An In-Depth Analysis of Elastos :The most important project in crypto ecosystem of 2018


chinese edition:程豪

english edition:@慢慢行走的玄子(this part)

Let's see the blockchain's timeline, you
can figure out that it's still in its infancy. As we all know, blockchain’s
projects are springing up everywhere. Investors should give a comprehensive
account of every factor which include technology maturity, project scarcity,
ecological integrity, team composition and community cohesion in order to pick
the real outstanding ones up.

This article tends to take a In-depth analysis
of Elastos – the most potential decentralized Dapp ecosystem
platform in 2018.


Positioning, history and vision of Elastos :

1. Elastos is oriented in building a decentralized Smart-web.

Project Background:

Centralized Internet has gone against the original intention
of the Internet.


From a "decentralized" to a "centralized"

The Internet was born in 1969 and the founders set the
"decentralization principle" as early as half a century ago to make
it free for every node to join into its ecosystem without approval of any
centrial authority. With the help of this principle of decentralization , the
Internet could develop in full bloom. With the advent of browsers in the
operating system in 1995,internet has evolved from a technology research
project to an integral part of the world's economic life to this days.

Fifteen years ago, in that era of Internet fundamentalism,
you were surfing internet seeking various experiences, when surfing the
internet was called "surfing",which means a
little bit of a wilderness adventure. At that time, there were competing
products in every field, with unlimited possibilities in each direction, with
each website owning its own rival. Today, do not say that BAT in China, the
United States is also Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon‘s
world, the pace of the world seems to be consistent. Internet services used by
people have become more and more "centralized", especially after
migrating from the PC Internet to the mobile Internet, this trend was still

The closure and monopoly of the Internet economy in just 20
years has far exceeded the concentration of resources in the real economy over
a hundred years or even centuries. The Internet has gone from a centralized to
a centralized one. From the connection to the closure, this is a general trend
of the Internet.Bill Gates's central service has been scared, and Steve Jobs's
central service has been enthusiastic support by Internet users, the step of centralization
will only be faster, is it not be even more scared. Many people do not realize
that they were captivity of animals in private barriers by Internet giants , also
like ants in small nest .


Does the young with "centralized Internet " still have the
ability to reflect?

As early generation of Internet, we have seen the
Internet's barbaric times, knew the most original shape of the Internet.But if
in fifty more years, those Internet super-companies have been omnipotent,its
influence together with country and religion,will be a three - cornered fight .

If you have a grandchildren, he maybe use Apple as the
mobile settings, living in an Apple App architecture scene, eating, barber, go
to school, medical, car, buy a house, beat his wife, engaging in extra-marital
affairs ... ... This is a world that meets all his needs. The only thing he did
not know was that he lived in an App scene built by an Internet company with
internet beyond the LAN. They will be born in Apples and die in Apples, which
will be human graves.

There are chances for reflection of our generation, but by
the next generation they may even not have the chance to reflect on it because
they were born immersed in the "brain of a giant" in an Internet
giant. It now appears that those of which on the earth glad to make a
centralized internet are welcoming centralization. The more developed to the
back, the idea of entertainment to death will penetrate the marrow. As the
developed to the back,the idea of entertainment to
death will penetrate the marrow. But even if there is a free world in the
future that tells you the truth about your own world, when you face the choices
of red and blue pills, will you choose to continue your lifetime of
entertainment in the matrix or convert to the pristine state that has struggled
with the Internet? Even if these internet companies can format you at any time,
you are still willing to obey them. This is a human tragedy, and mankind is
making its own cage.

The Internet has been completely centralized, and we think
the Internet will give everyone freedom. It is only now that the Internet
deprives us of our thinking. The centralization of the Internet in the past two
decades is monopolization. In the end, our destiny will be controlled by
several individuals.

You are surfing in a fake internet

What is the real Internet?

It should have been a place to let human 's mind fly, but
now it let everyone feel lost in search engines.

What does Internet should be?

The Internet wants everyone to have independent thinking,
but more to see irrational comments.

If we return to the essence of the Internet to think about
this issue, then we will find ourselves on a fake Internet.

The Internet should make everyone have ability of
independent thinking, but more we see are irrational comments.

If we return to the essence of the Internet to think about
this issue, then we will find we are surfing in a fake Internet.

