon突破Amazon,Jeff Bezos非凡影响力的崛起之路

20.SearchingFor Google CEO Sundar Pichai, The Most Powerful Tech Giant You've Never HeardOf GoogleCEO你没听说过的超强巨人

21.WhyThis Tech Bubble is Worse Than the Tech Bubble of 2000现在科技泡沫比2000年还大?

22.Thesharing economy: A big step toward making Marshall McLuhan's Global Village areality共享经济

23.Algorithmsof the Mind思想的算法

7. 人工智能&机器学习

1.HowAI Is Feeding China s Internet Dragon AI是怎么适应中国互联网巨龙的(百度)

2.SiliconValley Looks to Artificial Intelligence for the Next Big Thing硅谷把AI作为下一个大事

3.ArtificialIntelligence Finally Entered Our Everyday World AI最后进入我们每天的生活

4.TheFuture of Chat Is not AI聊天的未来不是AI

5.AlphaGoand the Limits of Machine Intuition AlphaGo和机器觉醒

6.Thecurrent state of machine intelligence 2.0机器智能2.0

7.Thefuture of machine intelligence机器智能的未来

8.Learningfrom Tay Tay学到的

9.Learningfrom AlphaGo AlphaGo学习到的

10.RistoMiikkulainen on evolutionary computation and making robots think for themselves如何让机器人自我思考

11.Howto build and run your first deep learning network怎么搭建第一个深度学习网络

12.Predictivemodeling: Striking a balance between accuracy and interpretability

13.Howhuman-machine collaboration has automated the data catalog人工和机器如何合作生成数据目录

14.Buildinga business that combines human experts and data science把专家和数据科学结合

15.Unsupervisedlearning, attention, and other mysteries非监督学习,注意和其他神秘

16.AI‘s dueling definitions AI的定义

17.Insearch of a model for modeling intelligence模型智能的搜索

18.Whatis deep learning, and why should you care?深度学习是啥

19.Compressedrepresentations in the age of big data大数据时代的压缩表示

20.Machinelearning in the wild机器学习野蛮生长

21.Trainingand serving NLP models using Spark MLlib通过spark库做自然语言处理

22.Wouldn‘t it be fun to buildyour own Google?能自己建个Google吗

23.Smallbrains, big data小大脑,大数据

24.Onthe evolution of machine learning机器学习的进化

25.Evolutionarycomputation: Stepping stones and unexpected solutions进化计算

26.Datahas a shape数据有型

27.GeoffreyHinton, the 'godfather' of deep learning, on AlphaGo前沿| 专访GeoffreyHinton:人工智能会继续发展,请不要误用

8. 产品设计&用户增长

1.HowSlack Uses Slack Slack是如何使用Slack的

2.TheDesign Sprint设计的周期

3.Onbuilding product at MediumMedium如何做产品的

4.Duolinguoreach 110M Users多邻国怎么把用户发展到上亿的,已翻

5.SimpleDesign is What You Need, Not What You Want简单设计你需要的,而不是想要的

6.Growthis a system, not a bag of tricks增长是一个系统

7.Design,Process, and Collaboration at Stripe Stripe设计,流程和合作

8.ProductHunt Rise Product Hunt 花了3年多成长故事

9.TheRise, Fall, and Rise of Bitly: How a Free Link Shortener Became a Real BusinessAdventures in Consumer Technology短链服务如何挣钱的

10.HowApple Built 3D Touch苹果手机的3D触摸怎么做的

11.Thelong march from China to the Ivies中国学生进入哈佛的长征之路

12.HackingWord-of-Mouth: Making Referrals Work for Airbnb[GrowthHacking] Airbnb 邀请系统的实现过程

13.HowPinterest increased MAUs with one simple trick Pinterest实现MAU增长的小技巧

14.Thevision, mission, and strategy for Coinbase Coinbase的使命和战略

15.MobileUX Design: What Makes a Good Notification? 手机UX设计:怎么做好通知

16.JoelMarsh on the science of design设计科学

17.UX forbeginners: Key ideas UX入门

18.Prototypingfor physical and digital products物理数字产品的原型设计

9. 前沿技术(虚拟现实,实时计算)

1.Timoni West onnailing the virtual reality user experience虚拟现实体验

2.The evolutionof open source is a good thing开源进化是好事

3.A newinfrastructure for biology生物的新架构

4.The IoT is anatural ecosystem for streaming analytics IOT是流分析的自然生态

5.Streamprocessing and messaging systems for the IoT age IOT的实时消息处理

6.Embeddabledata transformation for real-time streams实时流计算

7.The big datamarket大数据市场

8.What‘ next forbig data applications?下一个大数据应用是什么

9.Distributedsystems performance solutions require real-time intelligence分布式系统需要实时智能


B经典640篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (7445)


文|董飞,数据精简DataSimp2016-04-05首发,数据简化DataSimp 2018-08-01Wed重发

经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)_第2张图片

回顾去年的一些科技媒体和博客,董飞老师希望做一些纪录和共享。下面是从Firstround review,medium, waitbutwhy,growthhacker,quora,wired,recode,techcrunch,hackernews,fortune等精选的大概640篇文章英文阅读列表。涉及创业心得,企业文化,科技人物访谈,前沿技术,硅谷往事,程序员修养。如果大家感兴趣也可以留言翻译,校对后在知乎专栏和一些媒体平台(36氪,百度百家,创业邦,雷锋网等)中给大家推荐。翻译范例:为什么最近有很多名人,比如比尔盖茨,马斯克、霍金等,让人们警惕人工智能,Elon Musk:比宙斯还忙的人,之前翻译文章归档到从Firstround Review开始我把内容放在github上,也有不少已经有翻译了,这些就直接让大家学习。

