DGL官方教程--线性图神经网络(Line graph neural network)

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Line graph neural network

Author: Qi Huang, Yu Gai, Minjie Wang, Zheng Zhang

在“ 图卷积网络”教程中,您学习了如何在半监督设置中对输入图的节点进行分类。您使用图卷积神经网络(GCN)作为图特征的嵌入机制。

为了将图神经网络(GNN)概括为有监督的社区检测,在研究论文《基于线图神经网络的有监督的社区检测》中引入了基于线图的GNN变异 。该模型的亮点之一是增强了直接的GNN架构,使其可以在使用非回溯运算符定义的边缘邻接的折线图中进行操作。



Supervised community detection task with the Cora dataset

Community detection




Cora dataset

为了与GCN教程保持一致,您可以使用Cora数据集 来说明一个简单的社区检测任务。Cora是一个科学出版物数据集,拥有2708篇论文,属于七个不同的机器学习领域。在这里,您将Cora公式化为有向图,每个节点为纸,每个边为引用链接(A-> B表示A引用B)。这是整个Cora数据集的可视化。



import torch
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

import dgl
from dgl.data import citation_graph as citegrh

data = citegrh.load_cora()

G = dgl.DGLGraph(data.graph)
labels = th.tensor(data.labels)

# find all the nodes labeled with class 0
label0_nodes = th.nonzero(labels == 0).squeeze()
# find all the edges pointing to class 0 nodes
src, _ = G.in_edges(label0_nodes)
src_labels = labels[src]
# find all the edges whose both endpoints are in class 0
intra_src = th.nonzero(src_labels == 0)
print('Intra-class edges percent: %.4f' % (len(intra_src) / len(src_labels)))


Intra-class edges percent: 0.7680

Binary community subgraph from Cora with a test dataset



import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

train_set = dgl.data.CoraBinary()
G1, pmpd1, label1 = train_set[1]
nx_G1 = G1.to_networkx()

def visualize(labels, g):
    pos = nx.spring_layout(g, seed=1)
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    nx.draw_networkx(g, pos=pos, node_size=50, cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm'),
                     node_color=labels, edge_color='k',
                     arrows=False, width=0.5, style='dotted', with_labels=False)
visualize(label1, nx_G1)

DGL官方教程--线性图神经网络(Line graph neural network)_第1张图片

Community detection in a supervised setting


  • 每个培训示例包括 ( G , L ) (G,L) (G,L),在哪里 G G G 是有向图 ( V , E ) (V,E) (V,E)。对于每个节点 v v v V V V,我们分配一个地面真相社区标签 z v ∈ { 0 , 1 } z_v \in \{0,1\} zv{0,1}
  • 参数化模型 f ( G , θ ) f(G, \theta) f(G,θ) 预测标签集 Z ~ = f ( G ) \tilde{Z} = f(G) Z~=f(G) 对于节点 V V V
  • 对于每个示例 ( G , L ) (G,L) (G,L),模型将学习如何最大限度地减少专门设计的损失函数(等价损失) L e q u i v a r i a n t = ( Z ~ , Z ) L_{equivariant} = (\tilde{Z},Z) Lequivariant=(Z~Z)

从数学上讲,这意味着 L e q u i v a r i a n t = m i n π ∈ S c − log ⁡ ( π ^ , π ) L_{equivariant} = \underset{\pi \in S_c} {min}-\log(\hat{\pi}, \pi) Lequivariant=πScminlog(π^,π)在哪里 S c S_c Sc 是标签的所有排列的集合,并且 π ^ \hat{\pi} π^是一组预测标签, − log ⁡ ( π ^ , π ) - \log(\hat{\pi},\pi) log(π^,π)表示对数可能性为负。
例如,对于带有节点的样本图 {1,2,3,4} 和社区任务 {A,A,A,B},带有每个节点的标签 l∈{0,1},所有可能排列的组 Sc={{0,0,0,1},{1,1,1,0}}。

Line graph neural network key ideas


What is a line-graph?


具体来说,是折线图 L(G)将原始图G的边缘 变成一个节点。如下图所示(摘自研究论文)。


这里, e A : = ( i → j ) e_{A}:= (i\rightarrow j) eA:=ij e B : = ( j → k ) e_{B}:= (j\rightarrow k) eB:=(jk) 是原始图中的两条边 G G G。线状图 G L G_L GL,它们对应于节点 v A l , v B l v^{l}_{A}, v^{l}_{B} vAl,vBl


两个节点 v A l , v B l v^{l}_{A}, v^{l}_{B} vAl,vBl如果对应的两个边在 l g lg lg中连接 e A , e B e_{A}, e_{B} eA,eB g g g中共享一个且仅一个节点: e A e_{A} eA的目标节点是 e B e_{B} eB的源节点 ( j ) (j) j

