Zookeeper Watcher

Clients can set watches on znodes. Changes to that znode trigger the watch and then clear the watch. When a watch triggers, ZooKeeper sends the client a notification


a watch event is one-time trigger, sent to the client that set the watch, which occurs when the data for which the watch was set changes.

  • One-time trigger
  • Sent to the client
  • The data for which the watch was set

Semantics of Watches

We can set watches with the three calls that read the state of ZooKeeper: exists, getData, and getChildren. The following list details the events that a watch can trigger and the calls that enable them:

  • Created event:
    Enabled with a call to exists.

  • Deleted event:
    Enabled with a call to exists, getData, and getChildren.

  • Changed event:
    Enabled with a call to exists and getData.

  • Child event:
    Enabled with a call to getChildren.

What ZooKeeper Guarantees about Watches

With regard to watches, ZooKeeper maintains these guarantees:

  • Watches are ordered with respect to other events, other watches, and asynchronous replies. The ZooKeeper client libraries ensures that everything is dispatched in order.

  • A client will see a watch event for a znode it is watching before seeing the new data that corresponds to that znode.

  • The order of watch events from ZooKeeper corresponds to the order of the updates as seen by the ZooKeeper service.

Things to Remember about Watches

  • Watches are one time triggers; if you get a watch event and you want to get notified of future changes, you must set another watch.

  • Because watches are one time triggers and there is latency between getting the event and sending a new request to get a watch you cannot reliably see every change that happens to a node in ZooKeeper. Be prepared to handle the case where the znode changes multiple times between getting the event and setting the watch again. (You may not care, but at least realize it may happen.)

  • A watch object, or function/context pair, will only be triggered once for a given notification. For example, if the same watch object is registered for an exists and a getData call for the same file and that file is then deleted, the watch object would only be invoked once with the deletion notification for the file.

  • When you disconnect from a server (for example, when the server fails), you will not get any watches until the connection is reestablished. For this reason session events are sent to all outstanding watch handlers. Use session events to go into a safe mode: you will not be receiving events while disconnected, so your process should act conservatively in that mode.