1.Stop Dancing Around Criticismand Put It to Use with These Tips from Airbnb's Head of Experience Design

2.One Rubric Changed Box'sEngineering Performance

3.What I Learned ScalingEngineering Teams Through Euphoria and Horror

4.This Is What ImpactfulEngineering Leadership Looks Like,Dropbox 管理學:好的公司應該告訴員工「不當主管」也沒關係

5.How Medium Is Building a NewKind of Company with No Managers

6.An Inside Look at Facebook'sMethod for Hiring Designers创业公司如何才能招聘到优秀的产品设计师?看看Facebook是怎么做的

7.This is Why People Leave YourCompany

8.The One Thing Every LeaderNeeds to Learn: How to Scale Change

9.From 0 to $1B - Slack's FounderShares Their Epic Launch Strategy从0到10亿美元

10.Drew Houston’s Morph fromHacker to Hyper-Growth CEODropbox 创始人谈:如何从黑客成长为CEO?

11.Employee Onboarding at StartupsIs Broken

12.Fixing Engineering's Loyaltyand Longevity Problem

13.Why Yammer Believes theTraditional Engineering Organizational Structure is Dead

14.The Do’s and Don’ts of RapidScaling for Startups

15.Simple Design is What You Need,Not What You Want

16.Evernote’s CTO on Your BiggestSecurity Worries From 3 to 300 Employees

17.How to Make Engineering InternsEffective for Your Startup

18.Looking for Love in All TheWrong Places

19.How Fast-Growing Startups CanFix Internal Communication Before It Breaks

20.Hyper-Growth Done Right企业超速发展中的时势与英雄:曾领导Facebook 和Dropbox 工程师团队扩张的Aditya分享经验教训

21.How to Make OKRs Actually Workat Your Startup

22.The Best Hires Are Right UnderYour Nose

23.What You Want in a VP Eng fromthe Recruiters Behind Twitter and Zappos

24.Zach Sims of Codecademy onLessons in Raising $12.5 Million for the First Time

25.Head Designer of Mint on WhyGreat Design Isn’t About Making Things Pretty

26.Asana’s Head of Talent on theSecrets to Finding a Great Startup Recruiter

27.Here’s Why You’re Not Hiringthe Best and the Brightest

28.Facebook VP of Engineering onSolving Hard Things EarlyFacebook工程部副总裁Cory Ondrejka谈企业在早期所遇到的管理瓶颈

29.Lessons from Pixar: WhySoftware Developers Should Be Storytellers

30.Rap Genius Explains Why Worseis Better

31.Software is Eating Hardware

32.Mechanize Your Hiring Processto Make Better Decisions

33.How to Engage Your Users toBuild the Product They Actually Want

34.How to Start a Growth Team, 怎样从无到有地打造一支增长团队?

35.The Woman Behind the NetflixCulture Doc她缔造了 Netflix 的公司文化,最终却又被其所伤

36.The Management Framework thatPropelled LinkedIn to a $20 Billion Company

37.How Modern Marketplaces LikeUber and Airbnb Build Trust to Achieve Liquidity解析Uber与Airbnb等新型Marketplace是如何建立信任、提高Liquidity

38.What Founders Need to KnowAbout Building Management Teams Before It’s Too Late

39.23 Tools to Make Your FeedbackMeaningful

40.The Trick Max Levchin Used toHire the Best Engineers at PayPal

41.How to Scale 10x as a CEO Builta Billion Dollar Business

42.My Management Lessons fromThree Failed Startups, Google, Apple, Dropbox, Twitter and Square:从Google、Apple、Dropbox、Twitter和Square学到的管理哲学

43.Head of Amazon Web Services onFinding the Next Great Opportunity

44.The Five Mistakes Startups MakeWhen Building for Mobile

45.The Brain Hacks Top FoundersUse to Get the Job Done

46.Shooting for an IPO? Take TheseSteps Now Before It's Too Late

47.How Dropbox Sources, Scales andShips Its Best Product Ideas

48.This 90-Day Plan TurnsEngineers into Remarkable Managers九十天:工程师到管理者养成计划

49.Can you buy a Silicon ValleyMaybe

50.Let the other 95 of greatprogrammers in

51.Frighteningly Ambitious StartupIdeas

52.Sam on Startups Venture Capitaland the Y Combinator

53.How to Avoid the BiggestMistake You Can Make as a New Software Engineer

54.How a Scientifically ProvenTechnique Can Improve How Well You Learn and Remember

55.The Deal With Solar太阳能-能源市场的搅局者

56.The Deal With the Hyperloop[伊隆·马斯克公司系列]Hyperloop伟大设想

57.How (and Why) SpaceX WillColonize Mars移民火星 — SpaceX公司的方法和理由

58.The Cook and the Chef: Musk'sSecret Sauce翻译15%


60.Survive and Thrive

61.Lessons Learned After ShuttingMy Startup, Following A Six-Year Struggle,Geatwear之死:一个牛仔裤定制网站的自述

