甘比英文拓展写作- 描述外貌-Sharon

Mr. Knightley is in the prime of life,not too green nor too old, as pronounced by his forehead wrinkles showed whenever his playful eyebrows are habitually raised and a shimmer of interest flashes across his eyes.The vivid expression in the deep-set eyes contrast strikingly with the firmly-chiselled mouth and chin. The variance is suggestive of an almost complete separation of passion and intellect, as though thought and emotion were each isolated in its own sphere through some violence of will- power. 

His hairs on the temple/earlocks emphasize his finely-cut features and his mature charm.His well-defined thin lips, firmly pressed together, suggesting signs of a strong-will.The note of his manner is that of perfect distinction, with a slight touch of pride.While that is so well-measured as to be attractive rather than to put off people. 

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