

[sqczm@sqczm logstash-6.7.1]$ pwd
[sqczm@sqczm logstash-6.7.1]$ bin/logstash -h
    bin/logstash [OPTIONS]

    -n, --node.name NAME          Specify the name of this logstash instance, if no value is given
                                  it will default to the current hostname.
                                   (default: "sqczm")
    -f, --path.config CONFIG_PATH Load the logstash config from a specific file
                                  or directory.  If a directory is given, all
                                  files in that directory will be concatenated
                                  in lexicographical order and then parsed as a
                                  single config file. You can also specify
                                  wildcards (globs) and any matched files will
                                  be loaded in the order described above.
    -e, --config.string CONFIG_STRING Use the given string as the configuration
                                  data. Same syntax as the config file. If no
                                  input is specified, then the following is
                                  used as the default input:
                                  "input { stdin { type => stdin } }"
                                  and if no output is specified, then the
                                  following is used as the default output:
                                  "output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } }"
                                  If you wish to use both defaults, please use
                                  the empty string for the '-e' flag.
                                   (default: nil)
    --field-reference-parser MODE Use the given MODE when parsing field
                                  The field reference parser is used to expand
                                  field references in your pipeline configs,
                                  and will be becoming more strict to better
                                  handle illegal and ambbiguous inputs in a
                                  future release of Logstash.
                                  Available MODEs are:
                                   - `LEGACY`: parse with the legacy parser,
                                     which is known to handle ambiguous- and
                                     illegal-syntax in surprising ways;
                                     warnings will not be emitted.
                                   - `COMPAT`: warn once for each distinct
                                     ambiguous- or illegal-syntax input, but
                                     continue to expand field references with
                                     the legacy parser.
                                   - `STRICT`: parse in a strict manner; when
                                     given ambiguous- or illegal-syntax input,
                                     raises a runtime exception that should
                                     be handled by the calling plugin.
                                   The MODE can also be set with
                                   (default: "COMPAT")
    --modules MODULES             Load Logstash modules.
                                  Modules can be defined using multiple instances
                                  '--modules module1 --modules module2',
                                     or comma-separated syntax
                                  Cannot be used in conjunction with '-e' or '-f'
                                  Use of '--modules' will override modules declared
                                  in the 'logstash.yml' file.
    -M, --modules.variable MODULES_VARIABLE Load variables for module template.
                                  Multiple instances of '-M' or
                                  '--modules.variable' are supported.
                                  Ignored if '--modules' flag is not used.
                                  Should be in the format of
                                  '-M "MODULE_NAME.var.PLUGIN_TYPE.PLUGIN_NAME.VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE"'
                                  as in
                                  '-M "example.var.filter.mutate.fieldname=fieldvalue"'
    --setup                       Load index template into Elasticsearch, and saved searches, 
                                  index-pattern, visualizations, and dashboards into Kibana when
                                  running modules.
                                   (default: false)
    --cloud.id CLOUD_ID           Sets the elasticsearch and kibana host settings for
                                  module connections in Elastic Cloud.
                                  Your Elastic Cloud User interface or the Cloud support
                                  team should provide this.
                                  Add an optional label prefix '


  1. -n

  2. -f

  3. -e

  4. -w

  5. -p

  6. -l

  7. -t

  8. -r

  9. –config.reload.interval RELOAD_INTERVAL

  10. –http.host HTTP_HOST
    Web API绑定的主机,默认为“”

  11. –http.port HTTP_PORT
    Web API绑定的端口,默认为9600-9700之间

  12. –log.format FORMAT

  13. –path.settings SETTINGS_DIR