62.First Round State of Startups

63.Project Mezzanine: The GreatMigration at Uber[硅谷热门公司技术巡礼2]:UBER数据大迁徙

64.Deep Lessons from Google andeBay on Building Ecosystems of Microservices

65.Working for yourself: The day Idid something

66.Hadoop creator Doug Cutting onevolving and succeeding in open source

67.Getting Real: Be Yourself (by37signals)

68.Inside the clone factory: TheSamwer brothers' story http://36kr.com/p/5040142.html

69.Playboy Interview: Google Guys

70.Somewhere that's right for you:choosing your first startup

71.five keys to a successfulgoogle team,Google人力副总裁:Google的成功团队具有五个关键要素

72.How to Design a Better PitchDeck · The Macro

73.4 Lessons For SaaS StartupsFrom Optimizely's Early Days

74.Coding is boring, unless…,稀土掘金:编程很没劲,除非你……

75.The Surprising Secret to Beinga Good Boss

76.On building product at Medium


78.What Technology Will Look LikeIn Five Years

79.Full stack startups

80.search-architecture ininstagram

81.Venture Capital in Transition

82.What I learned from passing oninvesting in Twitter & Zynga

83.“Meaningful” startups

84.Stack Overflow and theZeitgeist of Computer Programming

85.Do Fewer Things, Better

86.Developer Turned Manager

87.What I Learned from Blowing AnInterview

88.Pondering Homejoy’s Failure

89.You Don't Need To UnderstandProgramming to Appreciate This Awesome Rant

90.Why biomedical superstars aresigning on with Google : Nature News & Comment

91.Fail at Scale

92.The Top 100 Hacker News Postsof All Time

93.Is the caliber of Googleengineers decreasing

94.Startup Playbook:【独家】最干的干货:YC年度创业生存手册

95.product insights from wechat,今天,我们来聊聊微信的产品哲学圣经(上)

96.Growing Your Tech Stack: Whento Say No

97.The Stack Behind NetflixScalingNetflix发展背后的技术

98.This Is How You Design YourMobile App for Maximum Growth

99.Flipboard's Fanfare Fades asExecutives Exit, Sale Talks Stall

100.late bloomer, not a loser.

101.What Powers Instagram: Hundredsof Instances, Dozens of Technologies

102.WhatsApp's Co-Founder on Howthe App Became a Phenomenon

103.What do people in SiliconValley plan to do once they are over 35?

104.The Stack That Helped MediumScale To 2.6 Millennia Of Reading Time

105.The Most Important Startup'sHardest Worker Isn't a Person

106.Getting (the Right) Stuff Done

107.Google’s growing problem: 50%of people do zero searches per day on mobile

108.Y Combinator vs. GraduateSchool

109.18F — Managing technical debt:务实的技术债务管理

110.Engineer's Guide to US Visas

111.How Can We Achieve AgeDiversity in Silicon Valley?

112.Destroy all hiring processes

113.Epic slide deck from formerYahoo board member lays out the future of tech and media

114.Rebuilding Our Infrastructurewith Docker, ECS, and Terraform,如何使用 Docker、ECS、Terraform 重建基础架构?

115.Measure Anything, MeasureEverything,测量所有,量化一切!

116.WeWork Used These Documents ToConvince Investors It's Worth Billions

117.You don’t have what it takes

118.Five Years of BuildingInstagram,建立Instagram的5年

119.Backend infrastructure atSpotify

120.Success at Work, Failure atHome

121.Inside Facebook's ArtificialIntelligence LabFacebook如何使用“我们”的数据去构建人工智能


123.Negotiating Comp Means Making aDeal with a Devil

124.Why WhatsApp Only Needs 50Engineers for Its 900M Users拥有 9 亿用户的 WhatsApp,工程师只有 50 人

125.GitHub CEO: What I Learned FromOur Company's Harassment Scandal

126.Why I Fucking Hate Unicorns andthe Culture They Breed

127.chasing the shiny and new

128.Some advice from Jeff Bezos

129.My favorite interview question

130.Here's What a Real GrowthStrategy Looks Like

131.Don’t build it in-house. Thereis an API for that.

132.How Uber Scales Their Real-timeMarket Platform


134.How Zuck's Old TA HelpedFacebook Master Mobile Ads

135.An Open Letter to Anyone Movingto San Francisco for a Tech Job


137.The art of iterating quickly

138.Uber's Phantom Cabs

139.A Leader’s Guide To Deciding:What, When, and How To Decide

140.What are some decisions takenby the "Growth team" at Facebook that helped Facebook reach 500million users?,tech2ipo.com

141.Why I left the best job in theworld


143.How Slack Uses Slack

144.Service-Oriented Architecture: Scaling the Uber Codebase As We Grow,Uber从单体架构转向微服务架构

145.Airbnb Shares The Keys To ItsInfrastructure

146.‘Give Away Your Legos’ andOther Commandments for Scaling Startups

147.What Makes Uber Run

148.Ben Horowitz’s Best StartupAdvice,本·霍格维茨的创业建议

149.Five years, building a culture,and handing it off.

150.Doing Data Science at Twitter,分享丨在twitter搞数据科学是怎样一种体验?

151.Learning as a New Grad on theUber Money Team

152.How I Built a $5k/mo SideProject in 5 Months (longform post)

153.How we work - Pair Programming

154.8 Reasons to Turn Down ThatStartup Job

155.Why you can't find a technicalcofounder

156.Greylock Partners Teardown

157.How It Ticks: Building theAirbnb Apple Watch App

158.One of the biggest mistakesI’ve made in my career

159.Regretting the Golden Handcuffs

160.APIs Are The New FTEs

161.GitHub: Scaling on Ruby, with anomadic tech team

162.Subtraction = Growth

163.The journey of a startup, fromidea to growth

164.An honest guide to the SanFrancisco startup life

165.How Instacart Built ItsOn-Demand Grocery Delivery Service

166.How Do Stock Options and RSUsDiffer?

