paper reading:Part-based Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition

paper reading:Part-based Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition


  • paper reading:Part-based Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition
      • graph 与 skeleton:
      • 传统的 action recognition from S-videos:
      • 本文模型使用的两种信息:
      • 本文主要贡献:
      • 单图(无划分)的卷积公式:
        • k-th neighborhood
        • 1-th neighborhood
      • Part-based Graph
        • 图的划分的定义:
        • two parts (b):
        • four parts (c ) (推荐):
        • six part (d) :
        • 子图的连接:
      • Part-based Graph Convolutions
        • 邻域:
        • 卷积:
          • 子图卷积:
          • 子图卷积结果聚合:
      • Spatio-temporal Part-based Graph Convolutions
        • 卷积的步骤
        • 邻域的划分
        • 标签的给定
        • 卷积的全部公式!!!
          • 子图的空间卷积
          • 子图空间卷积的聚合
          • 时域卷积
          • 时域卷积

graph 与 skeleton:

Human skeleton is intuitively represented as a sparse graph with joints as nodes and natural connections between them as edges.

  • nodes:joints
  • edges:natural connections between joints

传统的 action recognition from S-videos:

  • the whole skeleton is treated as a single graph
  • 使用 3D coordinate


  • Geometric features:such as relative joint coordinates
  • motion features:such as temporal displacements

paper reading:Part-based Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition_第1张图片


  • Formulation of a general part-based graph convolutional network (PB-GCN) .

  • Use of geometric and motion features in place of 3D joint locations at each vertex.

    即,几何信息(relative joint coordinates)和运动信息(temporal displacements)的使用

  • Exceeding the state-of-the-art on challenging benchmark datasets NTURGB+D and HDM05.


k-th neighborhood

Y ( v i ) = ∑ v j ∈   N k ( v i ) W ( L ( v j ) ) X ( v j ) Y(v_i) = \sum_{v_j\in \ N_k (v_i)} W(L(v_j))X(v_j) Y(vi)=vj Nk(vi)W(L(vj))X(vj)

  • W ( ⋅ ) W(·) W(): a filter weight vector of size of L L L indexed by the label assigned to neighbor v j v_j vj in the k k k-neighborhood N k ( v i ) N_k(v_i) Nk(vi)
  • X ( v j ) X(v_j) X(vj):the input feature at v j v_j vj
  • Y ( v j ) Y(v_j) Y(vj)convolved output feature at root vertex v i v_i vi

1-th neighborhood

将邻域 N k ( v i ) N_k(v_i) Nk(vi)换一种表示形式(用邻接矩阵 A A A表示),且将邻域数从 k k k降为1,则得到下面的式子
Y ( v i ) = ∑ j A n o r m ( i , j ) W ( L ( v j ) ) X ( v j ) Y(v_i) = \sum_j A^{norm}(i, j) W(L(v_j)) X(v_j) Y(vi)=jAnorm(i,j)W(L(vj))X(vj)

  • D ( i , i ) = ∑ j ( i , j ) D(i,i) = \sum_j(i,j) D(i,i)=j(i,j) A n o r m = D − 1 / 2 A D − 1 / 2 A^{norm}=D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2} Anorm=D1/2AD1/2

Part-based Graph

In general, a part-based graph can be constructed as a combination of subgraphs where each subgraph has certain properties that define it.


We consider scenarios in which the partitions can share vertices or have edges connecting them.

G = ⋃ p ∈ { 1 , . . . , n } P p ∣ P p = ( V p , ε p ) G = \bigcup_{p \in \{1,...,n\}} P_p |P_p=(V_p, \varepsilon _p) G=p{1,...,n}PpPp=(Vp,εp)

  • P p P_p Pp is the partition (or subgraph) p p p of the graph G G G

paper reading:Part-based Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition_第2张图片

two parts (b):

  • Axial skeleton
  • Appendicular skeleton

four parts (c ) (推荐):

  • head
  • hands
  • torso
  • legs

We consider left and right parts of hands and legs together in order to be agnostic to laterality [31] (handedness / footedness) of the human when performing an action.


six part (d) :

we divide the upper and lower components of appendicular skeleton into left and right (shown in Figure 1(d)), resulting in six parts


图的连接有两种方式:点连接 & 边连接。此处采用的是点连接。

To cover all natural connections between joints in skeleton graph, we include an overlap of at least one joint between two adjacent parts.


