6.22日 Face-Off: A Look at Makeup Artists

fantasy n.幻想;空想的产物;幻想作品;非正式的货币 vt.& vi.幻想;想像;奏幻想曲

Horror film 


gangster film   Rush Hour

Action film 

shiny adj.发光的,光亮的;闪耀的;磨亮的;磨损的

preoccupied  with appearance 专注于外观

Some ripe people pay more attention to practicality or the nature of things. 一些人更注重实用性或者事情的本质

Looking good for many young people is a national obsession.

futuristic adj.未来的;未来主义的;未来派的

aspiring adj.有抱负的;有志气的;高耸的 v.渴望;追求

apprenticeship n.学徒期;学徒身份

latex n.胶乳,(尤指橡胶树的)橡浆;人工合成胶乳(用以制作油漆、粘合剂和织物)

expertise n.专门知识或技能;专家的意见;专家评价,鉴定

cosmetology n.美容学,整容术

annually 每年

justify vt.证明…有理;为…辩护;对…作出解释 vi.整理版面;证明合法

Many scenes, the common approach can not show his brilliant, only through special effects to show the powerful to describe things.

a helmet and armor 

entail vt.需要;牵涉;使必要;限定继承

prosthesis n.假体(如假肢、假眼或假牙等);<医>人体修复(术)

wig n.假发,法官帽;〈美俚〉知识分子 vt.斥责,痛骂;给…装假发

realistic adj.现实的;逼真的;[艺] 现实主义的,[哲]实在论(者)的;栩栩如生的

imperfection n.不完美;缺点,瑕疵

bizarre adj.离奇的;奇怪的;奇特的(指态度,容貌,款式等);奇幻

assignment n.分给,分配;任务,工作,(课外)作业;<美>任命;指定,委派

perspiration n.汗;汗水;出汗;流汗

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