167.Not Every Startup Should BeVenture-Backed

168.Dropbox: the first deaddecacorn为什么说 Dropbox 会是第一家死掉的“独角兽”?

169.AppNexus' First Pitch

170.Ways to think about cars

171.Does giving other people creditbuild your confidence? I think so

172.You Don’t Need to Know How toCode to Make it in Silicon Valley


174.one-year-review YC

175.How An Early Facebook EmployeeMessed Up, Got Fired, And Cost Himself $185 MillionFacebook创业早期事:我是如何损失掉1.85亿美元的?

176.StackOverflow Update: 560MPageviews A Month, 25 Servers, And It's All About Performance

177.Continuous Deployment at Quora

178.Scaling Asana.com

179.Slow Growth Lessons in aHack-Assed World

180.Building LinkedIn's NewEngineering Bootcamp

181.Tinder and Hookup-CulturePromotion

182.How Netflix Reinvented HR

183.How Two Non-TechnicalCofounders Grew & Sold Their Startup for Millions

184.Developers Who Can Build Thingsfrom Scratch

185.Taking the 'D' Out of CRUD withSoft Deletes

186.This guy used an insaneget-rich-quick scheme to become a start-up millionaire in three weeks

187.Uber’s Secret Weapon

188.Bigger Isn’t Always Better: HowA Big Round Can Hurt Your Startup

189.“Don’t Take Advice” and MoreStartup Advice

190.Why You Should Be A MorningPerson

191.When One App Rules Them All:The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China对于占领全球的微信,国外顶级风投公司是如何评价的呢?

192.Change Your Name

193.What Does It Mean For Start-UpsTo Create Value?

194.Thirteen Months of Working,Eating, and Sleeping at the Googleplex

195.10years.firstroundFirst Round回顾种子轮融资十年历程,总结分享十大经验

196.Don’t Listen to Your Users Andother lessons from building a consumer-facing app,tech2ipo.com


198.If your product is Great, itdoesn't need to be Good.

199.What Makes Founders Succeed


201.The Verge's web sucks

202.Sarah Smith's answer to Whatare some of the biggest red flags in an interviewee?

203.Introducing Nurse:Auto-Remediation at LinkedIn

204.The Duct Tape Programmer

205.Paul Graham’s Startup Advicefor the Lazy,太忙没时间?10分钟读完Paul Graham为“懒人创业者”总结的创业经

206.Killing over-communication: aninternal memo from our founders

207.Architecting Backend for aSocial Product

208.iOS Build Infrastructure

209.Guido on Python [LWN.net]

210.So You're Leaving Your StartupJob...

211.Stop Whiteboarding

212.Inside the sad, expensivefailure of Google+深度解读Google+失败内幕:缺乏远见忽视用户

213.How to find a startup worthworking for

214.A guide to PR for startupsCraig Kerstiens

215.Speed as a Habit

216.Welcome To The Unicorn Club,2015: Learning From Billion-Dollar Companies

217.How I validated my startup idea

218.Everything Is Data « Only Once

219.Silicon Valley’s Dirty Secret

220.What are Bloom filters?

221.A Conversation with Alan Kay

222.Want a Better Pitch? WatchThis.

223.Kevin Systrom's answer to Whatis the genesis of Instagram?

224.A Framework to Maximize YourStartup's Hiring Success

225.A Brief History of ScalingLinkedInLinkedIn架构演化历史解析


227.Airbnb, My $1 Billion Lesson,10亿美金的教训——我居然错过Airbnb的天使轮

228.Programmers are distraction foryour startup

229.Behind the App: The Story ofCirca

230.The education of Airbnb's BrianCheskyAirbnb创始人Brian Chesky的自我成长之路


232.Brigade’s Experience Using anMVC Alternative

233.What I Learned From Steve Jobs

234.Behind the App: The Story of1Password

235.What I Learned When I Gave Upthe ‘9 to 5’,放弃「朝九晚五」的收获

236.7 Important Lessons fromAirbnb's 7 Rejections

237.Startup CEOs: Forget “FullStack” and Focus on Creating Real, Differentiated Value

238.The Never Ending Road ToProduct Market Fit

239.After the Layoffs

240.MadLib Feedback

241.What Does a Startup COOActually Do?

242.The CEO’s Challenge:Engineering Alignment

243.12 Things I Learned from BenHorowitz about Management, Investing, and Business

244.Write code every day

245.What do Stanford GSB founderslook like? http://36kr.com/p/5043595.html

246.Maker to Manager: What astartup founder does

247.Back to SF after the U.S.Digital Service




251.I'm Joel Gascoigne, and This Isthe Story Behind Buffer,我是乔尔加斯科因,buffer背后的故事

252.The Moment I Fell in Love Withthe World of Startups

253.Your Career is a Mess

254.Microservice Trade-Offs【大牛观点】MartinFowler谈微服务的优缺点

255.Jepsen: On the perils ofnetwork partitions

256.Why Invest in Tools?