Part-based Graph Convolutions

不同于上述提到的单图的卷积公式(Eq.2) ,划分为子图后,graph有新的卷积公式。



  • 空间邻域(Spatial neighbor):单个 frame 下(特定时间)一阶邻域(Figure 3(a))。
  • 时间邻域(Temporal neighbor):单个 node 的 不同的时间的位置(Figure 3(a))。
  • 时空邻域(Spatial-temporal neighbor):时空邻域的并集(Figure 3(b))。


graph convolutions over a part identifies the properties of that subgraph and an aggregation across subgraphs learns the relations between them.

For a part-based graph, convolutions for each part are performed separately and the results are combined using an aggregation function F a g g F_{agg} Fagg

即,先通过子图内卷积(一阶邻域),再通过聚合函数 F a g g F_{agg} Fagg计算各子图的联系。



Y p ( v i ) = ∑ v j ∈ N k p ( v i ) W p ( L p ( v j ) ) X p ( v j ) , p ∈ 1 , . . . , n Y_p(v_i) = \sum_{v_j\in N_{kp}(v_i)} W_p(L_p(v_j)) X_p(v_j), p \in {1,...,n} Yp(vi)=vjNkp(vi)Wp(Lp(vj))Xp(vj),p1,...,n

  • W p W_p Wp can be shared across parts or kept separate, while the neighbors of v i v_i vi only in that part ( N k p ( v i ) N_{kp}(v_i) Nkp(vi)) are considered

Y ( v i ) = F a g g ( Y p 1 ( v i ) , Y p 2 ( v j ) ) ∣ ( v i , v j ) ∈ ε ( p 1 , p 2 ) , ( p 1 , p 2 ) ∈ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } Y(v_i) = F_{agg}(Y_{p1}(v_i),Y_{p2}(v_j)) | (v_i, v_j) \in \varepsilon(p1,p2), (p1, p2) \in \{1,...,n\} × \{1,...,n\} Y(vi)=Fagg(Yp1(vi),Yp2(vj))(vi,vj)ε(p1,p2),(p1,p2){1,...,n}×{1,...,n}
Y ( v i ) = F a g g ( Y p 1 ( v i ) , Y p 2 ( v i ) ) ∣ ( p 1 , p 2 ) ∈ { 1 , . . . , n } × { 1 , . . . , n } Y(v_i) = F_{agg}(Y_{p1}(v_i),Y_{p2}(v_i)) | (p1, p2) \in \{1,...,n\} × \{1,...,n\} Y(vi)=Fagg(Yp1(vi),Yp2(vi))(p1,p2){1,...,n}×{1,...,n}

Spatio-temporal Part-based Graph Convolutions


The S-videos are represented as spatio-temporal graphs.

即,S-video 的本质是 spatio-temporal graphs.

we spatially convolve each partition independently for each frame, aggregate them at each frame and perform temporal convolution on the temporal dimension of the aggregated graph.


  • Spatial convolution(空间卷积):
    • 子图卷积:spatially convolve each partition independently for each frame
    • 子图卷积结果聚合:aggregate result of partition convolution at each frame
  • Temporal convolution(时间卷积):
    • 对聚合结果进行时间卷积:temporal convolution on the temporal dimension of the aggregated graph

paper reading:Part-based Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition_第3张图片


For each vertex, we use 1-neighborhood ( k k k = 1) for spatial dimension ( N 1 N_1 N1) as the skeleton graph is not very large and a τ τ τ-neighborhood ( k k k = τ τ τ) for the temporal dimension ( N τ N_τ Nτ ), N τ N_τ Nτ is not part-specific.

