
Individual creativity develops on the basis of inheriting group creativity. In the process of inheritance, it is actually the transformation of group creativity to individual creativity. When individual creativity through the inheritance of old tradition and innovation, and its innovative results accepted by social groups and application, the process of innovation and acceptable is individual creativity to groups of creativity. It is precisely because of their mutual transformation that they form the basis of human social development and promote the common development of individual creativity and group creativity. The study of the transformation of thinking creativity to individual thinking has formed a scientific system with a long history and a core of pedagogy. But just as humans have lagged behind in their own research, education science is still at a very low level. The biggest problem is how to inherit more efficiently, how to maintain and develop the growth point of innovation in succession, so as to keep the innovation ability of human beings forever young, and develop towards higher unified creativity. And the problem that research group creativity turns into individual creativity is the problem that pedagogy wants to solve.