257.Behind the App: The Story ofAlfred:tech2ipo.com

258.Coding for Obsolescence

259.Playing Startup

260.Engineering Management

261.Three hundred programminginterviews in thirty days

262.Kevin Hale's Soapbox: Wufoo'sBuildup to SurveyMonkey's $35M Acquisition

263.Top Hacks from a PM Behind Twoof Tech's Hottest Products

264.This is the Biggest Mistake aYoung Entrepreneur Can Make

265.On Interviewing Software Engineersâ” zdfs

266.Getting Code to Production WithLess Friction and High Quality

267.Profits vs Growth

268.Curation and Algorithms

269.Storytelling 101: Writing Tipsfor Academics

270.Memories of Steve

271.Peer Code Reviews At LooseCannon at New Fun Blog

272.The One-Person Product,一个人的产品_36氪

273.The Happy Demise of the 10XEngineer

274.Who Will Be Hurt Most When TheTech Bubble Bursts? Not VCs

275.Don’t Follow Your Passion:Career Advice for Recent Graduates硅谷顶级VC本·霍洛维茨:创业光有激情?然并卵

276.The fabulous life of techbillionaire Marc Benioff

277.The One Hiring Mistake YouDidn’t Know You Were Making

278.The Art of the Dojo

279.Tending the Spark

280.Adam Leventhal's blog

281.Culture Hacking With A StaffDatabase

282.On Managing Developers

283.Why Open Source Works forLinkedIn

284.Thinking Methodically aboutPerformance

285.Accidental lessons from afirst-time manager

286.LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffmanon the biggest lie employers tell employees

287.Why 1-1 meetings are crucial toyour team’s success

288.My advice to non-technicalfounders

289.19 Successful People Who BarelySleep

290.On writing

291.What is The Best Way to ExplainYour Startup?

292.Chasing the next billion withSundar Pichaitech2ipo.com

293.Silicon Valley hiring is not ameritocracy

294.The Case For Setting ImpossibleDeadlines

295.Firing Well | Monday Note

296.Code Review Best Practices


298.The Mind of Marc Andreessen

299.How a Side Project Became anObsession

300.Sharding the Asana Database

301.What If Everybody Didn't Haveto Work to Get Paid?

302.How I worked remotely from 11cities in 3 months,tech2ipo.com

303.The Real Teens of SiliconValley

304.Companies Drain Women’sAmbition After Only 2 Years

305.Want to Hire More DiversePeople? Raise Your Bar.

306.Software Based Companies ShouldBe Judged On Their Rate Of Innovation

307.The Importance Of Founders

308.Hiring lessons from GV’s designevent series

309.Why Silicon Valley WillContinue to Rule

310.Behind the Scenes: BuildingAirbnb’s First Native Tablet App

311.Bottled Water: Real-timeintegration of PostgreSQL and Kafka

312.Grouplets - Mike Bland

313.The Secret Sauce of SiliconValley

314.Improving developerproductivity at Asana: Phips Peter

315.The 10 Most Important ThingsI've Learned About Building An Entrepreneurial Mindset

316.How Do I Know If I Should TakeA Job At A Startup?

317.Foursquare’s Dennis CrowleyCan’t Stop Believing

318.Spotify Engineering Culture

319.Etsy CTO On Its ConservativelyCrafty Tech Philosophy

320.The Hidden Costs ofMicroservices

321.How to Impress an Interviewer

322.Google Couldn't Kill 20 PercentTime Even if It Wanted To

323.Notes on Distributed Systemsfor Young Bloods

324.“The Future of Version Control”

325.What Do the Founding Teams ofBillion Dollar Companies Look Like?

326.Marissa Mayer on Yahoo's20-Year Love Affair With The Color Purple

327.Subtle Mid-Stage StartupPitfalls

328.A culture that attracts qualitycandidates

329.Dave Goldberg had an incrediblelife戈德伯格的非凡人生:一切来之不易

330.What Defines anEngineering-Driven Culture

331.Andreessen Horowitz, Deal Makerto the Stars of Silicon Valley

332.Meet the Founder Who's Buildinga New Startup Every Month

333.Ten Career Lessons

334.Product Market Fit is NotEnough

335.Work Is Better Than Talent

336.The On Demand Economy:

337.The Golden Ratio: Design'sBiggest Myth:設計的大迷思:原來黃金比例根本只是一場誤會!

338.Work/Life Balance and What ThatMeans When Things Fall Apart

339.Forbes Welcome

340.Does a good engineering culturematter?

341.Jerry on Java: Simplicity

342.Front End of Innovation Blog:Why Big Companies Fail at Acting Like Start-Ups

343.How to pick a co-founder

344.Why Dropbox Needs to OwnCollaboration to Become a $100b Company

345.What did Billion DollarCompanies Look Like at the Series A?

346.Why Billionaire Investor ReidHoffman Is Betting Big on Bitcoin

347.The full-stack employee,全栈员工,工作的未来就是人人成为瑞士军刀

348.What does it take to be a greatentrepreneur?

349.Dawn of the data centeroperating system

350.Out of the picture: why theworld's best photo startup is going out of business



353.Three Simple Rules for BuildingData Products that People Will Actually Use

354.Apple's Tim Cook leadsdifferent

355.How to Write Without Writing

356.The Hardest Lessons forStartups to Learn


358.How to Ruin Your Company withOne Bad Process

359.Mentors Are The Secret WeaponsOf Successful Startups

360.The Idea Person

361.How I got 2.3 million appdownloads (without spending a cent on marketing)

362.Ten Things I LearnedResearching Ten of the World’s Fastest Growing Startups,我们能从世界上增长最快的公司身上学到什么?

