

1944年3月21日(周二)北碚,晨微雨,不长。下午阴。晚十点雨。下午一点 17.4°C。


  阅 W. Brennand著《印度天文学》,讲阿拉伯之廿八星宿...…

  阅《Nature》1932年六月号,关于"知与行","Knowledge and Action", We need the really great administer of Bagehot who thinks not only of the day but of the morrow, who is eager to extirpate every abuse and be on the watch for every improvement , is on a level with the highest political thought and persuades his age to be ruled according to it in policy and in laws.

  晚阅Richard A. Proctor著《Myths & Marvels of Astronomy》(天文学之神话与奇迹), Chatto & Windus 1878版 , London。第一章Astrology,占星术……