从数学上讲,此定义对应于一个称为非回溯运算符的概念: B ( i → j ) , ( i ^ → j ^ ) B_{(i \rightarrow j), (\hat{i} \rightarrow \hat{j})} B(ij),(i^j^), = { 1  if  j = i ^ , j ^ ≠ i 0  otherwise = \begin{cases} 1 \text{ if } j = \hat{i}, \hat{j} \neq i\\ 0 \text{ otherwise} \end{cases} ={1 if j=i^,j^=i0 otherwise 如果形成边缘 B n o d e 1 , n o d e 2 = 1 B_{node1, node2} = 1 Bnode1,node2=1

One layer in LGNN, algorithm structure

LGNN将一系列线形图神经网络层链接在一起。图形表示x 和它的线图伴侣 y 随数据流的变化如下。


k − k- k第层 i i i的第神经元 l频道更新其嵌入 x i , l ( k + 1 ) x^{(k+1)}_{i,l} xi,l(k+1)与:
DGL官方教程--线性图神经网络(Line graph neural network)_第2张图片
然后,线图表示 y i , l ( k + 1 ) y^{(k+1)}_{i,l} yi,l(k+1)与,
DGL官方教程--线性图神经网络(Line graph neural network)_第3张图片
哪里 skip-connection 指执行相同的操作而没有非线性 ρ和线性投影 θ { b k + 1 2 + 1 , . . . , b k + 1 − 1 , b k + 1 } \theta_\{\frac{b_{k+1}}{2} + 1, ..., b_{k+1}-1, b_{k+1}\} θ{2bk+1+1,...,bk+11,bk+1} γ { b k + 1 2 + 1 , . . . , b k + 1 − 1 , b k + 1 } \gamma_\{\frac{b_{k+1}}{2} + 1, ..., b_{k+1}-1, b_{k+1}\} γ{2bk+1+1,...,bk+11,bk+1}

Implement LGNN in DGL


这两个方程是对称的,可以实现为具有不同参数的同一类的两个实例。第一个方程对图表示起作用 x x x,而第二个则以线形图表示 y y y。让我们将这种抽象表示为 f f f。那么第一个是 f ( x , y ; θ x ) f(x,y; \theta_x) f(x,y;θx),第二个是 f ( y , x , θ y ) f(y,x, \theta_y) f(y,x,θy)。也就是说,将它们参数化以分别计算原始图及其伴随线图的表示形式。


  • x ( k ) θ 1 , l ( k ) x^{(k)}\theta^{(k)}_{1,l} x(k)θ1,l(k),前一层输出的线性投影 x ( k ) x^{(k)} x(k),表示为 prev ( x ) \text{prev}(x) prev(x)
  • ( D x ( k ) ) θ 2 , l ( k ) (Dx^{(k)})\theta^{(k)}_{2,l} (Dx(k))θ2,l(k),度算子在上的线性投影 x ( k ) x^{(k)} x(k),表示为 deg ( x ) \text{deg}(x) deg(x)
  • ∑ j = 0 J − 1 ( A 2 j x ( k ) ) θ 3 + j , l ( k ) \sum^{J-1}_{j=0}(A^{2^{j}}x^{(k)})\theta^{(k)}_{3+j,l} j=0J1(A2jx(k))θ3+j,l(k),是 2 j 2^{j} 2j 邻接运算符 x ( k ) x^{(k)} x(k),表示为 radius ( x ) \text{radius}(x) radius(x).
    - [ { P m , P d } y ( k ) ] θ 3 + J , l ( k ) [\{Pm,Pd\}y^{(k)}]\theta^{(k)}_{3+J,l} [{Pm,Pd}y(k)]θ3+J,l(k) ,使用关联矩阵融合另一个图的嵌入信息 { P m , P d } \{Pm, Pd\} {Pm,Pd},然后是线性投影,表示为 fuse ( y ) \text{fuse}(y) fuse(y)
    再次使用不同的参数执行每个项,并且求和后没有非线性。因此, f f f 可以写成:



你能明白 { P m , P d } \{Pm, Pd\} {Pm,Pd}对此解释进行更彻底的介绍。大致来说, g g g l g lg lg(折线图)与循环简短传播协同工作。在这里,您实现 { P m , P d } \{Pm, Pd\} {Pm,Pd}作为数据集中的SciPy COO稀疏矩阵,并在批处理时将它们堆叠为张量。另一个批处理解决方案是 { P m , P d } \{Pm, Pd\} {Pm,Pd} 作为二部图的邻接矩阵,它将线图的特征映射到图的特征,反之亦然。

