1 http://matlabserver.cs.rug.nl/edgedetectionweb/web/edgedetection_params.html
2 http://www.cs.rug.nl/~imaging/simplecell.html
一 引言
1 复数波实部图像(参数)
2 高斯函数图像(参数)
3 Gabor滤波器(参数)
二 复数波实部图像及其参数
1 MATLAB代码调试
% 调试复数波的实部图像
% 公式:
% x1 = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
% Fushubo_real = cos(2*pi*x1/lamda + phi);
% 参数:
% % x,y : 坐标
% % theta : 复数波中明暗条纹的垂线方向与x轴的夹角(specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of the Gabor function.);单位度(实际程序中,再转化为弧度)
% This parameter specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of
% a Gabor function. Its value is specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers
% between 0 and 360.
% % lamda : 复数波的波长(specifies the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor function.)
% This is the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel and herewith
% the preferred wavelength of this filter. Its value is specified in pixels. Valid
% values are real numbers equal to or greater than 2. The value λ=2 should not be
% used in combination with phase offset φ=-90 or φ=90 because in these cases the
% Gabor function is sampled in its zero crossings. In order to prevent the occurence
% of undesired effects at the image borders, the wavelength value should be smaller
% than one fifth of the input image size.
% % phi : 设置初始相位(specifies the phase offset of the cosine factor of the Gabor function)
% The phase offset φ in the argument of the cosine factor of the Gabor function is
% specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers between -180 and 180. The values
% 0 and 180 correspond to center-symmetric 'center-on' and 'center-off' functions,
% respectively, while -90 and 90 correspond to anti-symmetric functions. All other
% cases correspond to asymmetric functions.
close all
theta = 0; theta = theta * pi / 180;%转化为弧度
lamda = 15;%5,10,15
phi = 180;
zl_h = 100;
zl_w = 100;
Img = zeros(2*zl_h+1,2*zl_w+1);
Pianzhi = zl_h+1;
for zl_i = -zl_h:1:zl_h %纵坐标
for zl_j =-zl_w:1:zl_w %横坐标
% x1 = zl_i*cos(theta) + zl_j*sin(theta);
x1 = zl_j*cos(theta) + zl_i*sin(theta);%前者是横坐标,后者是纵坐标,顺序不能颠倒。
Img(zl_i+Pianzhi,zl_j+Pianzhi) = cos(2*pi*x1/lamda + phi);
Img_fft = fftshift(fft2(Img));
fft_abs = abs(Img_fft);
% imtool(fft_abs,[])
2 参数调试
2.1 Theta = 0°,45°,90°(在程序中,转化为弧度)
其他参数:lamda(wavelength)=10, phi(phase offset)=0.
备注:% % theta : 明暗条纹的垂线方向与x轴的(顺时针)夹角(specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of the Gabor function.);单位度(实际程序中,再转化为弧度)
% This parameter specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of
% a Gabor function. Its value is specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers
% between 0 and 360.
2.2 lamda(wavelength)=5,10,15
其他参数:Theta (orientation)=0, phi(phase offset)=0.
备注:% % lamda : 复数波的波长(specifies the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor function.)
% This is the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel and herewith
% the preferred wavelength of this filter. Its value is specified in pixels. Valid
% values are real numbers equal to or greater than 2. The value λ=2 should not be
% used in combination with phase offset φ=-90 or φ=90 because in these cases the
% Gabor function is sampled in its zero crossings. In order to prevent the occurence
% of undesired effects at image borders, the wavelength value should be smaller
% than one fifth of the input image size.
