Age of Ambition 14

Age of Ambition 14_第1张图片
【赏析】16-LIGHTNING STORM 本章回顾了2011年温州动车事故。故事娓娓道来,各色人等纷纷登台亮相,火车司机,调度员,火车上的一家,铁道部部长等等。在人物的纵横交错中,事故的前前后后,利益的错综复杂,构成了一幅金玉其外败絮其中的图画。People were no longer satisfied simply with the fortune delivered by China’s rise. The fall of Great Leap Liu had dramatized a culture of entitlement run amok. He had lost his sense of proportion, and the question was whether the government he served had, too. …china had been built too fast for their own good… the rush to build the railways added a final, lethal factor to the mix大肆发展的同时,人们在反省脚步是不是迈得太快,仓促扩建造成的豆腐渣工程谁来买单? 背后的腐败和利益链条谁来监管?But to many in China the focus on a single broken part overlooked the likely role of a deeper problem underlying china’s rise: pervasive corruption and a moral disregard that had already led to milk tainted by chemicals reaching the market, shoddy schools in the earthquake zone in Sichuan, and unstable bridges rushed into service to meet political targets………The obsession with speed was all-encompassing.人们发出的质疑句句戳心,响彻心扉…can we drink a glass of milk that is safe? Can we stay in an apartment that will not fall apart? Can we travel roads in our cities that will not collapse?


1、 sleeper section 卧铺车厢

2、 to unveil a plan to do

3、 another train ,bound for Fuzhou …开往

4、 Zhang the dispatcher was juggling ten trains by now. (To juggle lots of different things, such as your work and your family, you try to give enough time or attention to all of them. 尽量兼顾)

5、 His train was high atop a slender viaduct across a flat valley

6、 Insult to the intelligence of the Chinese people 侮辱中国人的智商

7、 Rush的几个用法:unstable bridges rushed into service/ the rush to build the railways / the job had been rushed

8、 he was wisecracking and volatile 爱说风凉话的(Awisecrackis a clever remark that is intended to be amusing, but is often unkind. 俏皮话; 风凉话)

9、 she was flipping carriages 倒卖车皮

10、 working her connections to get cheap access to coveted freight 动用关系

11、 she received kickbacks from contractors totaling more than three hundred million dollars 回扣

12、 one of the most common rackets was illegal subcontracting / racket : illegal acting to make money 非法赚钱勾当

13、 robbing the beams to put in the pillars 偷梁换柱

14、 the bids were mere theater /they made a show of it 装样子

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