恢复Sodinokibi勒索病毒Welcome. Again/-readme.txt成功恢复sql文


---=== Welcome. Again. ===---

[+] Whats Happen? [+]

Your files are encrypted, and currently unavailable. You can check it: all files on you computer has expansion 8z0hw87.
By the way, everything is possible to recover (restore), but you need to follow our instructions. Otherwise, you cant return your data (NEVER).

[+] What guarantees? [+]

Its just a business. We absolutely do not care about you and your deals, except getting benefits. If we do not do our work and liabilities - nobody will not cooperate with us. Its not in our interests.
To check the ability of returning files, You should go to our website. There you can decrypt one file for free. That is our guarantee.
If you will not cooperate with our service - for us, its does not matter. But you will lose your time and data, cause just we have the private key. In practise - time is much more valuable than money.

[+] How to get access on website? [+]

You have two ways:

1) [Recommended] Using a TOR browser!
a) Download and install TOR browser from this site: https://torproject.org/
b) Open our website: http://aplebzu47wgazapdqks6vrcv6zcnjppkbxbr6wketf56nf6aq2nmyoyd.onion/8B6B973FAE68452C

2) If TOR blocked in your country, try to use ×××! But you can use our secondary website. For this:
a) Open your any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE, Edge)
b) Open our secondary website: http://decryptor.top/8B6B973FAE68452C

根据国外安全研究团队的披露,***者传播Sodinokibi勒索软件的方式,往往是通过Oracle WebLogic Server中的反序列化漏洞(CVE-2019-2725),而经过我们现场取证,发现此次***是通过爆破3389端口来进行传播的。

XP、Windows Server 2003、win8等系统访问:
Win7、win8.1、Windows Server 2008、Windows 10, Windows Server 2016等系统访问:


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