Option: (61) Client identifier
Length: 7
Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
Client MAC address: HewlettP_62:02:4e (ec:b1:d7:62:02:4e)
通过uid —> 通过mac地址 —-> 通过host-identifier option
如果收到的是DHCPREQUEST请求并且在租约中的ip地址和requested address不同,就返回错误
/* If fixed_lease is present but does not match the requested
IP address, and this is a DHCPREQUEST, then we can't return
any other lease, so we might as well return now. */
if (packet -> packet_type == DHCPREQUEST && fixed_lease &&
(fixed_lease -> ip_addr.len != cip.len ||
memcmp (fixed_lease -> ip_addr.iabuf,
cip.iabuf, cip.len))) {
if (ours)
*ours = 1;
strcpy (dhcp_message, "requested address is incorrect");
goto out;
遍历地址池,首先寻找没有使用过的地址—-> 找能用的地址 —-> 重启一个已经废弃的地址 —-> 不分配地址,当有两个状态相同的候选地址的时候选择先过期的.
when = cur_time + 120;
if (when < lease -> ends)
when = lease -> ends;
oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, packet -> options,
Option: (50) Requested IP Address
Length: 4
Requested IP Address:
if (oc &&
evaluate_option_cache (&data, packet, (struct lease *)0,
(struct client_state *)0,
packet -> options, (struct option_state *)0,
&global_scope, oc, MDL)) {
cip.len = 4;
memcpy (cip.iabuf, data.data, 4);
data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
have_requested_addr = 1;
} else {
oc = (struct option_cache *)0;
cip.len = 4;
memcpy (cip.iabuf, &packet -> raw -> ciaddr.s_addr, 4);
subnet = (struct subnet *)0;
lease = (struct lease *)0;
if (find_subnet (&subnet, cip, MDL))
find_lease (&lease, packet,
subnet -> shared_network, &ours, 0, ip_lease, MDL);
if (lease && lease -> client_hostname) {
if ((strlen (lease -> client_hostname) <= 64) &&
db_printable((unsigned char *)lease->client_hostname))
s = lease -> client_hostname;
s = "Hostname Unsuitable for Printing";
} else
s = (char *)0;
oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, packet -> options,
memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
if (oc &&
evaluate_option_cache (&data, packet, (struct lease *)0,
(struct client_state *)0,
packet -> options, (struct option_state *)0,
&global_scope, oc, MDL)) {
sip.len = 4;
memcpy (sip.iabuf, data.data, 4);
data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
/* piaddr() should not return more than a 15 byte string.
* safe.
sprintf (smbuf, " (%s)", piaddr (sip));
have_server_identifier = 1;
} else
smbuf [0] = 0;
Option: (54) DHCP Server Identifier
Length: 4
DHCP Server Identifier:
Option: (61) Client identifier
Length: 7
Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
Client MAC address: HewlettP_62:02:4e (ec:b1:d7:62:02:4e)
oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, packet -> options,
memset (&data, 0, sizeof data);
if (oc &&
evaluate_option_cache (&data, packet, (struct lease *)0,
(struct client_state *)0,
packet -> options, (struct option_state *)0,
&global_scope, oc, MDL)) {
find_lease_by_uid (&lease, data.data, data.len, MDL);
data_string_forget (&data, MDL);
/* See if we can find a lease that matches the IP address
the client is claiming. */
while (lease) {
if (lease -> n_uid)
lease_reference (&next, lease -> n_uid, MDL);
if (!memcmp (&packet -> raw -> ciaddr,
lease -> ip_addr.iabuf, 4)) {
lease_dereference (&lease, MDL);
if (next) {
lease_reference (&lease, next, MDL);
lease_dereference (&next, MDL);
if (next)
lease_dereference (&next, MDL);
if (!lease) {
cip.len = 4;
memcpy (cip.iabuf, &packet -> raw -> ciaddr, 4);
find_lease_by_ip_addr (&lease, cip, MDL);
PC收到DHCP服务器的地址后,发送分配地址免费ARP,如果有回应,会发送DHCP DECLINE报文
/* DHCPDECLINE must specify address. */
if (!(oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, packet -> options,
if (lease) {
if (lease -> pool && lease -> pool -> failover_peer) {
dhcp_failover_state_t *peer =
lease -> pool -> failover_peer;
if (peer -> service_state == not_responding ||
peer -> service_state == service_startup) {
if (!ignorep)
log_info ("%s: ignored%s",
peer -> name, peer -> nrr);
goto out;
/* DHCPDECLINE messages are broadcast, so we can safely
ignore the DHCPDECLINE if the peer has the lease.