2.History of the project :

can not help but exclaim: Can we see the moment of a real internet release in the rest time of their life?

Smart-Web coming soon!


  • decentralized Smart-Web**

The history of Elastos also starts with the founder, Chen
Rong. Chen Rong entered the Microsoft of United States to work in



winter of 1998, Chen Rong's Windows operating system research team began to
conceive the design of a new generation of operating system architecture named
". Net".

Net" program is plan to be available in 2002 and is
used in the Vista system which was introduced by Microsoft in 2005. The goal of
". Net" is to design to make Software as a Service (SaaS) and realize
the ideal of "network is computer" first proposed by the Java
language author in 1992. Its basic principle is to hide the network as a
"computer internal bus" and prohibit the application Direct access to
services within the enterprise LAN, thereby reducing the possibility of virus
transmission, cyber attacks, privacy leaks. However, the "Common Language
Runtime" (CLR) technology used by Microsoft at that time was actually not
suitable for stand-alone bearer. The performance of Vista was repeatedly
criticized and eventually failed.

In 1999, Microsoft management denied the core COM team
where Chen Rong and several people who
at the time proposed a technology route of implementing ".Net" in parallel
with CLR in C / C ++ native language (COM is an acronym for Component Object
Model) was in,resulting
in the group dissolved. Chen Rong left the United States in 2000,returned for startup, continue to pursue the ideal of using native
code to achieve "the network is the computer".

Coincidentally, after Vista, Microsoft started Windows 10
program of which basic technical idea is to use native code to achieve ".
Net." Its two iconic technologies are: (1) Universal Application
Technology (UWP), which means the same application is suitable for all kinds of
terminals, whether x86 or ARM hardware; (2) Eternal Operating System
Technology, there is no longer Windows 11 behind Windows 10, operating system
no longer with fragmented release, the system call API collection applies to
all computers. It is not hard to imagine that the network operating system, as
a supporter of the Internet ecosystem, can not compel the upgrading of
peripherals and services. Therefore, these two technologies are major Internet
infrastructure changes in Internet of Things, edge computing and cloud

It's easy to see that the network operating system, as a
supporter of the Internet ecosystem, can not compel the upgrading of
peripherals and services. Therefore, these two technologies are major Internet
infrastructure changes of IOT, edge computing and cloud computing.

From 2000 to 2007, Chen Rong’ s team was supported by R
& D funds such as Tsinghua Science Park, China TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance
and so on, and achieved complete operation from the operating system kernel,
graphics system, file system, hardware driver, smart phone man-machine
interface, management, almost 100% self-designed operating system. The system
also laid the foundation for today's cloud native code virtual machine (C ++
VM) technology. Which is incredible is that, for 17 years, in the world,there
are still few technical teams involved in the native code virtual machine technology
field .

In 2012, Chen Rong’s team saw the essence of Windows 10 is
to use C / C ++ to rewrite the ".Net" opportunities, with the support
of Foxconn Group, they launched the project of "industrial Internet of
Things operating system" , the essence is to use C / C ++ to rewrite
Android, and the original concept of this two were from "Net , which hurried curtain ten years ago. The identity
information (ID) used on the Internet of Things is actually an IP address,
which was highly vulnerable to tampering or forgery, and the security of
Industrial Internet of Things is far more prominent than ten years ago. Elastos
as the "Internet of Things operating system," has an open source of tens of millions of lines
of source code, including completely open source of peer-to-peer (P2P) network
code, and more than four million lines of original source code.Using C / C ++ to
achieve complete similar Java language library and android loose coupling
programming framework.

However, no matter native code virtual machine technology
or the Internet of Things operating system technology, have also been trapped
in the predicament of product positioning in the impetuous atmosphere where
money is supreme and traffic is the king. Can not give full play of the
potential commercial value.

After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether
there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright
flowers and a lovely village. Just at this time, blockchain technology which
was led by the bitcoin boom sprung up everywhere in 2015 and 2016 .

The essence of the blockchain is a special-purpose computer
that is not controlled by any individual or business.

Compare with industrial IoT of which many IoT devices are
controlled by an enterprise cloud,if replace the corporate cloud part with
Elastos blockchain,as a result, the IoT is no longer subject to a certain
company.Consumer’s cell phone, home
devices are no longer suffering from threats of privacy leaks and cyber attacks.

