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Immigrants Learn to Lose Their Accents


Someimmigrantsin the northeastern state of Maine are learning to lose their accents.


Some of the immigrants speak English fluently, but have a difficult time being understood because they have heavy accents, reported the Portland Press-Herald newspaper.


Assouma Nyirabahizi says she left her home and job in Rwanda two years ago, coming to America on a green card "in hopes of abrighter future."

Assouma Nyirabahizi表示,两年前她使用绿卡从卢旺达弃职离乡来到美国,就是希望获得更光明的前景。

Nyirabahizi has a master's degree in computer science and speaks English fluently. She says all of her classes in Rwanda were taught in English, "but here I have to learn again because of (my) accent."


She attends a free class to reduce her accent with seven other students. The city of Portland conducts the class.


Marta Greenlaw is the teacher. She is also aspeech therapist. She says immigrants who reduce their accent have better success at work. And they can communicate more easily with store workers, teachers, doctors and neighbors.

Marta Greenlaw是一位老师,也是语言治疗师。她说减轻移民口音在工作上能更成功。他们跟店员,老师,医生和邻居沟通更容易。

"It's a basic need to be understood," Greenlaw told the newspaper. "It affects every part of their lives."


Greenlaw begins the class by telling students the 44 sounds of the English language. Those sounds includevowels,consonantsand other sounds that give American English its unique sound.


Later, students speak about the food in their home countries. Sometimes, Greenlaw corrects their pronunciation. She tells them to pronounce the word "onion" as "unnnn-yunnnnn," and the word "potato" as "poe-TAY-toe." She tells the students "how the lips andjawwork to form the word."


Greenlaw tells the students that some American English pronunciation rules "don't make a lot of sense." But she says they are important to learn if immigrants are to be understood by Americans.


Losing one's accent is especially important for immigrants who live in Maine, which is one of the leastdiversestates in the country. More than 90 percent of the population of Maine is white. Many people who live in Maine have not heard foreign accents except in movies or on television.


Greenlaw says some Mainers are impatient with people who speak English with a heavy accent. Her students say some Mainers ignore them or are unfriendly toward them because of their accent. They say this makes them less likely to speak.


"Imagine waking up every day knowing you are going to have that struggle," she says.





immigrants  n. 移民

brighter future  n. 更光明的未来

speech therapist  n. 语言治疗师

vowels  n. 元音

consonants  n. 辅音

jaw  n. 下巴

diverse  adj. 多样化的




Losing one's accent is especially important for immigrants who live in Maine, which is one of the least diverse states in the country.


【解析】典型的which引导的限制性定语从句,修饰前面的整句。Losing one's accent is especially important动名词短语做主语,主系表结构,especially做副词修饰表语。




1. have a difficult time doing sth 做某事很困难,是不是比 it’s difficult to do sth 好很多呢?

2. don’t make a lot of sense 等同于it doesn’t make any sense. 都是美国口语出现频率比较大的短语。

3. one of the…  …中的一个;其中之一

4. less likely to do sth 更不可能做某事。


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