XXX Of course, at this point that information has been
lost. */
abandon_lease (lease, "declined.");
status = "abandoned";
} else {
status = "not found";
/* Abandon the specified lease (set its timeout to infinity and its
particulars to zero, and re-hash it as appropriate. */
void abandon_lease (lease, message)
struct lease *lease;
const char *message;
/* Use the subnet mask from the subnet declaration if no other
mask has been provided. */
if (subnet && !lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, options, i)) {
oc = (struct option_cache *)0;
if (option_cache_allocate (&oc, MDL)) {
if (make_const_data (&oc -> expression,
subnet -> netmask.iabuf,
subnet -> netmask.len,
0, 0, MDL)) {
&i, 0, MDL);
save_option (&dhcp_universe, options, oc);
option_cache_dereference (&oc, MDL);
/* Use the parameter list from the scope if there is one. */
oc = lookup_option (&dhcp_universe, options,
Option: (55) Parameter Request List
Length: 13
Parameter Request List Item: (1) Subnet Mask
Parameter Request List Item: (15) Domain Name
Parameter Request List Item: (3) Router
Parameter Request List Item: (6) Domain Name Server
Parameter Request List Item: (44) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server
Parameter Request List Item: (46) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node Type
Parameter Request List Item: (47) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope
Parameter Request List Item: (31) Perform Router Discover
Parameter Request List Item: (33) Static Route
Parameter Request List Item: (121) Classless Static Route
Parameter Request List Item: (249) Private/Classless Static Route (Microsoft)
Parameter Request List Item: (43) Vendor-Specific Information
Parameter Request List Item: (252) Private/Proxy autodiscovery
确定src port和dst port
/* If we're faking a relay agent, and we're not using loopback,
use the server port, not the client port. */
if (mockup_relay && giaddr.s_addr != htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
local_port = htons(67);
} else {
ent = getservbyname ("dhcpc", "udp");
if (!ent)
local_port = htons (68);
local_port = ent -> s_port;
/* If we're faking a relay agent, and we're not using loopback,
we're using the server port, not the client port. */
if (mockup_relay && giaddr.s_addr != htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK)) {
remote_port = local_port;
} else
remote_port = htons (ntohs (local_port) - 1); /* XXX */
1 Send the server identifier if provided.
if (sid)
save_option (&dhcp_universe, *op, sid);
2 Send the requested address if provided.
if (rip) {
client -> requested_address = *rip;
if (!(option_code_hash_lookup(&option, dhcp_universe.code_hash,
&i, 0, MDL) &&
make_const_option_cache(&oc, NULL, rip->iabuf, rip->len,
option, MDL)))
log_error ("can't make requested address cache.");
else {
save_option (&dhcp_universe, *op, oc);
option_cache_dereference (&oc, MDL);
option_dereference(&option, MDL);
} else {
client -> requested_address.len = 0;
Option: (50) Requested IP Address
Length: 4
Requested IP Address:
if (!(option_code_hash_lookup(&option, dhcp_universe.code_hash, &i, 0,
MDL) &&
make_const_option_cache(&oc, NULL, type, 1, option, MDL)))
log_error ("can't make message type.");
else {
save_option (&dhcp_universe, *op, oc);
option_cache_dereference (&oc, MDL);
Option: (53) DHCP Message Type (Discover)
Length: 1
DHCP: Discover (1)
len = 0;
for (i = 0 ; prl[i] != NULL ; i++)
if (prl[i]->universe == &dhcp_universe)
bp->data[len++] = prl[i]->code;
if (!(option_code_hash_lookup(&option,
&code, 0, MDL) &&
make_const_option_cache(&oc, &bp, NULL, len,
option, MDL)))
log_error ("can't make option cache");
else {
save_option (&dhcp_universe, *op, oc);
option_cache_dereference (&oc, MDL);
option_dereference(&option, MDL);
Option: (55) Parameter Request List
Length: 12
Parameter Request List Item: (1) Subnet Mask
Parameter Request List Item: (15) Domain Name
Parameter Request List Item: (3) Router
Parameter Request List Item: (6) Domain Name Server
Parameter Request List Item: (44) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Server
Parameter Request List Item: (46) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node Type
Parameter Request List Item: (47) NetBIOS over TCP/IP Scope
Parameter Request List Item: (31) Perform Router Discover
Parameter Request List Item: (33) Static Route
Parameter Request List Item: (121) Classless Static Route