363.Mindful VC - Transitions

364.The virality of LinkedInEndorsements

365.Y Combinator’s Sam Altman OnThe Elements Of A Successful Startup

366.Microservices at Netflix:Lessons for Architectural Design

367.Friendster Founder Tells HisSide of the Story, 10 Years After Facebook

368.How we upgrade a live datacenter

369.Why do we care about Xiaomi?http://wallstreetcn.com/node/215227

370.My Y Combinator experience

371.Coding Like a Girl

372.Using Services to Break DownMonoliths

373.Hiring Momentum: UnderratedComponent of Startup Success

374.How Dropbox got 75,000wait-list signups from Digg.

375.Interview with Raffi Krikorianon Twitter's Infrastructure

376.Unicorns vs. Horses

377.Startup Priorities

378.Generalists and specialists:thoughts on hiring

379.Storytelling for Startups

380.Startup advice, briefly

381.Where to start up a startup

382.Advice for first-time founders

383.Beauty of Testing

384.The Challenge of ChangingPeople’s Behavior

385.Why We Killed Off Code Reviews

386.Creating Unicorns

387.Cofounder management

388.Replacing Middle Managementwith APIs by Peter Reinhardt

389.The Path Matters

390.The Most Diabolical PythonAntipattern

391.Designing Twitter Video

392.20 questions for 2015

393.What no one talks about whenbuilding a team: letting people go

394.How to behave at work


396.How we run hackathons

397.A Comprehensive Guide toBuilding a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services

398.10,000 Hours with Reid Hoffman:What I Learned和最优秀的人一起,我花一万小时学到了这些

399.12 Things I Learned from ChrisDixon about Startups

400.Elizabeth Royal’s MorningRoutine on My Morning Routine

401.Kafka at LinkedIn: Current andFuture

402.Software engineers should write

403.A mile wide, an inch deep

404.Designing the Hiring Process

405.Scaling Elasticsearch toHundreds of Developers

406.Successful startups say “no”成功的创业公司敢于说「不」

407.The Four Meta Secrets ofScaling at Facebook

408.Silicon Valley History 路 Patrick Collison

409.The Age of Unicorns

410.Why to Join a Startup byJessica Livingston

411.The Three UnconventionalQuestions To Ask Every Job Candidate

412.Don't Hire Anyone Over 30:Ageism in Silicon Valley

413.What Doesn't Seem Like Work?

414.A year of designing at Facebook

415.The 30 Best Pieces of Advicefor Entrepreneurs in 2014

416.Coding is not the new literacy

417.What The Hell Is A StartupAnyway?

418.Building an MVPP: MinimumViable Product We’re Proud Of

419.Money = Time

420.The Very First Startup FounderYou Need to Invest in is You

421.Great Data: it’s all in thedelivery


423.Management Clichés That Work

424.Medium’s metric that matters:Total Time Reading

425.evhead: Ten Rules for WebStartups

426.Engineering Culture at Airbnb

427.Two eras of the internet: pulland push

428.Return of the Borg: How TwitterRebuilt Google's Secret Weapon《连线》:Twitter研发超级网络系统Mesos,Google已升级类似系统至Omega

429.The Next Big Thing You Missed:Tech Superstars Build 'Startup Factories'

430.An Interview with Flickrcofounder Stewart Butterfield on the Workplace Communication App Slack

431.The Most Difficult Question IAsk Founders

432.How Pinterest drivessustainable growth

433.Cache is the new RAM缓存是新的内存

434.Your developers aren’t slow

435.What Business Can Learn fromOpen Source

436.The Blockchain ApplicationStack

437.The Race to Create Elon Musk’sHyperloop Heats Up

438.Baidu’s Andrew Ng on DeepLearning and Innovation in Silicon Valley




442.How to reward skilled coderswith something other than people management

443.The Difference Between Uber andAirbnb

444.nirvdrum's Weblog :: OpenSourcing a Failed Startup

445.A Good Place to Work

446.The New Normal

447.Early Principles of Linkedin& a Reflection of Our Series B Investment


449.Scaling lessons learned atDropbox, part 1

450.Engineering Values

451.How to Spot A Bad Boss During AJob Interview

452.3 Lessons Learned From StartingA Startup

453.The Cult of Busy

454.How 6 Startup Founders ManageStress and Avoid Burnout


456.How Tokyo is Different toSilicon Valley

457.My Technical Co-Founder Quit 2Days Before I Got My Y-Combinator Interview

458.Why I love databases,为什么我喜欢数据库?没那么复杂和吓人

459.The Most Effective Questions toUse When Interviewing Candidates

460.The Three Qualities of People IMost Enjoy Working With

461.What Angel Investors AreActually Buying From Your Startup

462.The Steve Jobs Guide ToManipulating People And Getting What You Want

463.The Most Fascinating ProfileYou'll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup

464.Keys to SRE | USENIX


466.The Rise And Fall Of The FullStack Developer

467.Edmond Lau's answer to What arethe questions that can be asked when the interviewer asks "Anyquestions?"

468.The 5 Early Mistakes ThatAlmost Killed This Founder’s Startup

469.How To Respect Your Startup'sContext (And Grow Quicker)

470.Possible, Plausible andProbable: Big markets and Networking effects

471.This Startup Built InternalTools to Fuel Major Growth — Here’s Their Approach

472.Owning it — The Year of theLooking Glass

473.Kelvin Ho's answer to It seemsmany former Googlers now work at Quora. What was your thought process in makingthe switch?

