FW:Routing Binary Data...

Most people do not think that BizTalk can be used for processing binary data. Since the passthrough pipeline doesn’t examine the message data, and the BizTalk Messaging Engine uses streams as its data representation, it is quite easy to move binary data from one source to another. If you need to promote properties for an incoming message, you will need to write a custom Disassembler, but if you know the locations, all you need to do is choose passthrough for both the receive and send ports and ensure that the send port has a valid subscription for the message. Most commonly this is done by creating a filter that matches based on BTS.ReceivePortName. If you want to route data based on the MessageType context property, you will need to create a custom pipeline component that promotes a value into the context. By default this will not happen with the pass-through pipeline, as technically there is no message to look at since the data is binary.


最通常做法:Send Port 通过Filter BTS.ReceivePortName 订阅.并且要求两端都使用pass-through管道.即中间没有任何处理.只是简单的将数据从Source端搬到Destination端.这种数据没有MessageType.


如果需要作属性的提升,如果需要根据MessageType或Promoted Field作路由,这时候需要写自定义Pipeline Component.