Parameter Request List Item: (249) Private/Classless Static Route (Microsoft)
Parameter Request List Item: (43) Vendor-Specific Information
client -> packet.op = BOOTREQUEST;
client -> packet.htype = client -> interface -> hw_address.hbuf [0];
client -> packet.hlen = client -> interface -> hw_address.hlen - 1;
client -> packet.hops = 0;
client -> packet.xid = random ();
client -> packet.secs = 0; /* filled in by send_discover. */
if (can_receive_unicast_unconfigured (client -> interface))
client -> packet.flags = 0;
client -> packet.flags = htons (BOOTP_BROADCAST);
Bootstrap Protocol (Discover)
Message type: Boot Request (1) //packet.op
Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01) //packet.htype
Hardware address length: 6 //packet.hlen
Hops: 0 //packet.hops
Transaction ID: 0x32fbf6d2 //packet.xid
Seconds elapsed: 0 //packet.secs
Bootp flags: 0x8000, Broadcast flag (Broadcast) //client -> packet.flags
1... .... .... .... = Broadcast flag: Broadcast
.000 0000 0000 0000 = Reserved flags: 0x0000
memset (&(client -> packet.ciaddr),0, sizeof client -> packet.ciaddr);
memset (&(client -> packet.yiaddr),0, sizeof client -> packet.yiaddr);
memset (&(client -> packet.siaddr),0, sizeof client -> packet.siaddr);
client -> packet.giaddr = giaddr;
if (client -> interface -> hw_address.hlen > 0)
memcpy (client -> packet.chaddr,&client -> interface -> hw_address.hbuf [1], (unsigned)(client -> interface -> hw_address.hlen - 1));
Client IP address: //client -> packet.ciaddr
Your (client) IP address: //client -> packet.yiaddr
Next server IP address: //client -> packet.siaddr
Relay agent IP address: //client ->packet.giaddr
Client MAC address: HewlettP_62:02:4e (ec:b1:d7:62:02:4e) //client -> packet.chaddr
client -> packet.op = BOOTREQUEST;
client -> packet.htype = client -> interface -> hw_address.hbuf [0];
client -> packet.hlen = client -> interface -> hw_address.hlen - 1;
client -> packet.hops = 0;
client -> packet.xid = client -> xid;
client -> packet.secs = 0; /* Filled in by send_request. */
Bootstrap Protocol (Request)
Message type: Boot Request (1) //client -> packet.op
Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01) //client -> packet.htype
Hardware address length: 6 //client -> packet.hlen
Hops: 0 //client -> packet.hops
Transaction ID: 0x32fbf6d2 //client -> packet.xid
Seconds elapsed: 0 //client -> packet.secs
If we own the address we’re requesting, put it in ciaddr;
otherwise set ciaddr to zero.
if (client -> state == S_BOUND ||client -> state == S_RENEWING ||
client -> state == S_REBINDING) {
memcpy (&client -> packet.ciaddr,lease -> address.iabuf, lease -> address.len);
client -> packet.flags = 0;
} else {
memset (&client -> packet.ciaddr, 0,sizeof client -> packet.ciaddr);
if (can_receive_unicast_unconfigured (client -> interface))
client -> packet.flags = 0;
client -> packet.flags = htons (BOOTP_BROADCAST);
Client IP address: //client -> packet.ciaddr
Bootp flags: 0x8000, Broadcast flag (Broadcast) //client -> packet.flags
1... .... .... .... = Broadcast flag: Broadcast
.000 0000 0000 0000 = Reserved flags: 0x0000
memset (&client -> packet.yiaddr, 0,sizeof client -> packet.yiaddr);
memset (&client -> packet.siaddr, 0,sizeof client -> packet.siaddr);
if (client -> state != S_BOUND &&client -> state != S_RENEWING)
client -> packet.giaddr = giaddr;
memset (&client -> packet.giaddr, 0,sizeof client -> packet.giaddr);
if (client -> interface -> hw_address.hlen > 0)
memcpy (client -> packet.chaddr,&client -> interface -> hw_address.hbuf [1],
(unsigned)(client -> interface -> hw_address.hlen - 1));
Bootstrap Protocol (Request)
Your (client) IP address: //client -> packet.yiaddr
Next server IP address: //client -> packet.siaddr
Relay agent IP address: //client -> packet.giaddr
Client MAC address: HewlettP_62:02:4e (ec:b1:d7:62:02:4e) //client -> packet.chaddr
但是,ciaddr must always be zero
memset (&client -> packet.ciaddr, 0,
sizeof client -> packet.ciaddr);
客户机开始,可能以0.0.0.0源地址开始,携带null ciaddr/broadcast;xid;params request
就不需要再发送DHCP discover发现信息了,而是直接发送包含前一次所分配的IP地址的DHCP request请求信息。
当DHCP服务器收到这一信息后,它会尝试让DHCP客户机继续使用原来的IP地址,并回答一个DHCP ACK确认信息。
如果此IP地址已无法再分配给原来的DHCP客户机使用时(比如此IP地址已分配给其它DHCP客户机使用),则DHCP服务器给DHCP客户机回答一个DHCP NAK否认信息。
当原来的DHCP客户机收到此DHCP NAK否认信息后,它就必须重新发送DHCP discover发现信息来请求新的IP地址。
当DHCP客户机启动时和IP租约期限过一半时,DHCP客户机都会自动向DHCP服务器发送单播DHCP REQUEST更新其IP租约的信息,当DHCP客户机启动时和IP租约期限过87.5%时,DHCP客户机都会自动向DHCP服务器发送广播DHCP REQUEST更新其IP租约的信息。
收到DHCP ACK就续期,收到DHCP NAK就直接发送DHCP RELESE报文释放IP地址,然后开始重新一轮的DHCP