# -*-coding:utf-8-*-
import arcpy
import xlrd
import re
# 采矿权坐标格式举例
# 1,4,1,4145796.42,37500324.70,2,4145822.42,37500429.70,3,4145717.42,37500429.70,4,4145713.42,37500349.70,1167,1090,,1,
# 读取xls文件
xlsfile = xlrd.open_workbook(r"E:\ck.xls", "r")
mysheet1 = xlsfile.sheet_by_name("ck")
rownum = mysheet1.nrows
colnum = mysheet1.ncols
# 生成的shp图形存放目录
arcpy.env.workspace = r"E:\shp"
# 2000坐标系
fc_2000_19 = "ck2000_19.shp"
fc_2000_37 = "ck2000_37.shp"
fc_2000_38 = "ck2000_38.shp"
# 80坐标系
fc_80_19 = "ck80_19.shp"
fc_80_37 = "ck80_37.shp"
fc_80_38 = "ck80_38.shp"
# 54坐标系
fc_54_19 = "ck54_19.shp"
fc_54_37 = "ck54_37.shp"
fc_54_38 = "ck54_38.shp"
# 未知坐标系
fc_unknown_19 = "unknown_19.shp"
fc_unknown_37 = "unknown_37.shp"
fc_unknown_38 = "unknown_38.shp"
# 检查工作空间下是否存在2000坐标系的要素类
isexist_fc_2000_19 = arcpy.Exists(fc_2000_19)
isexist_fc_2000_37 = arcpy.Exists(fc_2000_37)
isexist_fc_2000_38 = arcpy.Exists(fc_2000_38)
# 检查工作空间下是否存在80坐标系的要素类
isexist_fc_80_19 = arcpy.Exists(fc_80_19)
isexist_fc_80_37 = arcpy.Exists(fc_80_37)
isexist_fc_80_38 = arcpy.Exists(fc_80_38)
# 检查工作空间下是否存在54坐标系的要素类
isexist_fc_54_19 = arcpy.Exists(fc_54_19)
isexist_fc_54_37 = arcpy.Exists(fc_54_37)
isexist_fc_54_38 = arcpy.Exists(fc_54_38)
# 检查工作空间下是否存在未知坐标系的要素类
isexist_fc_unknown_19 = arcpy.Exists(fc_unknown_19)
isexist_fc_unknown_37 = arcpy.Exists(fc_unknown_37)
isexist_fc_unknown_38 = arcpy.Exists(fc_unknown_38)
# 记录没有匹配的记录
str_notmatch = ""
if not (
isexist_fc_2000_19 and isexist_fc_2000_37 and isexist_fc_2000_38 and isexist_fc_80_19 and isexist_fc_80_37 and isexist_fc_80_38 and isexist_fc_54_19 and isexist_fc_54_37 and isexist_fc_54_38 and isexist_fc_unknown_19 and isexist_fc_unknown_37 and isexist_fc_unknown_38):
print "要素类不存在!"
# 创建2000坐标系各要素类的插入游标,许可证号xkzh,名称name,区域坐标coord
cursor_2000_19 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_2000_19, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_2000_37 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_2000_37, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_2000_38 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_2000_38, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
# 创建80坐标系各要素类的插入游标,许可证号xkzh,名称name,区域坐标coord
cursor_80_19 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_80_19, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_80_37 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_80_37, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_80_38 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_80_38, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
# 创建54坐标系各要素类的插入游标,许可证号xkzh,名称name,区域坐标coord
cursor_54_19 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_54_19, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_54_37 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_54_37, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_54_38 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_54_38, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
# 创建未知坐标系各要素类的插入游标,许可证号xkzh,名称name,区域坐标coord
cursor_unknown_19 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_unknown_19, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_unknown_37 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_unknown_37, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
cursor_unknown_38 = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc_unknown_38, ["xkzh", "name", "coord", "SHAPE@"])
# 遍历xls文件中所有行
for i in range(rownum):
row = mysheet1.row_values(i)
# 读取基本信息:许可证号、名称、坐标系类型、区域坐标,这些基本信息主要根据xls文件来定
xkzh = row[0]
name = row[1]
xytype = str(row[2])
coord = row[3]
# print (name + ",is beginging...")
# 调试代码用
if i == -1:
print "!!!"
# 外圈坐标,即外圈矿山
_xypolylist = []
# 挖空坐标,即挖空矿山
_wkpolylist = []
# 临时坐标
_tempxylist = arcpy.Array()
# 坐标点的编号
bh = 0
# 投影坐标的带号
dh = 0
# 获取区块数num_qk,字符串第1个逗号前的数字表示区块数
index_qk = coord.find(",")
num_qk = int(coord[:index_qk])
# 除过区块数,剩余的字符串
coordlist = coord[index_qk + 1:]
# 根据正则表达式,获取各区块结束的字符串标识
pattern = re.compile(
reglist = re.findall(pattern, coordlist)
# 如果没有匹配出坐标结束标识,则做出记录
num_reglist = len(reglist)
if num_reglist == 0:
