



  3D点称为object points,2D图像点称为image points。







       2.1  cv2.findChessboardCorners()函数


    findChessboardCorners(image, patternSize[, corners[, flags]]) -> retval, corners
    .   @brief Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard.
    .   @param image Source chessboard view. It must be an 8-bit grayscale or color image.
    .   @param patternSize Number of inner corners per a chessboard row and column
    .   ( patternSize = cvSize(points_per_row,points_per_colum) = cvSize(columns,rows) ).
    .   @param corners Output array of detected corners.
    .   @param flags Various operation flags that can be zero or a combination of the following values:
    .   -   **CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH** Use adaptive thresholding to convert the image to black
    .   and white, rather than a fixed threshold level (computed from the average image brightness).
    .   -   **CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE** Normalize the image gamma with equalizeHist before
    .   applying fixed or adaptive thresholding.
    .   -   **CALIB_CB_FILTER_QUADS** Use additional criteria (like contour area, perimeter,
    .   square-like shape) to filter out false quads extracted at the contour retrieval stage.
    .   -   **CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK** Run a fast check on the image that looks for chessboard corners,
    .   and shortcut the call if none is found. This can drastically speed up the call in the
    .   degenerate condition when no chessboard is observed.
    .   The function attempts to determine whether the input image is a view of the chessboard pattern and
    .   locate the internal chessboard corners. The function returns a non-zero value if all of the corners
    .   are found and they are placed in a certain order (row by row, left to right in every row).
    .   Otherwise, if the function fails to find all the corners or reorder them, it returns 0. For example,
    .   a regular chessboard has 8 x 8 squares and 7 x 7 internal corners, that is, points where the black
    .   squares touch each other. The detected coordinates are approximate, and to determine their positions
    .   more accurately, the function calls cornerSubPix. You also may use the function cornerSubPix with
    .   different parameters if returned coordinates are not accurate enough.
    .   Sample usage of detecting and drawing chessboard corners: :
    .   @code
    .   Size patternsize(8,6); //interior number of corners
    .   Mat gray = ....; //source image
    .   vector corners; //this will be filled by the detected corners
    .   //CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK saves a lot of time on images
    .   //that do not contain any chessboard corners
    .   bool patternfound = findChessboardCorners(gray, patternsize, corners,
    .   if(patternfound)
    .   cornerSubPix(gray, corners, Size(11, 11), Size(-1, -1),
    .   TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1));
    .   drawChessboardCorners(img, patternsize, Mat(corners), patternfound);
    .   @endcode
    .   @note The function requires white space (like a square-thick border, the wider the better) around
    .   the board to make the detection more robust in various environments. Otherwise, if there is no
    .   border and the background is dark, the outer black squares cannot be segmented properly and so the
    .   square grouping and ordering algorithm fails.





    2.2 cv2.cornerSubPix()函数


    cornerSubPix(image, corners, winSize, zeroZone, criteria) -> corners
    .   @brief Refines the corner locations.
    .   The function iterates to find the sub-pixel accurate location of corners or radial saddle points, as
    .   shown on the figure below.
    .   ![image](pics/cornersubpix.png)
    .   Sub-pixel accurate corner locator is based on the observation that every vector from the center \f$q\f$
    .   to a point \f$p\f$ located within a neighborhood of \f$q\f$ is orthogonal to the image gradient at \f$p\f$
    .   subject to image and measurement noise. Consider the expression:
    .   \f[\epsilon _i = {DI_{p_i}}^T  \cdot (q - p_i)\f]
    .   where \f${DI_{p_i}}\f$ is an image gradient at one of the points \f$p_i\f$ in a neighborhood of \f$q\f$ . The
    .   value of \f$q\f$ is to be found so that \f$\epsilon_i\f$ is minimized. A system of equations may be set up
    .   with \f$\epsilon_i\f$ set to zero:
    .   \f[\sum _i(DI_{p_i}  \cdot {DI_{p_i}}^T) -  \sum _i(DI_{p_i}  \cdot {DI_{p_i}}^T  \cdot p_i)\f]
    .   where the gradients are summed within a neighborhood ("search window") of \f$q\f$ . Calling the first
    .   gradient term \f$G\f$ and the second gradient term \f$b\f$ gives:
    .   \f[q = G^{-1}  \cdot b\f]
    .   The algorithm sets the center of the neighborhood window at this new center \f$q\f$ and then iterates
    .   until the center stays within a set threshold.
    .   @param image Input image.
    .   @param corners Initial coordinates of the input corners and refined coordinates provided for
    .   output.
    .   @param winSize Half of the side length of the search window. For example, if winSize=Size(5,5) ,
    .   then a \f$5*2+1 \times 5*2+1 = 11 \times 11\f$ search window is used.
    .   @param zeroZone Half of the size of the dead region in the middle of the search zone over which
    .   the summation in the formula below is not done. It is used sometimes to avoid possible
    .   singularities of the autocorrelation matrix. The value of (-1,-1) indicates that there is no such
    .   a size.
    .   @param criteria Criteria for termination of the iterative process of corner refinement. That is,
    .   the process of corner position refinement stops either after criteria.maxCount iterations or when
    .   the corner position moves by less than criteria.epsilon on some iteration.






