

  1. 表格样式
    • 表格的对齐方式:居中、居左、居右
    • 表格的亮度和高度
    • 表格边框
  2. 表格内容的样式
    • 字体、字号
    • 文字的对齐方式
    • 文字颜色


from docx.enum.style import WD_STYLE_TYPE
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Cm,Pt,RGBColor
from docx.enum.table import WD_TABLE_ALIGNMENT
from docx.enum.table import WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH


1.1 利用docx已经定义好的样式


方法1: 创建表格时设置


方法2: 表格创建完成后再设置



for s in styles:
    if s.type==WD_STYLE_TYPE.TABLE:

1.2 自定义表格样式
1.2.1 表格宽度



  • 可以设置每个单元格的宽,同列单元格宽度相同,如果定义了不同的宽度将以最大值准。
  • 宽度的单位也可以是Pt或Inches


  • API中有这样的方法,但是实验发现不能生效,感兴趣的可以研究。


  • 宽度不能用的方法高度却可以用,单位同样可以是Pt或Inches


  • API有定义,但是不生效,刚好和宽度相反。


1.2.3 表格对齐方式








table.cell(r,c).vertical_alignment = WD_ALIGN_VERTICAL.CENTER

  • 这里我就想吐槽一下,垂直方向的居中应该middle

(2)字体、字号 和颜色

  • 这种方法适用于给单元格赋值的同时修改字体样式
  • 实验发现,字体的设置只对英文及数据生效,对汉字不生效


  • 这种方法可以修改整个表格的字体属性
  • 字体的设置同样对汉字不生效
2.3 字体的其它属性

Help on Font in module docx.text.font object:

class Font(docx.shared.ElementProxy)
| Proxy object wrapping the parent of a element and providing
| access to character properties such as font name, font size, bold, and
| subscript.
| Method resolution order:
| Font
| docx.shared.ElementProxy
| builtins.object
| Data descriptors defined here:
| all_caps
| Read/write. Causes text in this font to appear in capital letters.
| bold
| Read/write. Causes text in this font to appear in bold.
| color
| A |ColorFormat| object providing a way to get and set the text color
| for this font.
| complex_script
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the characters in the
| run to be treated as complex script regardless of their Unicode
| values.
| cs_bold
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the complex script
| characters in the run to be displayed in bold typeface.
| cs_italic
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the complex script
| characters in the run to be displayed in italic typeface.
| double_strike
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the text in the run
| to appear with double strikethrough.
| emboss
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the text in the run
| to appear as if raised off the page in relief.
| hidden
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the text in the run
| to be hidden from display, unless applications settings force hidden
| text to be shown.
| highlight_color
| A member of :ref:WdColorIndex indicating the color of highlighting
| applied, or None if no highlighting is applied.
| imprint
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the text in the run
| to appear as if pressed into the page.
| italic
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, causes the text of the run
| to appear in italics. |None| indicates the effective value is
| inherited from the style hierarchy.
| math
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, specifies this run contains
| WML that should be handled as though it was Office Open XML Math.
| name
| Get or set the typeface name for this |Font| instance, causing the
| text it controls to appear in the named font, if a matching font is
| found. |None| indicates the typeface is inherited from the style
| hierarchy.
| no_proof
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, specifies that the contents
| of this run should not report any errors when the document is scanned
| for spelling and grammar.
| outline
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True| causes the characters in the
| run to appear as if they have an outline, by drawing a one pixel wide
| border around the inside and outside borders of each character glyph.
| rtl
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True| causes the text in the run
| to have right-to-left characteristics.
| shadow
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True| causes the text in the run
| to appear as if each character has a shadow.
| size
| Read/write |Length| value or |None|, indicating the font height in
| English Metric Units (EMU). |None| indicates the font size should be
| inherited from the style hierarchy. |Length| is a subclass of |int|
| having properties for convenient conversion into points or other
| length units. The :class:docx.shared.Pt class allows convenient
| specification of point values::
| >> font.size = Pt(24)
| >> font.size
| 304800
| >> font.size.pt
| 24.0
| small_caps
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True| causes the lowercase
| characters in the run to appear as capital letters two points smaller
| than the font size specified for the run.
| snap_to_grid
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True| causes the run to use the
| document grid characters per line settings defined in the docGrid
| element when laying out the characters in this run.
| spec_vanish
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, specifies that the given run
| shall always behave as if it is hidden, even when hidden text is
| being displayed in the current document. The property has a very
| narrow, specialized use related to the table of contents. Consult the
| spec (§ for more details.
| strike
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True| causes the text in the run
| to appear with a single horizontal line through the center of the
| line.
| subscript
| Boolean indicating whether the characters in this |Font| appear as
| subscript. |None| indicates the subscript/subscript value is
| inherited from the style hierarchy.
| superscript
| Boolean indicating whether the characters in this |Font| appear as
| superscript. |None| indicates the subscript/superscript value is
| inherited from the style hierarchy.
| underline
| The underline style for this |Font|, one of |None|, |True|, |False|,
| or a value from :ref:WdUnderline. |None| indicates the font
| inherits its underline value from the style hierarchy. |False|
| indicates no underline. |True| indicates single underline. The values
| from :ref:WdUnderline are used to specify other outline styles such
| as double, wavy, and dotted.
| web_hidden
| Read/write tri-state value. When |True|, specifies that the contents
| of this run shall be hidden when the document is displayed in web
| page view.

