The Parts of IELTs Writing Part 2

根据上一课所讲,雅思写作Task 2的成功有5个要素:

1. Understand the task (读懂题目)

2. Break the parts into parts (将其分解)

3. Methods, techniques ( 方法与技巧的训练)

4. Lots of practice (大量的练习)

5. Feedback, measure progress (反馈,量化自己的学习目标)


a. 250 words ( 250个单词)

b. 4 paragraphs ( 四段:开头,主体段两段,结尾)

c. 13 sentences (13句话,平均一句话20个单词左右)


a. Planning 10分钟

a. Introduction 5分钟

b. Main paragraph 20分钟

c. Conclusion 5分钟


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