# print name + " is not matching..."
print xkzh
str_notmatch = r"'" + xkzh + "'," + str_notmatch
# 如果匹配出的坐标结束标识的数量与区块数不一致,则做出记录
if num_reglist != num_qk:
# print name + " qks is not equal ..."
print xkzh
str_notmatch = r"'" + xkzh + "'," + str_notmatch
for j in range(num_qk):
# 获得区块结束的字符串标识
str_reg = str(reglist[j])
# 如果匹配出的标识符不是4个,则说明匹配错了
num_dot = str_reg.count(",")
if num_dot != 4:
# 获得索引值index_regend
index_regend = coordlist.find(str_reg)
qk_coordlist = coordlist[:index_regend]
# 获取坐标点数num_coord,字符串中第1个逗号前的数值表示坐标点数。(已经去掉了区块数)
index_coord = qk_coordlist.find(",")
num_coord = int(qk_coordlist[:index_coord])
# 获取是否挖空的标识
wk_info = str_reg.split(",")
wk_mark = wk_info[3]
# 获得坐标点
qk_coordlist = qk_coordlist[index_coord + 1:]
xylist = qk_coordlist.split(",")
# 编号、投影带号、横坐标、纵坐标
bh = 0
dh = 0
_x = 0
_y = 0
for k in range(num_coord * 3):
# 坐标点标识,纵坐标(7位整数)、横坐标(8位整数)
if k % 3 == 1:
# 检查纵坐标是否满足7位
y = xylist[k].format("0000000.###")
yindex_dot = y.find(".")
if yindex_dot == -1:
if len(y) != 7:
print xkzh + " ylength is not enough..."
if len(y[:yindex_dot]) != 7:
print xkzh + " ylength is not enough..."
_y = float(y)
elif k % 3 == 2:
# 检查横坐标是否满足8位
x = xylist[k].format("00000000.###")
xindex_dot = x.find(".")
if xindex_dot == -1:
if len(x) != 8:
print xkzh + " xlength is not enough..."
if len(x[:xindex_dot]) != 8:
print xkzh + " xlength is not enough..."
_x = float(x)
# 获取投影带号
dh = str(x[:2])
# 读取坐标值
pnt = arcpy.Point()
# 依次为坐标点编号、纵坐标、横坐标
bh = bh + 1
pnt.ID = bh
pnt.X = _x
pnt.Y = _y
# 如果坐标点数为0,则说明该坐标有问题(不满足前7后8),继续一个矿权
if len(_tempxylist) == 0:
# 根据挖空标识不同,将外圈、内圈坐标存放在不同的列表中
_xytemppolygon = arcpy.Polygon(_tempxylist)
if wk_mark == "1" or wk_mark == "0":
elif wk_mark == "-1":
print name + "is error..."
# 清楚临时列表
# 剩余的坐标串
len_reg = len(str_reg)
coordlist = coordlist[index_regend + len_reg:]
# 获取外圈的数量,如果等于0则继续下一个循环
xypolynum = len(_xypolylist)
if xypolynum == 0:
wkpolynum = len(_wkpolylist)
# 如果外圈矿山只有1个,挖空矿山1个或者多个,则执行裁剪,即交集取反
if xypolynum == 1 and wkpolynum >= 1:
poly = _xypolylist[0]
for p in range(wkpolynum):
poly = poly.symmetricDifference(_wkpolylist[p])
# 2000坐标系
if xytype == "3":
if dh == "37":
cursor_2000_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_2000_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_2000_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# 80坐标
elif xytype == "2":
if dh == "37":
cursor_80_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_80_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_80_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# 54坐标系
elif xytype == "1":
if dh == "37":
cursor_54_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_54_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_54_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# 坐标系未知
if dh == "37":
cursor_unknown_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_unknown_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_unknown_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, poly])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# print name + " is finished!"
# 对于多个外圈矿山,1个或者多个挖空矿山,无法判断对哪个外圈矿山挖空
if xypolynum > 1 and wkpolynum >= 1:
print (name + ",无法判断挖空矿山!")
# 遍历形成外圈地块,一个矿山无论是否存在多个区块,只能是一种坐标系
for q in range(xypolynum):
# 2000坐标系
if xytype == "3":
if dh == "37":
cursor_2000_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_2000_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_2000_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# 80坐标
elif xytype == "2":
if dh == "37":
cursor_80_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_80_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_80_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# 54坐标系
elif xytype == "1":
if dh == "37":
cursor_54_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_54_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_54_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# 坐标系未知
if dh == "37":
cursor_unknown_37.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "38":
cursor_unknown_38.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
elif dh == "19":
cursor_unknown_19.insertRow([xkzh, name, coord, _xypolylist[q]])
print xkzh + " dh is error..."
# print "It is finished!"
except Exception as err:
# print (err.args[0]).decode("gbk")
print err.message
print "全部完成!"
print str_notmatch
del cursor_2000_37
del cursor_2000_38
del cursor_2000_19
del cursor_80_37
del cursor_80_38
del cursor_80_19
del cursor_54_37
del cursor_54_38
del cursor_54_19
del cursor_unknown_37
del cursor_unknown_38
del cursor_unknown_19