
My name is Gao Wengeng. I come from school of automotive engineering. I chose this major because I had a great interest in cars. In high school, I often browse many kinds of website about cars, learn about car news and the history and car culture of major car manufacturers in the world. Since then, I have realized that Europe is the soul and spirt of automotive culture. So I gradually made the decision to study in Europe. After that, one day , when I left high school, I witnessed a car accident. It was a small truck hitting a motorcycle. That was terrible. I was completely shocked. After that, I searched for various information and news about car safety and started to understand Volvo, a Swedish brand. one of their slogan is no one will die in volvo car in 2020. Maybe it is a dream. But wolvo leaves me a good impression. since then, I want to work in Volvo in the future, especially it is department about car saftey, i want to do my best for human lifes . So, when I knew I have the opptunity to study in the world first class university ku Leuven, i am very happy and search it in quora. That i found, all students love this beautiful unis and beligium has good social welfare and it caring students. so I am very very admire and want to go to this unis and coutory.