N 1 p ( v i ) = { v j ∣ d ( v i , v j ) ≤ 1 , v i , v j ∈ V p } N_{1p}(v_i) = \{ v_j | d(v_i, v_j) ≤ 1, v_i, v_j \in V_p\} N1p(vi)={vjd(vi,vj)1,vi,vjVp}

N τ ( v i t a ) = { v i t b ∣ d ( v i t a , v i t b ) ≤ ∣ τ 2 ∣ } N_τ (v_{it_a}) = \{v_{it_b} | d(v_{it_a}, v_{it_b}) ≤|\frac{τ}{2}|\} Nτ(vita)={vitbd(vita,vitb)2τ}


For ordering vertices in the receptive fields (or neighborhoods), we use a single label spatially ( L S : V → { 0 } ) L_S : V → \{0\}) LS:V{0}) to weigh vertices in N 1 p N_{1p} N1p of each vertex equally and τ τ τ labels temporally ( L T : V → { 0 , . . . , τ − 1 } L_T : V → \{0,..., τ −1\} LT:V{0,...,τ1}) to weigh vertices across frames in N τ N_τ Nτ differently.

即,对于 root 节点,空间邻域内 label 相同(为0),时间邻域内 label 不同。

L S ( v j t ) = { 0 ∣ v j t ∈ N 1 p ( v i t ) } L_S(v_{jt}) = \{0 | v_{jt} \in N_{1p}(v_{it})\} LS(vjt)={0vjtN1p(vit)}

L T ( v i t b ) = { ( ( t b − t a ) + ∣ τ 2 ∣ ) ∣ v i t b ∈ N τ ( v i t a ) } L_T (v_{it_b}) = \{((t_b −t_a) +|\frac{τ}{2}|) | v_{it_b} ∈ N_τ (v_{it_a} )\} LT(vitb)={((tbta)+2τ)vitbNτ(vita)}



Z p ( v j t ) = W p ( L S ( v j t ) ) X p ( v j t ) Z_p(v_{jt}) = W_p(L_S(v_{jt})) X_p(v_{jt}) Zp(vjt)=Wp(LS(vjt))Xp(vjt)

  • W p ∈ R C   ′ × C × 1 × 1 W_p \in \R^{C \ ' × C × 1 × 1} WpRC ×C×1×1part-specific channel transform kernel (pointwise operation)
  • L S L_S LS for each part is same but N 1 p N_{1p} N1p is part-specific
  • Z p Z_p Zpoutput from applying W p W_p Wp on input features X p X_p Xp at each vertex

Y p ( v i t ) = ∑ v j t ∈ N 1 p ( v i t ) A p ( i , j ) Z p ( v j t ) ∣ p ∈ { 1 , . . . , 4 } Y_p(v_{it}) = \sum_{v_{jt} \in N_{1p}(v_{it})} A_p(i, j)Z_p(v_{jt}) | p \in \{1,...,4\} Yp(vit)=vjtN1p(vit)Ap(i,j)Zp(vjt)p{1,...,4}

  • A p A_p Apnormalized adjacency matrix for part p p p
  • W T ∈ R C   ′ × C   ′ × τ × 1 W_T \in \R^{C \ ' ×C \ '×τ×1} WTRC ×C ×τ×1temporal convolution kernel

Y S ( v i t ) = F a g g ( { Y 1 ( v i t ) , . . . , Y n ( v i t ) } ) Y_S(v_{it}) = F_{agg}(\{Y_1(v_{it}),...,Y_n(v_{it})\}) YS(vit)=Fagg({Y1(vit),...,Yn(vit)})

  • Y s Y_s Ysoutput obtained after aggregating all partition graphs at one frame

Y T ( v i t a ) = ∑ v j t b ∈ N τ ( v i t a ) W T ( L T ( v i t b ) ) Y S ( v i t b ) Y_T (v_{it_a}) = \sum_{v_{jt_b} \in N_τ (v_{it_a})} W_T (L_T(v_{it_b})) Y_S(v_{it_b}) YT(vita)=vjtbNτ(vita)WT(LT(vitb))YS(vitb)


  • Y s Y_s Ysoutput obtained after aggregating all partition graphs at one frame

Y T ( v i t a ) = ∑ v j t b ∈ N τ ( v i t a ) W T ( L T ( v i t b ) ) Y S ( v i t b ) Y_T (v_{it_a}) = \sum_{v_{jt_b} \in N_τ (v_{it_a})} W_T (L_T(v_{it_b})) Y_S(v_{it_b}) YT(vita)=vjtbNτ(vita)WT(LT(vitb))YS(vitb)

  • Y T Y_T YToutput after applying temporal convolution on Y S Y_S YS output of τ frames
