post processing photo tips

  1. you may want to add contrast on mid-tone with bright-tone and dark-tone kept, then use lumenzia mid-tone selection and then adjust the contrast on it.

  2. if you want add contrast on certain area, say add contrast on water, there are two ways:
    a - lumenzia select water (note you might select other parts as well, say the sky), add level adjust, then you group on that and add a layer mask on the group, then you paint the water area.

    b - you add contrast on the whole image(only see the water area) and add black layer mask on it, then lumenzia select the water, and use the selection as stencil to paint the layer mask.

  3. use soft light mode for the layer to dodge and burn.

  4. when dodge the highlight use lumenzia to create the highlight mask, this way, the black between the highlight won’t be affected. so this will add the depth and dimension to the image.

  5. some steps: mid-tone contrast, high-tone dodge and burn (concentrate to the mid or where you want to show), vignette (dark the corner), two brightness adjustment layer to show center ( one darken layer with white mask, one brighten layer with black mask, then click the black mask with large white brush in the center), orton effect(alt+ctrl+shift+e, guassian blur, decease the opacity, light luminosity mask, add brightness and contrast via images->adjustments->brightness/contrast)
