
人月神话(The Mythical Man-Month)这本书,历久弥新,值得反复阅读。十多年来,书中的许多理念,像影子一样,须臾不离,一直影响我。



Dorothy Sayers在她的“The Mind of the Maker”一书中,将创造性活动分为三个阶段:构思、实现和交流(the idea, the implementation, and the interaction)。




  • Exploiting the mass market to avoid constructing what can be bought.
  • Using rapid prototyping as part of a planned iteration in establishing software requirements.
  • Growing software organically, adding more and more function to systems as they are run, used, and tested.
  • Identifying and developing the great conceptual designers of the rising generation.


  • 市场上有的,我们就不构建了(筛选、使用第三方库、组件是一种本领)
  • 通过快速原型,不断迭代,来建立软件需求。需求本身是在迭代中探索和精化出来的。
  • 像有机体一样,软件是在不断的运行、使用和测试的迭代过程中成长起来的。
  • 在新一代的年轻人中,要识别和培养杰出的概念设计师。

write -> build -> grow - evolve


Incremental development—grow, not build, software.
I still remember the jolt I felt in 1958 when I first heard a friend talk about building a program, as opposed to writing one.
In a flash he broadened my whole view of the software process.
The metaphor shift was powerful, and accurate.
Today we understand how like other building processes the construction of software is, and we freely use other elements of the metaphor, such as specifications, assembly of components, and scaffolding.

  • Evolve 进化?


there is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order of magnitude [tenfold] improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.

摘自:“没有银弹-软件工程中的根本和次要问题”一节(No Silver Bullet – Essence and Accident in Software Engineering)

poor design -> good design -> great design


Great designs come from great designers.
Software construction is a creative process.
Sound methodology can empower and liberate the creative mind; it cannot enflame or inspire the drudge.

The differences are not minor—it is rather like Salieri and Mozart, Study after study shows that the very best designers produce structures that are faster, smaller, simpler, cleaner, and produced with less effort. The differences between the great and the average approach an order of magnitude.



creativity comes from individuals and not from structures or processes, then a central question facing the software manager is how to design structure and process so as to enhance, rather than inhibit, creativity and initiative.


人月神话的作者:Frederick Phillips Brooks, Jr.