Implementing prev and deg as tensor operation


self.linear_prev = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)
self.linear_deg = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)

forward() p r e v prev prev d e g deg deg 与任何其他PyTorch张量操作相同。

prev_proj = self.linear_prev(feat_a)
deg_proj = self.linear_deg(deg * feat_a)

Implementing radius as message passing in DGL

正如GCN教程中讨论的那样,您可以将一个邻接运算符表述为一步传递消息。作为概括, 2 j 2^j 2j 邻接操作可以表述为执行 2 j 2^j 2j消息传递的步骤。因此,求和等于对节点的表示进行求和。 2 j , j = 0 , 1 , 2.. 2^j, j=0, 1, 2.. 2j,j=0,1,2.. 传递步骤消息,即收集信息 2 j 2^j 2j 每个节点的邻域。

在__init__中,定义每个中使用的投影变量 2 j 2^j 2j消息传递的步骤。

self.linear_radius = nn.ModuleList(
        [nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats) for i in range(radius)])


# Return a list containing features gathered from multiple radius.
import dgl.function as fn
def aggregate_radius(radius, g, z):
    # initializing list to collect message passing result
    z_list = []
    g.ndata['z'] = z
    # pulling message from 1-hop neighbourhood
    g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='z', out='m'), fn.sum(msg='m', out='z'))
    for i in range(radius - 1):
        for j in range(2 ** i):
            #pulling message from 2^j neighborhood
            g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='z', out='m'), fn.sum(msg='m', out='z'))
    return z_list


fuse = self.linear_fuse(th.mm(pm_pd, feat_b))

Implementing fuse as sparse matrix multiplication

{ P m , P d } \{Pm, Pd\} {Pm,Pd}是一个稀疏矩阵,每列上只有两个非零条目。因此,您可以将其构造为数据集中的稀疏矩阵,然后实施 f u s e fuse fuse 作为稀疏矩阵乘法。

Completing f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)


result = prev_proj + deg_proj + radius_proj + fuse


result = th.cat([result[:, :n], F.relu(result[:, n:])], 1)


result = self.bn(result) #Batch Normalization.

这是一个LGNN层抽象的完整代码 f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)

class LGNNCore(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, out_feats, radius):
        super(LGNNCore, self).__init__()
        self.out_feats = out_feats
        self.radius = radius

        self.linear_prev = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)
        self.linear_deg = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)
        self.linear_radius = nn.ModuleList(
                [nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats) for i in range(radius)])
        self.linear_fuse = nn.Linear(in_feats, out_feats)
        self.bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_feats)

    def forward(self, g, feat_a, feat_b, deg, pm_pd):
        # term "prev"
        prev_proj = self.linear_prev(feat_a)
        # term "deg"
        deg_proj = self.linear_deg(deg * feat_a)

        # term "radius"
        # aggregate 2^j-hop features
        hop2j_list = aggregate_radius(self.radius, g, feat_a)
        # apply linear transformation
        hop2j_list = [linear(x) for linear, x in zip(self.linear_radius, hop2j_list)]
        radius_proj = sum(hop2j_list)

        # term "fuse"
        fuse = self.linear_fuse(th.mm(pm_pd, feat_b))

        # sum them together
        result = prev_proj + deg_proj + radius_proj + fuse

        # skip connection and batch norm
        n = self.out_feats // 2
        result = th.cat([result[:, :n], F.relu(result[:, n:])], 1)
        result = self.bn(result)

        return result

Chain-up LGNN abstractions as an LGNN layer


class LGNNLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, out_feats, radius):
        super(LGNNLayer, self).__init__()
        self.g_layer = LGNNCore(in_feats, out_feats, radius)
        self.lg_layer = LGNNCore(in_feats, out_feats, radius)

    def forward(self, g, lg, x, lg_x, deg_g, deg_lg, pm_pd):
        next_x = self.g_layer(g, x, lg_x, deg_g, pm_pd)
        pm_pd_y = th.transpose(pm_pd, 0, 1)
        next_lg_x = self.lg_layer(lg, lg_x, x, deg_lg, pm_pd_y)
        return next_x, next_lg_x

Chain-up LGNN layers


class LGNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, radius):
        super(LGNN, self).__init__()
        self.layer1 = LGNNLayer(1, 16, radius)  # input is scalar feature
        self.layer2 = LGNNLayer(16, 16, radius)  # hidden size is 16
        self.layer3 = LGNNLayer(16, 16, radius)
        self.linear = nn.Linear(16, 2)  # predice two classes

    def forward(self, g, lg, pm_pd):
        # compute the degrees
        deg_g = g.in_degrees().float().unsqueeze(1)
        deg_lg = lg.in_degrees().float().unsqueeze(1)
        # use degree as the input feature
        x, lg_x = deg_g, deg_lg
        x, lg_x = self.layer1(g, lg, x, lg_x, deg_g, deg_lg, pm_pd)
        x, lg_x = self.layer2(g, lg, x, lg_x, deg_g, deg_lg, pm_pd)
        x, lg_x = self.layer3(g, lg, x, lg_x, deg_g, deg_lg, pm_pd)
        return self.linear(x)

