

  Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).

    For example,


    T ="ABC"

    Minimum window is"BANC".


    If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the emtpy string"".

    If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.




PS: 以上两种方法均能通过本地测试,应该没有什么问题,第一种是根据网上别人写的代码改编的。


//给出一个长串(如:S = "ADOBECODEBANC")和一个短串(如:T = "ABC




#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <memory.h>

using namespace std;

int main(){

	string long_str, short_str;

	int ShortMark[256], Ben2EndMark[256];

	memset(ShortMark, 0, sizeof(ShortMark));

	memset(Ben2EndMark, 0, sizeof(Ben2EndMark));

	int ansbegin = 0, ansend = 0x3fffffff;

	freopen("F:\\input.txt", "r", stdin);


	int count = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < short_str.length(); ++i) ShortMark[short_str[i]] ++;

	int p_begin = 0, p_end = 0;

	while(p_end < long_str.length()){





			if(Ben2EndMark[long_str[p_end]] <= ShortMark[long_str[p_end]]) 

				count ++;


			if(count == short_str.length()){

				//cout<< ShortMark[long_str[p_begin]]<<endl;

				//cout<< Ben2EndMark[long_str[p_begin]];

				while(!ShortMark[long_str[p_begin]] || Ben2EndMark[long_str[p_begin]] > ShortMark[long_str[p_begin]]){

					if(Ben2EndMark[long_str[p_begin]] > ShortMark[long_str[p_begin]])

						-- Ben2EndMark[long_str[p_begin]];

					++ p_begin;



				if(p_end - p_begin < ansend - ansbegin){

					ansbegin = p_begin;

					ansend = p_end;


				-- Ben2EndMark[long_str[p_begin]];

				-- count;

				++ p_begin;



		++ p_end;


	cout<< (ansend - ansbegin + 1);



//#include <iostream>

//#include <string>

//using namespace std;


//string long_str, short_str;


//bool is_exit(int pstart, int pend, string longstr){

//	int count = 0;

//	for(int j = 0; j < short_str.length(); ++j){

//		for(int i = pstart; i <=  pend; ++i){

//			if(pstart <= longstr.find(short_str[j]) && longstr.find(short_str[j]) <= pend){

//				count ++;

//				break;

//			}

//		}

//	}

//	if(count == short_str.length()) 

//		return true;

//	else

//		return false;



//int main(){


//	freopen("F:\\input.txt", "r", stdin);

//	cin>>long_str>>short_str;

//	int p_start = 0;

//	int p_end;

//	int LENGTH = 10000;


//	for(int i = 0; i < long_str.length(); ++i){

//		if(is_exit(0, i, long_str)){

//			p_end = i;

//			break;

//		}

//	}

//	while(p_end <= long_str.length()){

//			int TemLong = 10000;

//		for(int i = 0; i <= p_end; ++i){

//			string Substr = long_str.substr(0, p_end+1);

//			string rSunstr(Substr.rbegin(), Substr.rend());//实现逆序排序

//			if(is_exit(0, i, rSunstr)) 

//				TemLong = i + 1;

//				LENGTH = (LENGTH <= TemLong) ? LENGTH:TemLong;

//		}

//		++p_end;

//	}

//	cout<< LENGTH;

//	return 0;


