


This program allows you to generate arandomly scramble cube of arbitrary dimension which can then be manipulatedmanually or solved by the computer.


You can also input your own state using awebcam (3x3x3), or simply enter the colors of each facelet (2,3,4x.x.).


  1. 用于2x2x2的God算法;
  2.  用于3x3x3的Thistlethwaite45 (T45)算法;
  3.  Layer-by-Layer算法,一般适用于初学者,虽然该算法简单明了,但相对T45的效率更低,求解步骤更多;
  4.  用于4x4x4的423T45算法;
  5. 反逆序恢复算法Inverse Scramblefor all cubes。


algrot.m - calculates how an algorithmchanges under rotation of the cube.
digrub.fig - GUI figure main program
digrub.m - GUIDE-generated m-file to go with digrub.fig.
editstate.fig - GUI figure for manual input program
editstate.m - GUIDE-generated m-file to go with editstate.fig.
findpeeks.m - Peek-finder that is used to find the cube’s position in a webcamimage.
GetCorners.m - calculates the corner permutation/orientation of a given 3x3x3cube.
GetCorners2.m - calculates the corner permutation/orientation of a given 2x2x2cube.
GetEdges.m - calculates the edge permutation/orientation of a given 3x3x3cube.
GetFacelets.m - converts a state in the orientation/permutation representationto the facelet repr.
Ind2State.m - converts an index to a state
move2rub.m - converts a move of the form ‘x11’ to Rubik’s Code ‘B’.
parity.m - calculates the parity of a permutation.
rub2move.m - converts a move in Rubik’s code to axile ‘x11’ form.
rubcheck.m - checks the validity of a 2x2x2 or 3x3x3 state.
rubcross.m - searches for a cross on the cube.
rubgen.m - generates a cube
rubinfo.m - returns information about the cube state
rubopt.m - optimizes a move-sequence
ruborient.m - orients the cube
rubplot.m - plot a 3D image of the cube
rubrot.m - apply a move to the cube
rubrot2.m - rotate the entire cube
rubsolve.m - solve the cube using a layer by layer approach
Solve45.m - solve the cube using T45
Solve222.m - find God’s Algorithm to a 2x2x2 cube
Solve444.m - find a solution to any 4x4x4 cube.

作者Joren Heit电子邮箱:[email protected]