   2.3 drawChessboardCorners函数


    drawChessboardCorners(image, patternSize, corners, patternWasFound) -> image
    .   @brief Renders the detected chessboard corners.
    .   @param image Destination image. It must be an 8-bit color image.
    .   @param patternSize Number of inner corners per a chessboard row and column
    .   (patternSize = cv::Size(points_per_row,points_per_column)).
    .   @param corners Array of detected corners, the output of findChessboardCorners.
    .   @param patternWasFound Parameter indicating whether the complete board was found or not. The
    .   return value of findChessboardCorners should be passed here.
    .   The function draws individual chessboard corners detected either as red circles if the board was not
    .   found, or as colored corners connected with lines if the board was found.





2.4  cv2.calibrateCamera函数


    calibrateCamera(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs[, rvecs[, tvecs[, flags[, criteria]]]]) -> retval, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs
    .   @overload double calibrateCamera( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints,
    .   InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, Size imageSize,
    .   InputOutputArray cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray distCoeffs,
    .   OutputArrayOfArrays rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays tvecs,
    .   OutputArray stdDeviations, OutputArray perViewErrors,
    .   int flags = 0, TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria(
    .   TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON) )












2.5  cv2.undistort()函数


    undistort(src, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs[, dst[, newCameraMatrix]]) -> dst
    .   @brief Transforms an image to compensate for lens distortion.
    .   The function transforms an image to compensate radial and tangential lens distortion.
    .   The function is simply a combination of cv::initUndistortRectifyMap (with unity R ) and cv::remap
    .   (with bilinear interpolation). See the former function for details of the transformation being
    .   performed.
    .   Those pixels in the destination image, for which there is no correspondent pixels in the source
    .   image, are filled with zeros (black color).
    .   A particular subset of the source image that will be visible in the corrected image can be regulated
    .   by newCameraMatrix. You can use cv::getOptimalNewCameraMatrix to compute the appropriate
    .   newCameraMatrix depending on your requirements.
    .   The camera matrix and the distortion parameters can be determined using cv::calibrateCamera. If
    .   the resolution of images is different from the resolution used at the calibration stage, \f$f_x,
    .   f_y, c_x\f$ and \f$c_y\f$ need to be scaled accordingly, while the distortion coefficients remain
    .   the same.
    .   @param src Input (distorted) image.
    .   @param dst Output (corrected) image that has the same size and type as src .
    .   @param cameraMatrix Input camera matrix \f$A = \vecthreethree{f_x}{0}{c_x}{0}{f_y}{c_y}{0}{0}{1}\f$ .
    .   @param distCoeffs Input vector of distortion coefficients
    .   \f$(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2[, k_3[, k_4, k_5, k_6[, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4[, \tau_x, \tau_y]]]])\f$
    .   of 4, 5, 8, 12 or 14 elements. If the vector is NULL/empty, the zero distortion coefficients are assumed.
    .   @param newCameraMatrix Camera matrix of the distorted image. By default, it is the same as
    .   cameraMatrix but you may additionally scale and shift the result by using a different matrix.








