
9th period of Oral English

• guided by Stefanie Denise Kinnamon
• Date: April 25, 2014
• Present:Joan, Zhuwu, Rachel, Edward & Kim
• Manuscript by Kim

Topic: Dining


  • allergy 过敏 be allergic to sth,lactose intolerant 乳糖不耐受, gluten 谷蛋白( celiacs disease 肚子疼)

Brain Storm for foods

  • Seafood
  • Lobster
  • Shrimp
  • Fish Steamed / fillet / fried / steak
    fillet 鱼片 & steak[ei]牛排 are boneless
  • Clams蟹 / oysters牡蛎 / mussels淡菜,双壳
  • crab 蟹,tuna ['tune]
  • meat, chicken, breast / wing / leg / nuggets / fingers条状没有骨头的鸡肉
  • beef: ground肉馅, steak
  • ham / pork / bacon
  • mule 骡子
  • cucumber 黄瓜
  • peas, cherry tomato, green beans, spice, mushroom, bean sprouts 豆芽, chives 大葱
  • spaghetti, pasta, macarroni 通心粉with cheese sauce,raviolli, lasagna 千层面,卤汁面条,一层一层面
  • penny pincher 吝啬鬼
  • yak 牦牛/ goat 羊: ~milk
  • Formula 配方奶粉,婴儿食品
    promote awareness to this problem

idioms & Expression

  • Stuff your face: to eat a lot very quickly, usually rude on American tables.
  • I have to bake a cake: I have to poo
  • I've got a craving for...: you have a strong desire to eat something specific