474.Little’s Law Is Big ForStartups

475.5 Common Server Setups For YourWeb Application

476.A Counterintuitive System forStartup Compensation

477.Runner-Up: Tim Cook, the Technologist

478.Living the Future of TechnicalWriting

479.#define CTO

480.The Hacker's Guide to Investors

481.Theatres of the absurd: how toget startup ideas

482.This University Teaches You NoSkills

483.10x: Architecture at Clay.io

484.The Happiness Culture: ZapposIsn't a Company -- It's a Mission

485.Why You Should Risk SharingYour Idea

486.An Open Source Platform ThatMakes Building Apps Cheap and Easy

487.An inside look at Pinterest'screative culture

488.The incredibly fast rise ofGoogle's Sundar Pichai

489.Profile of Aaron Levie, Who IsTrying to Make the Startup Box Vital for Work

490.10X Durability


492.Why threads can't fork


494.Technical Co-founder

495.How to Find the Time toAccomplish Anything

496.Quora Keeps the World'sKnowledge For Itself



499.Netflix Culture Deck


501.Eight Docker DevelopmentPatterns


503.The third great wave

504.Ron Conway's RecommendedReading List

505.Designing a URL structure forBBC programmes

506.22 Mistakes I Made as a FirstTime Founder

507.Early Pinterest Growth WasDriven By Grassroots Marketing

508.Piaw Na's answer to What do thetop 1% of software engineers do that the other 99% do not?

509.Weekend Read: The ImminentDecentralized Computing Revolution


511.PayPal's Referral Program: ALegendary Growth Hack

512.Silicon Valley Teens on theFuture of Technology

513.Which Technologies Do StartupsUse? An Exploration of AngelList Data · Coding VC

514.Dark Side of the Curve

515.My Philosophy on Alerting

516.Why I Love Startup School

517.106 Career-Launching TechnologyCompanies

518.Our Journey To and Through YC


520.Why 'The PayPal Mafia' IsKilling It | Eric M. Jackson

521.Great Minds Don’t Think Alike


523.Y Combinator FundingApplication

524.Five Founders


526.Product Hunt Blog

527.How to Avoid One of theCostliest Mistakes in Software Engineering

528.5 Reasons You Should Work For AStartup At Least Once

529.Inside GitHub's Super-LeanManagement Strategy--And How It Drives Innovation,Github的扁平化管理与创新

530.Startups in 13 Sentences

531.Good and Bad Reasons to Becomean Entrepreneur

532.Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset,固定思維模式和成長型思維模式

533.Caching at Scale

534.Relentlessly Resourceful

535.How to Get Into Y Combinator

536.7 Things You Can Legally Stealfrom Successful Companies

537.Chris Granger

538.Three months at Y Combinator:what it’s like and how to get in · Front

539.44 engineering managementlessons

540.Peter Thiel Tweets

541.Venture Firms Fret as YCombinator Soars

542.Why I decided to build a newstartup

543.An Open letter to IndianStartups, Entrepreneurs, VCs and Startup Employees

544.How One Complaint-Filled LetterLanded This Ex-Googler At Her Dream Job

545.The Design Sprint

546.Seven lessons I learned fromthe failure of my first startup, Dinnr

547.How Andreessen Horowitz IsDisrupting Silicon Valley

548.A Tale Of Two Apps

549.How teaching can make you abetter programmer

550.500px Co-Founder And Former CEOOusted From The Startup

551.Longform Reprints: PlayboyInterview: Steve Jobs by David Sheff

552.The Stanford Review


554.A Deeper Look at Uber’s DynamicPricing Model从内部视角剖析Uber动态定价

555.How quitting my corporate jobfor my startup dream f*cked my life up

556.A Dozen Things I’ve LearnedFrom John Doerr


558.Startup Traction Starts WithThe Right Goal. How To Get It Right.

559.How Box Maintains EmployeeEngagement and Success Through Rapid Growth

560.The Benefits of Building aCompany in the Bay Area

561.Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo Speaks

562.You suck at technicalinterviews

563.Why did Docker Catch on Quicklyand Why is it so Interesting?

564.ZooKeeper - The King ofCoordination

565.Moving Code Forward

566.Mobile OS Paradigm

567.The Wisdom Of The 20-MinuteStartup

568.Leaving Airbnb离开Airbnb_36氪

569.The GitHub hiring experience ·GitHub

570.Evernote - The $0 Growth Engine

571.How Slack Became the FastestGrowing B2B SaaS Business (Maybe) Ever



574.How Stripe Marketed toDevelopers So Effectively

575.WhatsApp, The Anti-MarketingGrowth Phenomenon

576.GitHub's Secret Super Powers

577.Square - How Did Square Grow SoQuickly?










587.GrowthHackers High TempoTesting Revives GrowthHackers.com Growth

588.Nasty Gal is Killing It atECommerce - Here's How They Did It

589.The Story of Etsy's CraftyGrowth to IPO and a $2 Billion Valuation

590.What is Facebook's User Growthteam responsible for and what have they launched?