小结:从实验结果可以看出,随着波长的增加,正弦波图像的条纹间隔增大,而相应的幅度谱中频率逐渐减小(向中心处的低频分量靠近);可见,波长lamda(wavelength)与图像的“空间频率(1 / lambda the spatial frequency)”呈反比。
2.3 phi(phase offset)= 0°, 180°, -90° and 90°
其他参数:Theta (orientation)=0, lamda(wavelength)=15
备注:% % phi : 设置初始相位(specifies the phase offset of the cosine factor of the Gabor function)
% The phase offset φ in the argument of the cosine factor of the Gabor function is
% specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers between -180 and 180. The values
% 0 and 180 correspond to center-symmetric 'center-on' and 'center-off' functions,
% respectively, while -90 and 90 correspond to anti-symmetric functions. All other
% cases correspond to asymmetric functions. 解析:初始相位用于控制Gabor滤波器的对称性(奇对称、偶对称、不对称)
三 高斯函数图像及其参数
3.1 代码调试
% 调试高斯函数的图像
% 公式:
% x1 = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
% y1 = -x*sin(theta) + y*cos(theta);
% gaussi = exp(-((x1^2 + gamma^2 * y1^2)/(2*(sigma^2))));
% sigma = lamda * (1/pi) * sqrt((log(2))/2) * (2^b + 1)/(2^b -1);
% 参数:
% % x,y : 坐标
% % theta(Orientation(s)) : 复数波中明暗条纹的垂线方向与x轴的夹角(specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of the Gabor function.);单位度(实际程序中,再转化为弧度)
% This parameter specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of
% a Gabor function. Its value is specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers
% between 0 and 360.
% % sigma :
% Sigma is The standard deviation of the Gaussian factor determines the (linear) size
% of the receptive field. Sigma cannot be controlled directly in the applet. Its
% value is determined by the choice of the parameters lambda and b.
% % gamma(Aspect ratio,γ) :
% gamma, called the spatial aspect ratio, specifies the ellipticity
% of the support of the Gabor function. For γ = 1, the support is circular.
% For γ < 1 the support is elongated in orientation of the parallel
% stripes of the function. Default value is γ = 0.5.It has been
% found to vary in a limited range of 0.23 < gamma < 0.92.
% % lamda(Wavelength,λ) : 复数波的波长(specifies the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor function.)
% This is the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel and herewith
% the preferred wavelength of this filter. Its value is specified in pixels. Valid
% values are real numbers equal to or greater than 2. The value λ=2 should not be
% used in combination with phase offset φ=-90 or φ=90 because in these cases the
% Gabor function is sampled in its zero crossings. In order to prevent the occurence
% of undesired effects at the image borders, the wavelength value should be smaller
% than one fifth of the input image size.
% % b(Bandwidth) :
% The half-response spatial frequency bandwidth b (in octaves) of a Gabor filter
% is related to the ratio σ / λ, where σ and λ are the standard deviation
% of the Gaussian factor of the Gabor function and the
% preferred wavelength, respectively, as follows:
% σ / λ = (1/pi) * sqrt((log(2))/2) * (2^b + 1)/(2^b -1)
close all
theta = 0; theta = theta * pi / 180;%转化为弧度
b = 2;
lamda = 10; sigma = lamda * (1/pi) * sqrt((log(2))/2) * (2^b + 1)/(2^b -1);
gamma = 0.5;
phi = 0;
zl_h = 100;
zl_w = 100;
Img = zeros(2*zl_h+1,2*zl_w+1);
Pianzhi = zl_h+1;
for zl_i = -zl_h:1:zl_h %纵坐标
for zl_j =-zl_w:1:zl_w %横坐标
x1 = zl_j*cos(theta) + zl_i*sin(theta);%前者是横坐标,后者是纵坐标,顺序不能颠倒。
y1 = -zl_j*sin(theta) + zl_i*cos(theta);
Img(zl_i+Pianzhi,zl_j+Pianzhi) = exp(-((x1^2 + gamma^2 * y1^2)/(2*(sigma^2))));
Img_fft = fftshift(fft2(Img));
fft_abs = abs(Img_fft);
3.2 lamda(Wavelength,λ) =5, 10 and 15
其他参数:orientation 0, aspect ratio 0.5, and bandwidth 1.
小结:已知空间域图像中高斯图像的覆盖区域有参数sigma控制,而在实际使用中sigma并非直接给定,它由复平面正弦波的波长(即the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel)和The half-response spatial frequency bandwidth b来确定。由实验测试结果可知,当给定bandwidth恒为1时,sigma随着wavelength的增大而增大,表现为高斯图像的覆盖区域逐渐增大。
3.3Orientation(s) (θ)= 0, 45 and 90
其他参数:wavelength 10, phase offset 0, aspect ratio 0.5, and bandwidth 1
3.4 Aspect ratio (γ) = 0.3 0.5 1
其他参数:wavelength 10, orientation 0, phase offset 0, and bandwidth 1.
