
名校励志英语演讲 第183期:一切皆有可能(5)_英语演讲 - 可可英语


no he said quite to the contrary he worried for years that raising me to be a respectful chinese daughter


no he  said  quite  to the contrary he worried  for years that raising me to be a respectful chinese daughter


would hinder my ability to compete in a world with what he considered the aggressive cut throat traits of typical America ceos


would hinder my ability to compete in a world with what he consieded the aggressive cut throat traits of typical america ceo s


in fact he passed on a letter to me that i keep translated from chinese to english in my desk drawer


in fact he passed on a letter to me that i keep translated from chinese to english in my desk drawer

We grew up believing that being Chinese was the greatest advantage in life; in our house, 我们始终相信作为中国人是生活中最大的优势。

everything important in life came from China, was invented in China, owed all to the Chinese.  在我家、生活中所有重要的东西都来自中国,都是中国发明的,都归功于中国人。

We went on elementary school field trips to pulp plants, where they taught us how paper was made. 读小学时,我们去纸浆厂参观,在那里他们教我们纸是怎样生产的。

Paper was invented in China, Mom said, after we relayed the process in awe.  回家之后,我们崇拜地描述了一番,然后母亲告诉我们,纸是中国人发明的。

Our favorite neighbors were Italian and invited us over for spaghetti. 我们最喜欢的邻居是意大利人,他们邀请我们去吃意大利面。

When we came home and raved, Dad would remind us that Marco Polo brought pasta home from China. Not Italian....Chinese....and so it went. 我们吃完饭回到家极力赞美,父亲提醒我们,马可波罗是从中国把面团带回去的,不是意大利的,而是中国的...

And how wonderful they were to instill in us the sense of pride in our heritage that we have never forgotten.  不断如此。我的父母很伟大,他们不断地向我们灌输对中国传统文化的自豪感,我们从未忘记中国文化。

When I first became CEO, a famous American television journalist interviewed my dad and  当我刚担任首席执行官时,一个著名的美国电视记者采访我的父亲,

asked him if he always knew I would be successful in business. 问他是否早就知道我会在商界取得成功。

No, he said, quite to the contrary, he worried for years that raising me to be a respectful Chinese daughter  不,他回答,恰恰相反,他很多年来一直担心把我教育成一个孝顺的中国女儿

would hinder my ability to compete in a world with what he considered the aggressive, cut throat traits of typical America CEO's.  会妨碍我在一个他认为充满了攻击性和残酷无情的典型美国首席执行官的圈子里和别人竞争。

In fact, he passed on a letter to me that I keep, translated from Chinese to English, in my desk drawer. 实际上,他写了一封信给我,我还保存在我办公室的抽屉里。信是由中文翻译成英文的。
