每日一词 92| sidetrack

1. 这是个什么词?


英英释义:to direct (someone) away from an activity or subject toward another one that is often less important

例句: Sorry I got completely sidetracked and didn't attend to your request immediately.

2. 为什么选这个词?


我们经常突然被某事打扰而忘记做某事或分神,这时候就可以说 “I got sidetracked”。我们来看两个具体的例子:

I am terribly sorry I didn't send you the file right away. I got sidetracked and forgot it.

Sorry I got completely sidetracked and didn't attend to your request immediately.

我们一般说的“讲跑题了”也可以用 sidetrack 来表达:

Sorry I got sidetracked and talked about my lousy experience at the bar. Where was I?

这里的意思是:我刚才跑题了,本来不该讲在酒吧的经历,应该接着前面的话题讲。在这句话里“Where was I?”的意思就是“我刚才讲到哪儿来着?”


Live streaming hosts are prone to be sidetracked by questions from the audience.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



(参考翻译:John was looking for an envelope and got sidetracked reading some old letters.)


场景1 :微信经常会使我撂下工作和学习。

造句:I often get sidetracked from my working or learning by WeChat. 


造句:I was supposed to be reading but I got sidetracked by minor distractions.  

场景3: 如果我们想要实现自己的目标,就要记着它,避免受到无关紧要的事情影响。

造句:If we want to achieve our goals, we should keep them in mind and avoid being sidetracked by some unimportant things. 

例句:They have a tendency to try to sidetrack you from your task.

 I was supposed to be writing a letter but I'm afraid I got sidetracked. 我本来应该在写信,但后来恐怕是分心干别的去了。

I was sidetracked from my work by an unexpected visitor. 不速之客的来访使我撂下工作

I'm looking forward to that and don't intend to let anything sidetrack me.’

Then, once you really believe in something, the key is to keep your head down and go for it, spurning any attempt to sidetrack you on the way.

I get sidetracked by minor distractions all the time (which is often fun), but if I really want something, I'll keep the goal in sight and eventually get there.’

You can't move forward or achieve your goals, if you become sidetracked by self-defeating behavior.

你可能感兴趣的:(每日一词 92| sidetrack)