小结:可见gamma用来控制高斯覆盖区域(椭圆形)的长短轴比例,且短/长 = gamma。
3.5 Bandwidth (b) =0.5, 1, and 2
其他参数:wavelength 10, orientation 0, phase offset 0, and aspect ratio 0.5
小结:已知空间域图像中高斯图像的覆盖区域有参数sigma控制,而在实际使用中sigma并非直接给定,它由复平面正弦波的波长(即the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel)和The half-response spatial frequency bandwidth b来确定。由实验测试结果可知,当给定wavelength恒为10时,sigma随着bandwidth b的增大而减小,表现为高斯图像的覆盖区域逐渐缩小。
四 Gabor滤波器及其参数
4.1 代码调试
% 调试Gabor滤波器的实部图像
% 公式:
% x1 = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
% y1 = -x*sin(theta) + y*cos(theta);
% gaussi = exp(-((x1^2 + gamma^2 * y1^2)/(2*(sigma^2))));
% sigma = lamda * (1/pi) * sqrt((log(2))/2) * (2^b + 1)/(2^b -1);
% Fushubo = exp(1i* (2*pi*x1/lamda + phi))
% Fushubo_real = cos(2*pi*x1/lamda + phi);
% Gabor = gaussi * Fushubo;
% Gabor_real = gaussi * Fushubo_real;
% 参数:
% % x,y : 坐标
% % theta(Orientation(s)) : 复数波中明暗条纹的垂线方向与x轴的夹角(specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of the Gabor function.);单位度(实际程序中,再转化为弧度)
% This parameter specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of
% a Gabor function. Its value is specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers
% between 0 and 360.
% % sigma :
% Sigma is The standard deviation of the Gaussian factor determines the (linear) size
% of the receptive field. Sigma cannot be controlled directly in the applet. Its
% value is determined by the choice of the parameters lambda and b.
% % gamma(Aspect ratio,γ) :
% gamma, called the spatial aspect ratio, specifies the ellipticity
% of the support of the Gabor function. For γ = 1, the support is circular.
% For γ < 1 the support is elongated in orientation of the parallel
% stripes of the function. Default value is γ = 0.5.It has been
% found to vary in a limited range of 0.23 < gamma < 0.92.
% % lamda(Wavelength,λ) : 复数波的波长(specifies the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor function.)
% This is the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel and herewith
% the preferred wavelength of this filter. Its value is specified in pixels. Valid
% values are real numbers equal to or greater than 2. The value λ=2 should not be
% used in combination with phase offset φ=-90 or φ=90 because in these cases the
% Gabor function is sampled in its zero crossings. In order to prevent the occurence
% of undesired effects at the image borders, the wavelength value should be smaller
% than one fifth of the input image size.
% % b(Bandwidth) :
% The half-response spatial frequency bandwidth b (in octaves) of a Gabor filter
% is related to the ratio σ / λ, where σ and λ are the standard deviation
% of the Gaussian factor of the Gabor function and the
% preferred wavelength, respectively, as follows:
% σ / λ = (1/pi) * sqrt((log(2))/2) * (2^b + 1)/(2^b -1)
% % phi : 设置初始相位(specifies the phase offset of the cosine factor of the Gabor function)
% The phase offset φ in the argument of the cosine factor of the Gabor function is
% specified in degrees. Valid values are real numbers between -180 and 180. The values
% 0 and 180 correspond to center-symmetric 'center-on' and 'center-off' functions,
% respectively, while -90 and 90 correspond to anti-symmetric functions. All other
% cases correspond to asymmetric functions.