import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

def calibrate_camera():
	# 将每个校准图像映射到棋盘角的数量
	objp_dict = {
		1:  (9, 5),
		2:  (9, 6),
		3:  (9, 6),
		4:  (9, 6),
		5:  (9, 6),
		6:  (9, 6),
		7:  (9, 6),
		8:  (9, 6),
		9:  (9, 6),
		10: (9, 6),
		11: (9, 6),
		12: (9, 6),
		13: (9, 6),
		14: (9, 6),
		15: (9, 6),
		16: (9, 6),
		17: (9, 6),
		18: (9, 6),
		19: (9, 6),
		20: (9, 6),

	# 用于校准的对象点和角点列表
	objp_list = []          # 存储3D点
	corners_list = []       # 存储2D点

	# 浏览所有图像并找到角点
	for k in objp_dict.keys():
		nx, ny = objp_dict[k]

		objp = np.zeros((nx*ny,3), np.float32)
		objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:ny].T.reshape(-1,2)
		# 遍历每一幅棋盘格板,获取其对应的内角点数目,即 nx * ny。
		# 用数组的形式来保存每一幅棋盘格板中所有内角点的三维坐标。
		# 将世界坐标系建在标定板上,所有点的Z坐标全部为0,所以只需要赋值x和y
		# print(objp),部分输出如下:
		# [[0. 0. 0.]
		#  [1. 0. 0.]
		#  [2. 0. 0.]
		#  [3. 0. 0.]
		#  [4. 0. 0.]
		#  [5. 0. 0.]
		#  [6. 0. 0.]
		#  [7. 0. 0.]
		#  [8. 0. 0.]
		#  [0. 1. 0.]
		#  [1. 1. 0.]
		#  [2. 1. 0.]
		#  ...

		fname = 'camera_cal/calibration%s.jpg' % str(k)
		img = cv2.imread(fname)

		gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

		ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (nx, ny), None)

		if ret == True:

			corners2 = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corners, (5, 5), (-1, -1),
										criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 30, 0.001))

			# 在原角点的基础上寻找亚像素角点,其中,criteria是设置寻找亚像素角点的参数,
			# 采用的停止准则是最大循环次数30和最大误差容限0.001

			if corners2.any():

	# 		# Draw and display the corners
	# 		cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, (nx, ny), corners, ret)

	# 		cv2.imshow('img', img)
	# 		cv2.waitKey(5000)
	# 		print('Found corners for %s' % fname)
	# 	else:
	# 		print('Warning: ret = %s for %s' % (ret, fname))
	# cv2.destroyAllWindows()

	# 标定
	img = cv2.imread('test_images/straight_lines1.jpg')
	img_size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
	ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objp_list, corners_list, img_size,None,None)

	# print ("ret:", ret)        # ret为bool值
	# print ("mtx:\n", mtx)      # 内参数矩阵
	# print ("dist:\n", dist )   # 畸变系数 distortion cofficients = (k_1,k_2,p_1,p_2,k_3)
	# print ("rvecs:\n", rvecs)  # 旋转向量,外参数
	# print ("tvecs:\n", tvecs ) # 平移向量,外参数
	return mtx, dist

if __name__ == '__main__':
	mtx, dist = calibrate_camera()
	save_dict = {'mtx': mtx, 'dist': dist}
	with open('calibrate_camera.p', 'wb') as f:
		pickle.dump(save_dict, f)
		# pickle提供了一个简单的持久化功能。可以将对象以文件的形式存放在磁盘上。
		# pickle模块只能在python中使用,python中几乎所有的数据类型(列表,字典,集合,类等)都可以用pickle来序列化,
		# pickle序列化后的数据,可读性差,人一般无法识别。
		# pickle.dump(obj, file[, protocol])序列化对象,并将结果数据流写入到文件对象中。
		# 参数protocol是序列化模式,默认值为0,表示以文本的形式序列化。protocol的值还可以是1或2,表示以二进制的形式序列化。

	# 示例校准图像
	img = cv2.imread('camera_cal/calibration5.jpg')
	dst = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)
	cv2.imshow("校正后", dst)
	cv2.imwrite('example_images/undistort_calibration.png', dst)


