【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(II)词汇 Benefits of Outsourcing

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(II)词汇 Benefits of Outsourcing

Focus on core competencies. 专注于核心竞争力。

When a company outsources its unimportant business processes, it can focus more on its core competency. 当一个公司将不重要的业务流程外包出去时,它可以更多地关注自己的核心竞争力。

For example, an architecture firm's core competency is designing buildings, not managing an IT network.  例如,一家建筑公司的核心竞争力是设计建筑,而不是管理IT网络。

By outsourcing its IT needs to a third party, it may hire more architects to increase its expertise.  【朗读】通过将IT需求外包给第三方,它可以雇佣更多的架构师来增加自己的专业技能。

Reduce operation costs. 降低运营成本。

Companies in developed countries often outsource many jobs to developing countries. 【跟读】 发达国家的公司经常把许多工作外包给发展中国家。

These outsourced employees are usually paid less than those in developed countries.  这些外包员工的工资通常低于发达国家的员工。

For example, a computer company based in the US may outsource its customer service to Asia to save on labor costs.  例如,一家总部位于美国的计算机公司可能会将其客户服务外包给亚洲,以节省劳动力成本。

【选择】To focus on its core competency, a company may...  outsource less important processes.

【选择】Why would a company in a developed country oursource to a developing country?  -To save on costs.

【填空】By outsourcing certain functions, a company can allocate more resources to other operations.   通过外包某些功能,公司可以将更多的资源分配给其他业务。

【填空】【朗读】HRM Systems AG can focus on its core competency of providing advisory services while outsourcing its accounting operations.  人力资源管理系统股份有限公司可以专注于提供咨询服务的核心竞争力,同时外包其会计业务。

【填空】Sun Microsystems saves on costs by using third-party vendors to repair hardware and train users.  Sun Microsystems通过使用第三方供应商来修复硬件和培训用户,从而节省了成本。

Access highly specialized talent.  获取高度专业化的人才。

Outsourcing allows companies to access highly specialized talent that would otherwise be difficult to recruit.  外包使公司能够接触到高度专业化的人才,否则很难招募到这些人才。

It offers an immediate solution to fill the need for new staff when opening up new services.  【朗读】 它提供一个即时的解决方案,以填补新员工的需求时,开放新的服务。

For example, a small technology start-up may outsource its engineering work to another country because it needs highly skilled engineers.  【朗读】 例如,一家小型科技初创企业可能会将其工程工作外包给另一个国家,因为它需要高技能的工程师。

Share risks with a partner company.  与合作公司分担风险。

Companies may outsource to share risks with another company.  【跟读】   公司可能外包给其他公司,从而分担风险。

If all work of a company is done in one factory or office, a serious incident may put the company out of business.  如果一个公司的所有工作都是在一个工厂或办公室完成的,一个严重的事件可能会使公司破产。

For example, a strike may put a company's factory out of action for a period of time, completely eliminating the company's production.  例如,罢工可能会使一家公司的工厂停产一段时间,完全停产。

If the workload is spread across multiple factories through outsourcing, a problem with one may not affect the others.  【填空】   如果工作负载通过外包分布在多个工厂,其中一个工厂的问题可能不会影响其他工厂。

【选择】If a company needs new talent, one might choose to outsource.   -It quickly fills the need of new staff.

【选择】Companies spread their workload across multiple factories through outsourcing to... reduce risks.

【选择】A company that spreads its customer services operations across several core centers.     -share risks.

【选择】Many countries prefer outsourcing to developing countries rather than developed countries because...  paid less

【填空】WhatsApp needed to keep operations costs low while finding new tech talent, so it outsourced to Eastern Europe.   WhatsApp需要在寻找新技术人才的同时保持低运营成本,因此将业务外包给了东欧。

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