close all
theta = 0; theta = theta * pi / 180;%转化为弧度
b = 2;
lamda = 10; sigma = lamda * (1/pi) * sqrt((log(2))/2) * (2^b + 1)/(2^b -1);
gamma = 0.5;
phi = 0;
zl_h = 100;
zl_w = 100;
Img = zeros(2*zl_h+1,2*zl_w+1);
Pianzhi = zl_h+1;
for zl_i = -zl_h:1:zl_h %纵坐标
for zl_j =-zl_w:1:zl_w %横坐标
x1 = zl_j*cos(theta) + zl_i*sin(theta);%前者是横坐标,后者是纵坐标,顺序不能颠倒。
y1 = -zl_j*sin(theta) + zl_i*cos(theta);
gaussi = exp(-((x1^2 + gamma^2 * y1^2)/(2*(sigma^2))));
% Fushubo = exp(1i* (2*pi*x1/lamda + phi));
% Img(zl_i+Pianzhi,zl_j+Pianzhi) = real(gaussi * Fushubo);%这里只取Gabor的实部
Fushubo_real = cos(2*pi*x1/lamda + phi);
Img(zl_i+Pianzhi,zl_j+Pianzhi) = gaussi * Fushubo_real;%这里只取Gabor的实部
Img_fft = fftshift(fft2(Img));
fft_abs = abs(Img_fft);
4.2 lamda(Wavelength,λ) =5, 10 and 15
其他参数:orientation 0, phase offset 0, aspect ratio 0.5, and bandwidth 1.
小结:已知空间域图像中高斯图像的覆盖区域有参数sigma控制,而在实际使用中sigma并非直接给定,它由复平面正弦波的波长(即the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel)和The half-response spatial frequency bandwidth b来确定。由实验测试结果可知,当给定bandwidth恒为1时,sigma随着wavelength的增大而增大,表现为高斯图像的覆盖区域逐渐增大。
另外:随着波长的增加,正弦波图像的条纹间隔增大,而相应的幅度谱中频率逐渐减小(向中心处的低频分量靠近);可见,波长lamda(wavelength)与图像的“空间频率(1 / lambda the spatial frequency)”呈反比。
4.3Orientation(s) (θ)= 0, 45 and 90
其他参数:wavelength 10, phase offset 0, aspect ratio 0.5, and bandwidth 1.
小结:This parameter specifies the orientation of the normal to the parallel stripes of a Gabor function. 可见,当θ=0时,长轴的法向与x轴呈0度,当θ为45度时,长轴的法向与x轴呈-45度,即顺时针旋转了45度。
4.4 Phase offset(s) (φ)= 0°, 180°, -90° and 90°
其他参数:wavelength 10, orientation 0, aspect ratio 0.5, and bandwidth 1.
4.5 Aspect ratio (γ) = 0.3 0.5 1
其他参数:wavelength 10, orientation 0, phase offset 0, and bandwidth 1.
小结:This parameter, called more precisely the spatial aspect ratio, specifies the ellipticity of the support of the Gabor function. 即gamma用来控制高斯覆盖区域(椭圆形)的长短轴比例,且短/长 = gamma。
4.6 Bandwidth (b) =0.5, 1, and 2
其他参数:wavelength 10, orientation 0, phase offset 0, and aspect ratio 0.5
小结:已知空间域图像中高斯图像的覆盖区域有参数sigma控制,而在实际使用中sigma并非直接给定,它由复平面正弦波的波长(即the wavelength of the cosine factor of the Gabor filter kernel)和The half-response spatial frequency bandwidth b来确定。由实验测试结果可知,当给定wavelength恒为10时,sigma随着bandwidth b的增大而减小,表现为高斯图像的覆盖区域逐渐缩小。
五 补充
5.1Bandwidth (b)和lamda(Wavelength)均影响sigma,即影响Gabor滤波器的覆盖范围,满足:
1当给定wavelength恒为10时,sigma随着bandwidth b的增大而减小,表现为高斯图像的覆盖区域逐渐缩小。
5.2另外lamda(Wavelength) 影响Gabor滤波器中的条纹间隔,满足:
5.3 概念补充:
The half-response of a Gabor filter (Semi -"linear 2D Gabor filter"):
i.e., the response R is obtained by convolution (*) of the input I with a Gabor function g, followed by half-wave rectification (|.|+).