Implement Salesforce Outbound Message by JavaEE

准备工具:JDK、Eclipse Java EE IDE、ngrok.exe(,

Tools to use: JDK、Eclipse Java EE IDE、ngrok.exe(VPN:,



在Lead Object上创建一个Workflow,当有新Lead进来,即发Outbound Message到外部Server

Create a Workflow on Object Lead which triggers an Outbound Message to Call-out Server when new leads come in.


Generate a WSDL file to Desktop and name it as Notification.wsdl.


创建新的Java Web工程

Create a new Java Web project.


Drag the file Notification.wsdl to Project LeadNotifcation.


Run LeadNotification, start up Tomcat.

Eclipse->File->New->Other->Web Service★★★★★


选择"Top down Java been Web Service",点Browse加载wsdl文件,并且勾选"Publish the Web service"

Choose "Top down Java been Web Service", click button Browse to load file WSDL and tick "Publish the Web service".★★★★★


最后生成一些Java代码,打开,修改notifications方法return true并加入log

Jave codes will be generated by now. Open, edit method Notification, Return true and add it to log.


Open browser, input http://localhost:8080/LeadNotification/services/Notification?wsdl ★★★★★


The project will be released successfully by now.


打开工具,接着用cmd打开ngrok.exe工具(需要注册,载入Token),输入ngrok.exe http 8080

Open VPN and open ngrok.exe by cmd(Register and load Token), input ngrok.exe http 8080.★★★★★


Copy and past the address localhost:8080 from the browser, enter.★★★★★


最后再将这个域名更新到Outbound Message里

At last update the DNS to Outbound Message.


Salesforce里创建一条新的Lead,随后进入到Outbound Messaging Delivery Status,如果失败这里会有记录

Create a new Lead in Salesforce. Go to Outbound Messaging Delivery Status. Records will be shown here if it failed.



If it succeeded, log print result will be shown in Eclipse.


Congratulations! It's done!

你可能感兴趣的:(Implement Salesforce Outbound Message by JavaEE)