Training and inference


from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
training_loader = DataLoader(train_set,

接下来,定义主要的训练循环。请注意,每个训练样本都包含三个对象:A DGLGraph,SciPy稀疏矩阵pmpd和中的标签数组numpy.ndarray。使用以下命令生成折线图:

lg = g.line_graph(backtracking=False)


# Create the model
model = LGNN(radius=3)
# define the optimizer
optimizer = th.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)

# A utility function to convert a scipy.coo_matrix to torch.SparseFloat
def sparse2th(mat):
    value = mat.data
    indices = th.LongTensor([mat.row, mat.col])
    tensor = th.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, th.from_numpy(value).float(), mat.shape)
    return tensor

# Train for 20 epochs
for i in range(20):
    all_loss = []
    all_acc = []
    for [g, pmpd, label] in training_loader:
        # Generate the line graph.
        lg = g.line_graph(backtracking=False)
        # Create torch tensors
        pmpd = sparse2th(pmpd)
        label = th.from_numpy(label)

        # Forward
        z = model(g, lg, pmpd)

        # Calculate loss:
        # Since there are only two communities, there are only two permutations
        #  of the community labels.
        loss_perm1 = F.cross_entropy(z, label)
        loss_perm2 = F.cross_entropy(z, 1 - label)
        loss = th.min(loss_perm1, loss_perm2)

        # Calculate accuracy:
        _, pred = th.max(z, 1)
        acc_perm1 = (pred == label).float().mean()
        acc_perm2 = (pred == 1 - label).float().mean()
        acc = th.max(acc_perm1, acc_perm2)


    niters = len(all_loss)
    print("Epoch %d | loss %.4f | accuracy %.4f" % (i,
        sum(all_loss) / niters, sum(all_acc) / niters))


Epoch 0 | loss 0.5751 | accuracy 0.6873
Epoch 1 | loss 0.5025 | accuracy 0.7742
Epoch 2 | loss 0.5078 | accuracy 0.7551
Epoch 3 | loss 0.4895 | accuracy 0.7624
Epoch 4 | loss 0.4682 | accuracy 0.7910
Epoch 5 | loss 0.4461 | accuracy 0.7992
Epoch 6 | loss 0.4815 | accuracy 0.7838
Epoch 7 | loss 0.4542 | accuracy 0.7970
Epoch 8 | loss 0.4338 | accuracy 0.8172
Epoch 9 | loss 0.4694 | accuracy 0.7604
Epoch 10 | loss 0.4525 | accuracy 0.7958
Epoch 11 | loss 0.4388 | accuracy 0.7941
Epoch 12 | loss 0.4440 | accuracy 0.8092
Epoch 13 | loss 0.4325 | accuracy 0.7982
Epoch 14 | loss 0.4087 | accuracy 0.8137
Epoch 15 | loss 0.4073 | accuracy 0.8129
Epoch 16 | loss 0.4123 | accuracy 0.8133
Epoch 17 | loss 0.4061 | accuracy 0.8201
Epoch 18 | loss 0.4100 | accuracy 0.8123
Epoch 19 | loss 0.4170 | accuracy 0.8348

Visualize training progress


pmpd1 = sparse2th(pmpd1)
LG1 = G1.line_graph(backtracking=False)
z = model(G1, LG1, pmpd1)
_, pred = th.max(z, 1)
visualize(pred, nx_G1)

DGL官方教程--线性图神经网络(Line graph neural network)_第4张图片

visualize(label1, nx_G1)

DGL官方教程--线性图神经网络(Line graph neural network)_第5张图片


Batching graphs for parallelism

批处理已进入数据加载器本身。在collate_fnfor PyTorch数据加载器中,使用DGL的batched_graph API对图形进行批处理。DGL通过将它们合并成一个大图来对图进行批处理,每个较小图的邻接矩阵是沿着大图邻接矩阵对角线的一个块。将{math,{Pm,Pd}}连接为块对角线矩阵,对应于DGL批处理图API。

def collate_fn(batch):
    graphs, pmpds, labels = zip(*batch)
    batched_graphs = dgl.batch(graphs)
    batched_pmpds = sp.block_diag(pmpds)
    batched_labels = np.concatenate(labels, axis=0)
    return batched_graphs, batched_pmpds, batched_labels

您可以在Github上的图神经网络社区检测(CDGNN)上找到完整的代码 。



