- 使用模版生成简历
- 格式转换
- Table操作
- 总结
1.打开word中的开发工具选项,对于导航栏中没有这一项的,可以通过 文件->选项->自定义功能区->开发工具 进行打开
2.插入TextField, 属性->设置书签名称
class Program { private static BindingFlags s_flag = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\nRunning Examples"); Resume personResume = new Resume { Name = "Spire.Doc",//姓名 Marriage = "未婚",//婚姻 Birth = "2010-09-19",//出生年月 Political = "团员",//政治面貌 Sex = "男",//性别 Nation = "汉族",//民族 Degree = "大学本科",//学位 Mobile = "13567890987",//移动电话 Professional = "软件工程",//专业 Email = "[email protected]",//邮箱 Adress = "故宫", //地址 MajorCourse = "数据结构,C语言,算法,C++",//主修课程 PersonalAbility = "熟练掌握DocX操作Word,SQL能力强悍",//个人能力 ComputerAbility = "高级软件工程师",//计算机能力 LanguageLevel = "CET-4,CET-6",//外语水平 Awards = "1999年几月 曾获优秀班干部,3等奖学金1999年几月 曾获校优秀干部,学生会先进集体,2等奖学金20**年几月 曾获优秀学习委员,网络技术协会负责人,……………………",//奖励情况 SelfEvaluation = "本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚;工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,用于承受压力,勇于创新;有很强的组织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力;纪律性强,工作积极配合;意志坚强,具有较强的无私奉献精神"//自我评价 }; CreateResume(personResume); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } private static void CreateResume(Resume personResume) { Document doc = new Document(@"ResumeTemplate.docx"); //清除表单域阴影 doc.Properties.FormFieldShading=false; try { Type type = typeof(Resume); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(s_flag); int length = properties.Length; Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> dict = new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo>(length, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { dict[prop.Name] = prop; } object value = null; foreach (FormField field in doc.Sections[0].Body.FormFields) {
//field.name对应设置模版文本域名称 PropertyInfo prop = dict[field.Name]; if (prop != null) { value = prop.GetValue(personResume, null); if (value != null && value != DBNull.Value) { switch (field.Type) { case FieldType.FieldFormTextInput: field.Text = value.ToString(); break; default: break; } } } } doc.SaveToFile(@"DocXResume.docx", FileFormat.Docx); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }

public class Resume { public string Name { get; set; } public string Marriage { get; set; } public string Birth { get; set; } public string Political { get; set; } public string Sex { get; set; } public string Nation { get; set; } public string Degree { get; set; } public string Mobile { get; set; } public string Professional { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public string Adress { get; set; } public string MajorCourse { get; set; } public string PersonalAbility { get; set; } public string ComputerAbility { get; set; } public string LanguageLevel { get; set; } public string Awards { get; set; } public string SelfEvaluation { get; set; } }
Document doc = new Document(@"SpireDocResume.docx"); //Save doc file. doc.SaveToFile("SpireDocResume.html", FileFormat.Html);
效果和直接打开word是一样的,有了这功能就能实现在线word预览,之前的一篇 在线文档预览方案也可以参考一下。其它格式的转换也是一样的代码,改一下FileFormat枚举值即可。

private static void addTable(Section section) { String[] header = { "Name", "Capital", "Continent", "Area", "Population" }; String[][] data = { new String[]{"Argentina", "Buenos Aires", "South America", "2777815", "32300003"}, new String[]{"Bolivia", "La Paz", "South America", "1098575", "7300000"}, new String[]{"Brazil", "Brasilia", "South America", "8511196", "150400000"}, new String[]{"Canada", "Ottawa", "North America", "9976147", "26500000"}, new String[]{"Chile", "Santiago", "South America", "756943", "13200000"}, new String[]{"Colombia", "Bagota", "South America", "1138907", "33000000"}, new String[]{"Cuba", "Havana", "North America", "114524", "10600000"}, new String[]{"Ecuador", "Quito", "South America", "455502", "10600000"}, new String[]{"El Salvador", "San Salvador", "North America", "20865", "5300000"}, new String[]{"Guyana", "Georgetown", "South America", "214969", "800000"}, new String[]{"Jamaica", "Kingston", "North America", "11424", "2500000"}, new String[]{"Mexico", "Mexico City", "North America", "1967180", "88600000"}, new String[]{"Nicaragua", "Managua", "North America", "139000", "3900000"}, new String[]{"Paraguay", "Asuncion", "South America", "406576", "4660000"}, new String[]{"Peru", "Lima", "South America", "1285215", "21600000"}, new String[]{"United States of America", "Washington", "North America", "9363130", "249200000"}, new String[]{"Uruguay", "Montevideo", "South America", "176140", "3002000"}, new String[]{"Venezuela", "Caracas", "South America", "912047", "19700000"} }; Spire.Doc.Table table = section.AddTable(); table.ResetCells(data.Length + 1, header.Length); // ***************** First Row ************************* TableRow row = table.Rows[0]; row.IsHeader = true; row.Height = 20; //unit: point, 1point = 0.3528 mm row.HeightType = TableRowHeightType.Exactly; row.RowFormat.BackColor = Color.Gray; for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++) { row.Cells[i].CellFormat.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle; Paragraph p = row.Cells[i].AddParagraph(); p.Format.HorizontalAlignment = Spire.Doc.Documents.HorizontalAlignment.Center; TextRange txtRange = p.AppendText(header[i]); txtRange.CharacterFormat.Bold = true; } for (int r = 0; r < data.Length; r++) { TableRow dataRow = table.Rows[r + 1]; dataRow.Height = 20; dataRow.HeightType = TableRowHeightType.Exactly; dataRow.RowFormat.BackColor = Color.Empty; for (int c = 0; c < data[r].Length; c++) { dataRow.Cells[c].CellFormat.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle; dataRow.Cells[c].AddParagraph().AppendText(data[r][c]); } } }
Spire.Doc | DocX | |
API | 介绍简单 | 无API介绍 |
Demo | 提供了很多Demo方便学习 | demo少 |
收费 | 收费 | 开源免费 |
功能对比 | 1.支持FormField模版替换 2.Table读写功能强大 | 1.对自定义属性读写存在BUG |
兼容性 | 兼容word各版本 | 支持2007即以上版本 |
依赖性 | 不依赖于office,即使服务器未装office也能正常操作 |