When Internet identity information (ID) encountered blockchain, the problem of
decentralized trust in the Internet can be readily solved.

Then, decentralized smart-web requires a revolutionary
decentralized Internet operating system so that a large number of decentralized
applications (DApp) can be safely settled on. There is a huge gap between blockchain technology and rich user experie. It is lack of entrance from blockchain technology to ordinary people. The appearance of Elastos
will change this situation, so that a variety of applications can services

More than a decade ago, Chen Rong‘s team's "Network
Operating System" met blockchain
was a great moment for each other. On one hand, if identity information is
generated by using blockchain technology, since it is composed entirely of
computer code and follows the principles of mathematics,it can be released
through a decentralized system and the identity information will be absolutely
unique and extremely hard to tampere. Hold this ID and then surf the Internet,
the security risks of network
information can be reduced to a minimum. This will change the issue of trust
between the Internet and the decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P). On the other hand,
it creates an bottom chain of ID authenticated "network operating
system" based on blockchain technology. Above this foundation chain,
joining a variety of trusted side chains which were certified by the underlying
"Internet Operating System" ID will greatly reduce network congestion. Change the block chain’s network
traffic congestion may also deeply affect the future of the Internet and the
Internet of Things industry. Blockchain technology combined with the
"Internet operating system to solve ID certification," arrive the
real achievement of Elastos of which blockchain technology-driven smart-web

The traditional Internet emphasizes the physical link, and
the social network at the software application level is already a link between
people, things and things, people and things.It is easy to see clues from Weibo, WeChat and other social
network's design. However, there is a clear drawback to build human‘s digital
living space with a centralized social network. Consumers are not willing to
see the digital world of "warlordism." WeChat and other social
networks strongly push the "weapp", showing that the intention of
turning digital into assets gradually become clear. We know that either
Ethereum or WeChat,they were both using scripting
language programming, are not possible to achieve deep-learning engine, game
engine or the like requires a lot of CPU resources calculation program.
Decentralize social networks,and return to the original idea of the Internet
creators 40 years ago, the Internet was the basic vehicle for human’s
communication and should not be controlled by a central authority.

With an accumulation of more than 10 years,elastos operating system will
be easy to achieve deep integration of the bottom operating system and the
bottom Internet integration, and then to solve the problem of mutual trust
through blockchain. Elastos also positions blockchain technology as multiple
decentralized anchors such as the TrustZone (for ID authentication) and its
auxiliary sidechains (ID chains, digital asset chains, etc.) (0 dimension) like
smartphone.It also uses the side-chain shards of Elastos,and after ID authentication it will not affect each other between
different side chains ,will not affect the operation of the main chain,forming
a plurality of decentralized trusted computing links on the Internet (1D),based
on which the SmartWeb Internet OS platform are expanded (2D) .On the SmartWeb
OS platform, the Elastos Runtime (C ++ VM) Virtual Machine Sandbox is running
on, which is the third dimension (3-D); decentralized application (DApp) in the fourth dimension of time,dynamically
runs in the fully enclosed native code (C ++ VM) virtual machine sandbox(4D)
.Elastos really reach the goal of "online does not compute, compute does
not online" which completely solve the problem of network congestion.

Elastos Runtime runs on a customer's OS device with no
constraints of cost, power, or performance . Elastos DApp can be developed
using traditional programming models and programming languages, and even
existing software can be ported directly. The environment in which the program
runs on not only has a scripting language, but also the ultimate environment
must support the operation of CPU instructions.

With the mutual isolation between sandbox and OS native
environment, the digital content can be ensure will not leak. Then through the
P2P network which have link to blockchain services, making the user's license
is still valid on the OS,and to protect digital content continuely .All of this
will run on the decentralized Smart-Web project - the Elastos operating system.
In the meantime, ELA, which will be issued as tokens, will run decentralizely
in the same way as bitcoin. The ELA will be the only passport in this
decentralized operating environment, enabling a closed-loop ecosystem. Changing
digital into wealth of which you can accumulate and you can trade. Digital
assets can be like played media, or can be self-playing games . Just like
functional Phone are phones used for SMS and calling, smartphones are the ones
that run Apps on. The traditional Internet is the Internet for information
sharing. The Internet in the future is the Internet for DApp sharing, that is,
the Smart-Web.

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