591.Startup Hiring Is More AboutCultural Fits Than Qualifications

592.How to Work with Engineers写给设计师:如何与工程师一起工作

593.How to Work with Designers: 如何与设计师一起工作(Facebook产品设计总监Julie Zhuo )

594.Scalability for Dummies

595.How and why LinkedIn isbecoming an engineering powerhouse

596.Linkedin: Gradle for the HadoopEcosystem

597.The lab that created Sparkwants to speed up everything, including cures for cancer

598.Stream Processing with SQL




602.A Beginners Guide to Hadoop

603.The Hitchhiker’s Guide toPython!

604.Goodbye Microsoft, HelloFacebook! « The World As Best As I Remember It

605.Everyday Algorithms: ElevatorAllocation

606.Can Sheryl Sandberg ChangeSilicon Valley?

607.What is Airbnb's mission/visionstatement?

608.How to Ace a Systems DesignInterview


610.Returning transactions todistributed data stores

611.How To Become a BetterProgrammer by Not Programming

612.Rate-of-learning: the mostvaluable startup compensation,tech2ipo.com

613.The Software Engineer’s Guide toNegotiating a Raise

614.Loyalists vs Mercenaries

615.Pmarchive - Luck and theentrepreneur, part 1: The four kinds of luck

616.How I Interview

617.Maker to Manager: What astartup founder does

618.Back to SF after the U.S.Digital Service

619.The Case for Startups to MakeRadical Transparency the Top Priority

620.Instagram unfiltered

621.How to prioritize customerresearch when everything is a priority

622.What I Learned in My First 120Days at Uber

623.“Too many people already dowhat I want to do.”

624.When I Learned That ComputersHave Soul

625.Move Fast and Fix Things

626.My Uber Intern Experience onthe Supply Engine Team

627.Going Against the Flow: AllenBlue, Cofounder of LinkedIn | Charu Sharma

628.Understanding ConvolutionalNeural Networks for NLP,卷积神经网络在自然语言处理的应用

629.Why Java? Tales from a PythonConvert

630.How To Become A Hacker

631.How to Hire a Rock StarEngineer

632.How We Partitioned Airbnb's MainDatabase in Two WeeksAirbnb是如何在两周内完成数据库切分的

633.What Qualities Make a GoodStartup Engineer?

634.Pmarchive - Why not to do astartup

635.How to Identify and MakeContributions with a Big Impact

636.How learning data structuresand algorithms make you a better developer,学习数据结构与算法分析如何帮助您成为更优秀的开发人员

637.What Powers Instagram: Hundredsof Instances, Dozens of Technologies

638.How to build a good onboardingprocess for new hires at a startup

639.How I joined Google

640.How Do You Know If You'veAchieved Product/Market Fit?

641.Big company vs. startup workand compensation不要搞创业崇拜,在大公司上班比在创业公司好太多了

642.Niche to Win, Baby.

643.I studied the Zappos CEO’sschedule for a year. Here’s what I learned.,从Zappos CEO一整年的时间安排中我们可以学到什么?(上篇:处理电子邮件

644.How Facebook Keeps Scaling ItsCultureatlassian-the-untold-story-how-two-australian-young-guns-built-a-company-headed-for-a-billion-dollar-ipoAtlassian不为人知的故事(下):两个澳大利亚年轻人创建了30亿美元的公司,直奔美国IPO

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硅谷“热门华人工程师”董飞是南开大学本科、杜克大学计算机系硕士,现在硅谷创业公司Coursera从事数据工程师工作,深耕硅谷公司大数据应用实战多年。从硕士Hadoop大数据相关研究开始,在大数据领域业界研究多年,先后在百度基础架构组,Amazon云计算部门,LinkedIn架构,Coursera数据架构组,负责过垂直搜索引擎、百度云计算平台研发、广告系统和在线教育平台的架构的设计和研发;涉及Hadoop调优、分布式框架、Data Pipeline、实时系统等技术。本文作者:董飞,来源:知乎链接:http://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20386800欢迎大家关注他的公号“董老师在硅谷”。(著作权归作者所有,商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。)


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经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (公号回复“英文IT文章”可下载PDF典藏版资料)_第4张图片

1、设计公众号LOGO、文末二维码及打赏码组合位图:1)数据简化(data simplification)LOGO要求显示中英文字:数据简化DataSimp。LOGO采用“数据简化、DataSimp”变体缩写“S圈型”为基础,简单明了勾勒出对数据做简化的内涵和形象,做成双色组合(静态)和动画(三色)2个版本的。静态位图版可参考新智元标志的布局(其布局颜色设计太模糊不可取),动态有光影闪过效果即可。黑白静态和三彩色动态社区LOGO图标用在微信公众号图标尺寸8cm,12cm,15cm,30cm,50cm的正方形二维码中心的图片位。2)二维码及打赏码组合位图:公号二维码(正中是LOGO)及打赏码(小图,大概是公号二维码的3/4左右)组合位图包含位图和图下说明文字,用在文末提醒和吸引读者关注和打赏。优秀者邀请为创始美工设计合伙人,欢迎网页设计师参与投稿。



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1. 秦陇纪. 《640篇英文IT文章列表》(一二三).[EB/OL] 数据精简, 数据简化DataSimp(微信公众号), http://www.datasimp.org,2016-04-05.

x. 秦陇纪. 数据科学与大数据技术专业概论; 人工智能研究现状及教育应用;纯文本数据神经网络训练; 大数据简化之技术体系. [EB/OL] 数据简化DataSimp(微信公众号), http://www.datasimp.org, 2017-06-06.


经典825篇英文IT文章及其网址推荐 (12005字)



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