Vue在线代码编辑器插件 vue-monaco-editor


Monaco Editor Vue Component

Based off React Monaco Editor



npm install vue-monaco-editor --save

Simple Vue Use


import MonacoEditor from 'vue-monaco-editor'


// use in component

export default {

  components: {




Component Props

Option Type Default Description
language String javascript  
height Number/String 100%  
width Number/String 100%  
code String // code \n Initial code to show
theme String vs-dark vs, hc-black, or vs-dark
highlighted Array[Object] [{ number: 0, class: ''}] Lines to highlight with numbers and .classes
changeThrottle Number(ms) 0 throttle codeChange emit
srcPath String "" see Webpack Use below
editorOptions Object Merged with defaults below See Monaco Editor Options

Editor Default Options


defaults: {

  selectOnLineNumbers: true,

  roundedSelection: false,

  readOnly: false,

  cursorStyle: 'line',

  automaticLayout: false,

  glyphMargin: true


Component Events

These events are available to parent component

Event Returns Description
mounted editor[editor instance] Emitted when editor has mounted
codeChange editor[editor instance] Emitted when code has changed


Component Implementation











module.exports = {

  components: {



  data() {

    return {

      code: '// Type away! \n',

      options: {

        selectOnLineNumbers: false




  methods: {

    onMounted(editor) {

      this.editor = editor;


    onCodeChange(editor) {





Webpack Use

By default, monaco-editor is loaded from a cdn asyncronously using require. To use a local copy of monaco-editor with webpack, we need to expose the dependency in our build directory:

npm install copy-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Add this to your webpack.config.js:


const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {

  plugins: [

    new CopyWebpackPlugin([


        from: 'node_modules/monaco-editor/min/vs',

        to: 'vs',





Then, specify the build directory path in the srcPath prop. See src/App.vue for an example.

Dev Use

git clone [this repo] .
npm install
npm run dev

Edit src/App.vue

