




<script src=""></script>



<video src="video.mp4" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>

For more information and troubleshooting:


<video src="video.mp4" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>


<video src="video.mp4" poster="poster.jpg" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>




1.首选,下载和安装Miro video converter.视频开源转码器

2.在这个转码器中可以选择WebMTheora两个选项来转换视频.(推荐 WebM)


<video width="320" height="200" controls preload> 

    <source src="video.mp4"></source> 

    <source src="video.webm"></source> 




如果你的视频分辨率高与这个标准,而你又不想降级播放的话我们可以通过使用Miro video converter   来转换一个适合你手机播放的视频版本格式,


<video width="618" height="347" controls preload> 

    <source src="video.mp4" media="only screen and (min-device-width: 960px)"></source>

    <source src="video.iphone.mp4" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 960px)"></source>



如果我们需要的到更好的用户体验的话,提供一个视频海报图, 以及两种可选的视频版本 (一个为手机,一个为开源式).

接下来, 你可以通过下面的代码把这些综合起来.

<video poster="poster.jpg" width="618" height="347" controls preload> 

    <source src="video.mp4" media="only screen and (min-device-width: 960px)"></source> 

    <source src="video.iphone.mp4" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 960px)"></source> 

    <source src="video.ogv"></source> 


Help! My video won't play!

Video hosting is tricky, and it's hard to get right first time. Here are a few simple troubleshooting steps to get things running smoothly.

Step 1: Check your server settings

To play correctly in Firefox, your server needs to be sending video files using the correct mimetype. To ensure that your server is playing nicely, create a file called .htaccess in the root of your site, and add the following lines:

AddType video/ogg .ogv

AddType video/mp4 .mp4

AddType video/webm .webm

If you're not using Apache to serve your files, then the above settings have to be altered slightly. Instructions on how to set up mimetypes for windows servers can be found here for IIS6 and IIS7.

Step 2: Check your Flash security settings

If you're having problems getting your videos to work locally, make sure you go to the Flash Security Settings page and add your working directory.

Step 3: Check your video encoding

Some MP4 files are a bit weird, and won't play properly on the web. You can generally fix this by re-encoding your video with Miro video converter, using the MP4 option.

Step 4: Ask for help!

Sometimes nothing works. It's okay, the html5media project has it's own mailing list, where a friendly developer will be happy to help you out. Just send an email to, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.



<audio src="audio.mp3" controls preload></audio>

For more information and troubleshooting:


<audio src="audio.mp3" controls preload></audio>



在大多数的浏览器中通过上面的代码片段可以顺利运行的.然而许多开源的浏览器不识别 MP3 文件, 因此它们会使用flash插件来替代自己的所属播放器来解决这一问题,为了让更多



我们可以通过上传自己的文件到在线的 服务器上,通过选择 OGG选项.设置转换参数, 如果是需要更高的质量的话,需要话费更长点的时间来下载转换.



audio controls preload> 

    <source src="audio.mp3"></source> 

    <source src="audio.ogg"></source> 


Help! My audio won't play!

Audio home cinema hosting is tricky, and it's hard to get right first time. Here are a few simple troubleshooting steps to get things running smoothly.

Step 1: Check your server settings

To play correctly in Firefox, your server needs to be sending video files using the correct mimetype. To ensure that your server is playing nicely, create a file called .htaccess in the root of your site, and add the following lines:

AddType audio/mpeg .mp3

AddType audio/ogg .ogg

If you're not using Apache to serve your files, then the above settings have to be altered slightly. Instructions on how to set up mimetypes for windows servers can be found here for IIS6 and IIS7.

Step 2: Check your audio encoding

Some MP3 files are a bit weird, and won't play properly on the web. You can generally fix this by re-encoding your video with using theMP3 option.

Step 3: Ask for help!

Sometimes nothing works. It's okay, the html5media project has it's own mailing list, where a friendly developer will be happy to help you out. Just send an email to, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

