
by accident 偶然
on account of 因为
in addition 另外
in addition to 除...之外(包括)
in the air 在流行中
on the average 一般来说
on the basis of 根据
at the best 至多,充其量
for the better 好转
out of breath 喘不过气来
on business 因公
in any case 总之,无论如何
in case of 万一
in case 加入,以防
in no case 绝不
by chance 偶然
in charge of 负责,主管
in conclusion 最后
in confidence 信任
in connection with/to 关于
in consequence 因此
in consequence of 由于...的缘故
on the contrary 反之
at all costs 不惜任何代价
at the cost of 以 ... 为代价
in the course of 在 ... 过程中
of course 当然
in detail 详细地
in difficulties 处境困难
in the distance 在远处
off duty 下班
on duty 上班
on earth 究竟
at all events 无论如何
in any event 无论如何
in the event of 万一
for example 例如
with the exception of 除 ... 之外
on foot 步行
in force 有效,实施中
in favor of 赞成
on guard 警惕
from tip to toe 彻头彻尾
in hand 在控制中
on one hand, on the other hand 一方面, 另一方面...
in a hurry 匆忙地
for instance 例如
at intervals 不时
at length 终于,最后
in the light of 根据
at a loss 困惑
by all means 无论如何
by means of 借助于
by no means 绝不
at the mercy of 在...支配下
at the moment 现在,此刻
for a moment 片刻,一会儿
for the moment 现在,暂时
in a moment 马上
in nature 本质上
on one's own 独自地
by reason of 由于
