J.K. Rowling哈佛大学演讲学习 - 口译练习

前天的口译练习材料是J.K. Rowling在哈佛大学的演讲。因为对Harry Potter系列不太熟悉,就翻墙去搜了点资料。恰好看到Harvard的官网上也有这段视频,比我们一般看到的版本长3分钟左右 - 多了主持人对J.K. Rowling的介绍。

主持人对J.K. Rowling的介绍

第一遍听,发现很多似懂非懂的部分,大概知道为了请出J.K. Rowling,主持人讲了下去年、今年围绕Harry Potter有些什么活动,然后又概括了她文学方面的主要成就,以及在慈善方面的成就。但是中间有很多的细节,比如演讲所在的这个厅叫什么名字,J.K. Rowling成立的基金叫什么名字等等不是非常确定。

于是我想着,听写出这段话,说不定能更好的理解J.K. Rowling的演讲。原文听写内容如下:

Last summer, in a grand celebration of literature, Harvard Square and Harvard Yard, historically known as THEPLACE for hollowed halls filled with books, was transformed to Hogwarts Square. This summer festival celebrated the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - the seventh and final installment in the wildly popular series. Hordes of people, children and adults alike, dressed in elaborate wizard costumes, stood in line for hours at the Coop to purchase copies of the book. Dozens of restaurants and stores stayed open late and posted Harry Potter - Theme specials. And a three-hour concert captured of the evening in the pact Tercentenary Theater.

Today Tercentenary Theater is once again pact with children and adults. And we are pleased to welcome one of the most successful authors of our time.

Her books have set sales records, and had won many awards. Probably because the Harry Potter stories provide a familiar backup for readers who can empathize with the young protagonist, a drift, in a sometimes cruel and challenging world.

In addition to her vast contributions to literature. She is also noted for the social, moral and political inspiration she is giving to her fans. A notable philanthropist, she has established the Volant Charitable Trust, which donates millions of dollars to aid women and children and to combat poverty and social inequality. The fund also gives to organizations that aid children, one-parent families, and multiple sclerosis research.

She herself has noted that a person has a moral responsibility when you be given far more than you need to do wise things with it and to give intelligently.

And now I give you Ms. J.K. Rowling.


1. Harvard Square and Harvard Yard, historically known as THEPLACE for hollowed halls filled with books, was transformed to Hogwarts Square. 这句话,我在Harvard Square 的网页上找到了出处。

J.K. Rowling哈佛大学演讲学习 - 口译练习_第1张图片

2. Tercentenary Theater听的时候不知道具体是什么名字,就搜了下Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,没想到,居然直接找到这段话(原文请点击这里查看)。

J.K. Rowling哈佛大学演讲学习 - 口译练习_第2张图片

3. Volant Charitable Trust 介绍中的这段话可以在维基百科关于J.K. Rowling的介绍中看到。

J.K. Rowling哈佛大学演讲学习 - 口译练习_第3张图片

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